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Funniest uses of the translator.
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From: mewomega | Posted: 1/30/2004 6:02:48 PM | Message Detail
Personally I feel this is the best topic ever.
FFXI Server: Fairy
Name: Mythra | Race: Mithra | Nation: Windurst | Jobs: WHM20 BLM06 MNK05 WAR11 THF08
From: Mad Smapdi | Posted: 1/30/2004 6:04:39 PM | Message Detail
I'm sorry if I misunderstood, I thought you were ridiculing the post due to it's "immature" content, and commenting in a way of "what's this world coming to?". I mentioned globalization because many people think there are more idiots in the world now than before, and other things like that, when they aren't. The number of idiots in the world isn't going up, the number of idiots you come in contact with is going up, and that's where globalization and the internet comes in.

The world is just as stupid, violent, greedy, whatever, as it's always been.

"Envious Nomads love Emerald Nuts"
From: Muramasa112 | Posted: 1/30/2004 6:08:21 PM | Message Detail
Not sure if anyone said this, but:
<Galka> <pentathrust> <mithra> = <magic burst>
FFXI character: ~Muninn~ Mithra, level 23 WHM / 10 BLM
From: Schizophrenic Batman | Posted: 1/30/2004 6:13:56 PM | Message Detail
The best one I've seen was:

<Tarutaru> <Jerkin> <Galka> <Rod> <Magic Burst!> <Ready!>

Oh and btw, it says in the character select screen for Galka, Gender: Male. So, they do have a sex. Blah.
"Fighting proves nothing, losing proves you suck"
"It's never too late to start wasting your life"
From: SeVeN X | Posted: 1/30/2004 6:33:33 PM | Message Detail
actually Galkas reincarnate. Read Stuff.
FFXI - Unicorn - Jowephocks
From: Schizophrenic Batman | Posted: 1/30/2004 6:36:12 PM | Message Detail
Yes, and just because they reincarnate means they can't have a gender. Of course, it all makes sense now...I'll just completely ignore what the GAME itself SAYS on the character selection screen.
"Fighting proves nothing, losing proves you suck"
"It's never too late to start wasting your life"
From: VirtualEden | Posted: 1/30/2004 6:52:52 PM | Message Detail
Yes, and just because they reincarnate means they can't have a gender. Of course, it all makes sense now...I'll just completely ignore what the GAME itself SAYS on the character selection screen.

Yup. That's exactly what it means. They're just presumed to be male, when in fact, they're neither. They're just as well female as they are male
From: Tony Nguyen | Posted: 1/30/2004 6:54:15 PM | Message Detail
"The world is just as stupid, violent, greedy, whatever, as it's always been."

I UNDERSTAND THAT. If the joke bothered you that much, do you want me to delete it? I never said nor acted like I was superior to any of you, in fact that's far from it.
Name: Garrison World: Fairy Race: Elvann
From: AmanoJ | Posted: 1/30/2004 7:01:57 PM | Message Detail

dont be suprised when this topic gets deleted, like the others. im sorry to say, too, i think its funny. :D

Little angel go away, come again some other day.
Devil has my ear today, I'll never hear a word you say.
From: Matjlav623 | Posted: 1/30/2004 7:03:23 PM | Message Detail
(Elvaan) (man) (rod) (Raise)
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