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Funniest uses of the translator.
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From: rey425 | Posted: 1/29/2004 11:32:44 PM | Message Detail
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From: chase710 | Posted: 1/29/2004 11:50:31 PM | Message Detail
I'm copying all of this to my crazy...
Are you thinking what I'm thinking, B1?
I think I am, B2...IT'S DRINKING TIME!!!
From: Sephiroth51087 | Posted: 1/29/2004 11:58:55 PM | Message Detail
Korik | 25 BLM/WHM | Asura |
From: ultros999 | Posted: 1/30/2004 12:00:04 AM | Message Detail
<incredibly tough> <galka> <rod> <inside> <mithra> <meat> <hole>. Done, I win!
FFXI-Xccoortri- Lvl 30WAR/25BRD/10THF/2DRK/10NIN - Ragnarok
From: Erased | Posted: 1/30/2004 12:35:43 AM | Message Detail
IIDX is underrated.
FFXI: Siveus, WAR30, BRD19, THF16, SAM09, WHM08, BLM05|Ragnarok
From: Hyper Knuckles | Posted: 1/30/2004 12:44:40 AM | Message Detail
And now for a non-perverted one:

<Equip> <Black Mage> with <Gun>. <Fire> into <busy> <Auction House>!
Yes, I am the original Hyper Knuckles
GameFAQs users met in real life: LaDeeFreakinDa, Meej
From: Zimfier | Posted: 1/30/2004 12:46:40 AM | Message Detail
<Hume> <Analog Stick> <inside> *name*.
This scrumptious hamburger just makes me melt into a tongue orgasm!
Zimmy the Galkan Bandit at your service! Thf/Dkn, Shiva.
From: DavidVanDam | Posted: 1/30/2004 12:48:56 AM | Message Detail
omg, this is great... more ^^
Now Playing: Final Fantasy XI: Rag server / Derival
Xbox ID: Nike D
From: Cenax Kikia | Posted: 1/30/2004 2:43:05 AM | Message Detail
From: Gevauden | Posted: 1/30/2004 2:51:31 AM | Message Detail
<Please><Insert key><Inside><Taru>Hole>
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