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Character - Ryoko
AoL - Getter Kitty One
Race - Human
Alliance - Good
Status - Alive -
PL - 100,000
HP - 100,000
Special Abilities -fly,asorb
Abilities - Human Attacks (500 DMG) - Ki Beam (600hp - 1 charge) - Ki Bang (80hp - 1 charge)
Finisher - Big Bang Attack(1000hp- 4 Charges)
Money - $10,000
Items -z sword,brass knucles
Job - Planet Protector
Location - Planet Earth
Team - Team Anime ~Leader #2~
Win(s)/Lose(s)- 0/0 (spars)0/0
Description - Ryoko comes from Tenchi.She is real nieve and one of the 8 girls fighting over Tenchi's love.She later goes back from where she came from
Hair - Sky Blue
Eyes - Yellow
Aura - Magenta
Song - KoRn- "Freak On A Leash"