Final Fantasy 7 hints, tips and cheats

Cheats, Tips and Hints for Final Fantasy 7

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Here are the cheats and hints I have collected so far! If you have a different one, please submit it here! Also, if a cheat doesn't work, e-mail me ( and I'll take it off the page.


Get to the 'Quadra Magic' cave without a chocobo!
To reach the quadra magic cave without using a chocobo of any kind, first you need to get into highwind and find the quadra magic cave. Then, follow the land back to a little cliff. When you are hovering over this cliff, press x, L1 and sqaure all at the same time. You may have to do this a few times to get the hang of it but in the end, highwind will be on top of the cliff and Cloud will be at the bottom of it.

Recieve unlimited GP in the Gold Saucer!
When you enter gold saucer, you can see a line of windows at the back of the screen, past the save point. Go in and out of the 'Welcome' door until a man appears there. Talk to him: he'll trade 100gil for 1GP, up to a maximum of 100GP. Although 100 isn't much, you can keep doing this as many times as you like until you have the desired amount.

Also, if you have a controller with turbo fire, you can set it onto button O, then use a rubber band to keep your joystick to the upper left hand. Set it so that Cloud continually runs into the wrestling game in the wonder square (he will win every time). Then, simply leave it overnight, and when you wake up you will have loads of GP!

Beat Chocobo master, Jo!
Beating Jo is easy. When you race, make sure you are on 'manual' command, rather than letting your chocobo do it for themselves. Right from the start, sprint until about 1/10 of your stamina is left. Then hold down L1, L2, R1 and R2 (as mentioned above), not sprinting, until 2/10 of your stamina is left. Then sprint until 1/10 is left, and carry on like that. This really does work! It helps if you only concentrate on the stamina bar, and ignore any other chocobos that are on screen: for example, if Jo was behind you, then came ahead, ignore it and just concentrate on carrying out the cheat. This seems to work well!

Get 'Chocobuckle' Enemy Skill!
For this, you will need the enemy skill 'L4 Souicide', 2 Mimett greens and the 'sense' materia. Find a chocobo (the ones outside the farm are normally about the right level) and feed it a mimett green. Then use 'sense' on it. If it is level 16, give it another mimett green, then cast L4 souicide on it and it will counter with chocobuckle on the person who cast L4 souicide. If it's not level 16, then escape the battle, buy more greens and try again. In fact, the chocobo doesn't have to be level 16, as long as it's level is a multiple of 4.

Get 99 items!
To get 99 items, you need to get the 'W-Item' materia from the ShinRa sewers (see 'materia' or 'walkthrough' section) during the raid on disc 2. Equip it straight away. Go into battle and choose the w-item option. Press o for the item you'd like to duplicate, then o again. Now press o for a different item, then x. Each time you press o then x, the number of the item you chose first will increase by one, and you can continue until you have 99 of this item.


Easy Chocobo wins!
To win easily at the chocobo races, hold down L1, L2, R1 and R2. This helps you to go faster and, when you're not sprinting and using up your stamina, it will slowly refill the stamina bar.

Easy 'Lucky Sevens' for Barret!
Barret is the easiest to get to gain 'Lucky Seven' status: where the HP bar is at 7777 and the character constantly hits 7777 damage. First, get Barret to level 70 and give him the Missing Score and the Wizard Bracelet. Next, equip 5 HP Plus's (each at level 1), Phoenix Summon (level 2), Time (level 2), Barrier (level 3), Full Cure (level 2) and Destruct (level 3). Barret should now have an HP of 7777.

Getting 'Lucky Seven' for any character!
For this, one character has to have 'stop' (Time materia) attached to 'all' equipped and one has to have 'mini' (Transform materia) equipped. Go into a battle and cast 'stop' on all of the opponents. Then cast 'mini' on both allies of the character you want to get lucky sevens. Get them to attack your character until their HP is under 7777 but ends in 77. Escape the battle, then use potions and hi-potions to heal the character up to 7777 HP.

Easy fight with Bizzaro Sephiroth!
This is easy: as long as your Knights of the Round materia is mastered, it will be powerful enough to kill him in one hit!

Easy fight with Saviour Sephiroth!
This is also easy: hit him with the mastered Knights of the Round, as above, then, as long as your mime materia is mastered, mime it. This should kill him! If it doesn't, mime again for certain victory!


Jessie and Cloud, sitting in a tree...
As you progress through the game, it becomes obvious that Jessie fancies Cloud, but there is a way you can tell almost from the start. When you're on the train from Reactor #1, you talk to Jessie and she shows you the information on the screen. If you talk to her again, before talking to Barret, she says this: "After talking to you, I really wanna do it! I think you've lit my fuse!" Hey-hey...

Tifa the Martyr
If you're really nasty to Tifa thoughout the whole game, she'll push Aeris outta the way when the time comes and let Sephiroth kill her instead! (I'm not sure if this works...)

Aeris the Hooker!
If you name give Aeris the name 'Easy', she'll do a hooker speech! (I'm not sure if this one works either but I'm in the process of testing...)

Tifa's Underwear Problem
When you're in 'Cloud's Past', you can go into to Tifa's house. Enter the bedroom, go up to the closet (opposite the door) and press O. You will recieve 'Orthopeadic Underwear'! Tifa will be angry, and you can chose whether you were kidding or not! (I promise this one works!)