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| Beil Tan Army List | Saim-Hann Army List | Eldar FAQ | Feedback | Battle Report Index | Image Gallery | Eldar Tactics |

Welcome to the Eldar Portal. Here you can access information such as army lists for my Saim-Hann and my friend's Beil-Tan armies. You can also get some tactics for your Eldar army and look at our quarterly battle reports. There is also an FAQ to help you to know every rule there is about Eldar. If you need help devising a battle plan against those pesky Orks or Space Marines, drop us an e-mail at:
This site was put together by me, Craig Watson. I have designed this site using HTML (the 'language' of the web) and my trusty digital camera. You can browse through the photos on our site using our image gallery. Some of the pictures I have taken have been altered.

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This site has been designed in HTML by Craig Watson & Andrew McFee and is ©2001 Craig Watson.

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