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I've gather some questions that get asked on the gamefaqs board all the time. I'll answer a lot of the tough questions and also some of the weirder questions I've seen.

Gameplay Gameplay Questions For Fire Emblem Blazing Sword aka first US Fire Emblem

Q: How about a list of who joins and how to get them to join?

NOTE!!! The chapter numbers are probably incorrect for Hector route since he has a few extra chapters not in Eliwood's route. Just check the character section if you don't know what he or she looks like.

Ch 1 : Sain, Kent (auto)
Ch 3 : Florina (auto), Wil (Lyn)
Ch 4 : Dorcas (Lyn)
Ch 5 : Serra, Erk (auto)
Ch 6 : Matthew (village) Rath (auto)
Ch 7 : Nils, Lucius (auto)
Ch 9 : Wallace (auto)
Ch 11 : Eliwood, Marcus, Lowen (auto)
Ch 12 : Hector, Oswin (auto)
Ch 13 : Guy (Matthew)
Ch 14 : Priscilla (village), Erk (Serra)
Ch 16 : Raven (Priscilla)
Ch 16 : Lucius (Raven)
Ch 16 Gaiden : Canas (village)
Ch 18 : Depending on 16 Gaiden happening or not (I think) Dart (Auto)
Ch 18 : Fiora (Florina)
Ch 19 : Legault (Either Eliwood or Hector depending on route)
Ch 21 : Rath. (Lyn)
Ch 20 : Ninian (auto) (chapter number not typo)
Ch 21 : Isadora (auto)
Ch 21 : Heath (Either Eliwood or Hector depending on route)
Ch 22 : Hawkeye. (Either Eliwood or Hector depending on route)
Ch 23A : Wallace (Lyn or any of her old cronies can talk to Wallace)
Ch 23B : Geits (Dart)
Ch 24 : Farina (She appears in Hector route only. She join after she flies towards Hector. Nobody can talk with her, she'll talk to Hector automatically. You must have 20,000G or else she won't join.)
Ch 24 : Pent (Auto)
Ch 24 : Louise (Auto)
Ch 24 : Vaida(Don't attack her, she'll come back in chapter 27)
Ch 25A : Karol is by turn 9 there are less than 19 enemies Harken is there's 19 or more.
Ch 25B : Karol if by turn 9 there are 4(or was it 5) doors opened by turn 9. If not then Harken appears. Talk to Harken with either lords and Karol with Lyn.
Ch 26 : Nino. (Either Eliwood or Hector depending on route)
Ch 26 Gaiden : Jaffar. If he lives and MAKE SURE NINO TALKED TO HIM IN Chapter 26.
Ch 27 : Vaida. (Either Eliwood or Hector depending on route.)
Ch 29G: Karla (Appears in Hector route only. Bartre must be class change and on level 5. Send him to talk to Karla and they'll fight. If both survive then Karla joins.)
Ch 30 : Nils (auto)
Ch 30 : Renault (village)
Ch 31 : Athos (auto)

Q: How do I get all the Gaiden Chapters?

A: Gaiden Chapters: 7G : Finish 7 in 15 turns. 13G : Visit that village on the upper part of the map. 16G: One of those NPC guards survived to safety. 18G : Complete 18 in 15 turns. 19GG: HECTOR ROUTE ONLY, you must have leveled Nils up to level 7 or higher in the tutorial first. Then in 19G kill the Silencer enemy to got to the ultra secret chapter 19 Gaiden Gaiden. Thanks to gamersara for the info on how to get this ultra secret chapter. 22G : Get Hawkeye. 26G : Get Nino, and have her talk to Jaffar, who'll remain neutral until the chapter ends. 29G : One of those NPC guards has to survive. 32G : HECTOR ROUTE ONLY, beat this chapter in under 20 turns.

Q: How do I class change my characters?

A: You'll need to be at at least level 10, then you'll need one of the class change item shown below.

For sisters, mages, troubadours, and shamans you need a Guidance Ring.

For pegasus knights and wyvern riders you need a Sky Whip.

For archers and nomads you need a Orion's Arrow.

For cavaliers and knights you need a Knight's Medal.

For mercenaries, myrmidon, and fighters you need a Hero's Proof.

For pirates you need a Conqueror's Proof.

For thieves you need a Dark Contract.

For lords you need a Sky Emblem

The Earth Emblem allows you to class change everyone except for lords, thieves, and pirates.

Q: Can I skip the tutorial?

A: Yes only if you've beaten the game once or linked up with Fire Emblem Sword Of Seals

Q: How do I play Hector's Route?

A: You must beat the game once in order to play as Hector.

Q: How do I get the different routes?

A: First there's the main character route which depends on who you choose to play as. See the one above about Hector route. Second there are a few chapters that depend on a few factors and here they are. Chapter 23A: All 3 Lords combined levels are over 50. Chapter 23B: All 3 Lords combined levels are under 50. Chapter 25A: If Erk and Serra's combined levels are higher than Dorcas and Bartre combined. Chapter 25B: If Dorcas and Bartre's combined levels are higher than Serra and Erk combined. I'm not sure if the A and B routes are listed correctly but the strategy on how to get the different routes are correct. Once again the chapter numbers are based on Eliwood. They're a little different for Hector route but getting them is the same.

Q: How do I bring someone back to life?

A: You can't bring anyone back to life. If you got anyone killed during the tutorial though, they will come back once you play Eliwood or Hector's route. Marinus also can't die. He'll come back automatically every chapter but he'll loose everything in storage if his HP reach 0.

Q: Is Roy in this game?

A: Yes... sorta. Go to the link option and you'll see a picture of Roy. Roy is also mentioned in Eliwood's ending if Eliwood hooks up with one of the girls.

Q: Is Marth in this game?

A: Please go away!

Q: Is it just me, or does Eliwood look like Roy?

A: That's because Eliwood is Roy's father.

Q: Do I get anythting special if I link up with Sword Of Seals?

A: Yes, you get some extra special CG scenes plus some extra music.

Q: How many CG scenes are there in total?

A: There are over 60 CGs to collect. What is the exact number? I have no clue since there are a few CG scene that require GC hookup. The number 60 includes all the CG scenes you can in the game itself along with hooking up with Fire Emblem Sword Of Seals.

Gameplay Questions For Fire Emblem Sword Of Seals

Q: Do you have a complete list what chapters you get all the characters on?

A: Chapter. Name (class)
1. Roy (lord)
1. Marcus (paladin)
1. Alen (s knight)
1. Lance (s knight)
1. Wolt (archer)
1. Bors (armor)
2. Merlinus (transport unit)
2. Elen (priest)
2. Dieck (merc) - shows up turn 2
2. Wade (fighter) - shows up turn 2
2. Lot (fighter) - shows up turn 2
2. Thany (pegasus knight) - shows up turn 2
3. Chad (thief)
3. Lugh (mage) - have Chad go to house on top
4. Clarine (troubadour) - shows up turn 4 as NPC. Recruit with Roy
4. Rutger (myrmidon) - shows up turn 6 as enemy. Recruit with Clarine
6. Saul (priest)
6. Dorothy (archer)
6. Sue (nomad) - talk with Roy
7. Zealot (paladin) - turn 2 NPC, talk with Roy/Treck/Noah
7. Treck (s knight) - turn 2 NPC, talk with Roy/Zealot/Noah
7. Noah (s knight) - turn 3 NPC, talk with Roy/Zealot/Treck
8. Astohl (theif)
8. Lilina (mage)
8. Wendy (armor) - turn 6
8. Barth (armor) - turn 6
8. Oujay (merc) - turn 6
9. Fir (myrmidon) - talk with Noah
9. Shin (nomad) - talk with Sue
10A/10B - Gonzales (bandit) - talk with Lilina
10A/11B - Geese (pirate) - talk with Roy
10B/11A - Klein (sniper) - talk with Roy or Clarine
10B/11A - Tate (pegasus knight) - talk with Klein
11A - Ralam (dancer)
11A - Echidna (hero) - turn 8, talk with Ralam
11B - Elfin (bard)
11B - Bartre (warrior) - turn 9, talk with Roy or Fil
12 - Rei (shaman) - talk with Chad or Lugh
12/16 - Cass (thief) - talk to Cass 3 times with Roy in 3 chapters prior
13 - Miredy (dragon knight) - turn 3
13/15 - Percival (paladin) - talk with Ralam or Elfin
14 - Cecilia (valkryie)
14 - Sofia (shaman)
15 - Igrene (sniper)
15 - Garett (beserker) - talk to Lilina
16 - Fa (mamkute)
16 - Hugh (mage) - 10,000 gold or 5000 from Roy
16 - Zeis (dragon knight) - talk with Miredy
16G - Douglas (general) - beat chapter 16 without killing him
19B/20A - Niime (?)
20A - Dayan (nomadic trooper) - talk with Sue or Shin
20B - Yuuno (falcon knight) - talk with Thany, Tate, or Zealot
21 - Yoder (bishop)
23 - Karol (sword master) - talk with Fir

Q: How do I class change my characters?

A: You'll need to be at at least level 10, then you'll need one of the class change item shown below.

For sisters, mages, troubadours, and shamans you need a Guidance Ring.

For pegasus knights and wyvern riders you need a Sky Whip.

For archers and nomads you need a Orion's Arrow.

For cavalier and knights you need a Knight's Medal.

For mercenaries, myrmidon, bandits, pirates, and fighters you need a Hero's Proof.

Q: How do you class change Roy?

A: Roy class changes automatically after chapter 21 so you don't need to worry about it.

Q: How do I get all the Legendary Weapons?

A: You must access all the gaiden chapters. Once you beat a gaiden chapter, you automatically get a weapon. See the question below for more information.

Q: How do I get all the gaiden chapters?

A: Chapter 8G: Keep Lilina alive and unlock her room in chapter 8. treasure in 8G: Durandal
Chapter 12G: Clear chapter 20 in 20 turns. You get Almace.
Chapter 14G: Clear chapter 14 in 25 turns and Sofia is still alive. You get Forblaze
Chapter 16G: Keep Douglas alive in 16. You get Aerial.
Chapter 20G: Beat chapter 20 in 25 turns and keep Dayan/Yuuno alive. You get Multe.
Chapter 21G: Beat chapter 21 in 30 turns.

Q: I completed the chapters with all the reqirements but I still can't get them, what gives!?!?

A: You know that is weird. I don't really know the answer to this one but it seems some people have trouble with 12G and 20G. If your pegasus/falcon knights' levels are higher, u got to route 20G A; if your nomad/nomadic troopers' levels are higher, u go to route 20G B....what ever is the cause, bring the corrosponding units to the battle just to make sure. (thanks whoever gave me/us this, but u forgot to leave ur name)

Q: Why does my game end after chapter 22? Aren't there 23 chapters?

A: You didn't get all the Legendary Weapons. You must also keep Fa alive and I think her Dragon Stone still intact as well. You must get them all in order to get the last 3 chapters and see the real ending.

Q: What do those round orb things do?

A: All you can do is sell them for cash. Someone once suggested that they might help you get better stats when you level up, but I've tried many times and don't notice a difference.

Q: How do you level up Marinus?

A: Marinus can't fight, all he can do is help you store or take out items. While he can't attack, you can let someone attack him and PRAY that he dodges and gains 1 exp... THE HELL! You don't need to level him up. I don't even use him. Go cheat and give him tons of stats up items if you want.

Q: How do I do the Triangle Attack?

A: First you need to bring 3 people with you, and not just any 3. It must be either a team of Bors, Wendy, and Barth. Or Thany, Tate, and Yunno. Once you have either one of those teams you must surround the enemy in a delta formation. One on the top, one on the left and one on the right of the enemy. Position the first 2 and once you get the last person in place and attack, he/she will do the Triangle Attack. It doesn't matter what the order or position as long as you surround the enemy in a delta formation.

Q: AHHHHH how come I keep losing my weapons?

A: You keep losing them because the weapon break after a certain amount of uses. Just check the numbers next to your weapons and see how many times you can use them. If you lose them, just go buy new ones.

Q: HELP!!! I'm stuck on Chapter _____ and I need help!

A: Wait for my walkthru.

Q: How do I open the door in Chapter 22?

A: You see the 2 tiles on the top left and top right hand corner of the room? You need to send someone to stand on both of those tiles, then move Roy next to the door. The door won't open if Roy is already standing right next to it, just move Roy to the door again and it'll open.

Q: How do I bring people back from the dead?

A: You can't bring anyone back to life. Once they're dead then they're dead. WITH THE EXCEPTION OF MARINUS. Somehow only his cart gets destroyed and he returns in the next mission. ?? can anyone confirm this???

Misc Questions

Q: Why are you using the same background as the one in Sigurd's Pants?

A: That's all part of my evil genius plan. I'm not afraid to reveal it to you either. You see, my favorite Fire Emblem happens to be Genealogy Of The Holy War, but in the US Seal Sword will get more attention since people know Roy from SSBM. When people find my site, they'll see the background and hopefully spark their interest in Genealogy as well. That way, I can brainwash more children into playing the game. That and I haven't found a suitable background for it. Heck by the time you're reading this, I might have already found another background. NOW GO AWAY STUpid!

Q: Is Marth in this game?

A: No, go play the original Fire Emblem on NES or the remake on SNES which actually INCLUDS the sequal on the same cart.

Q: Is Marth and Roy related?

A: No.

Q: Is Marth a girl?

A: No!!!!

Q: But he's wearing a tiara...

A: Marth's wearing a tiara that his sister gave him before she was captured. He wears that in memory of her and the hope that one day she'll be able to save her.

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