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Mod now up for download at the Mod Database!

Thanks to Shawn D. Bird for making this new site for me!

A Half life 2 DM mod:
battle it out online with a selection of completly new weapons.

Weapons currently working ingame:

The Assualt Rifle:

A high powered rifle, which has high accuracy but
trades it off for fire rate.

The briefcase:

Stolen off a dimension traveling agent, The
briefcase bestows points on any who carry it.

The Cluster Grenade:

A high explosive device which acts like a normal
grenade until it explodes and three more charges go
flying out, exploding moments later.

The Gattling Cannon:

The Assualt Rifles opposite, the Gattling has a
high rate of fire but poor accuracy.

The Gravity Grenade:

An extremly powerful weapon if use correctly. When
a player enters it's area of effect there body is
hit by G forces up to 20 times that of earth.
In laymans terms this freezes them inplace, unable to move or fire.

The Katana:

A Sharp Sword.


This high explosive weapon makes you explode, hopefully taking others with you.

Laser Mines:

Laser Mines use a combination of lasers and motion
dectors to find nearby players and explode when one gets too close.

The Pigeon:

A classic weapon. These pigeons will attack any nearby player (including the user).

The Plasma Cannon:

A high powered plasma emitter, this can rip the enemys to shreds.

The Rail Gun:

The most powerful weapon in this mod, it fires explosive charges at extremly high speeds.

The Saber:

The cousin of the katana, this sword allows a "Lunge" forward, striking an enemy.

The Shock Rifle:

The Snipers favorite, this weapon can vaporise player instantly.
But be warying this weapon awards points on the distance from the enemy at the point of kill.

The Toothpick:

This is a small piece of wood, used to clean between teeth.

The Zero Point Field Emitter:

Useing similar technolgy as the grav gun, this allows the user to propel themselves through the air and to also hover in a single place.