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My Animals!

Here are my doggies... Sadley, Raja and Bonnie had to be put down. Both were very old, and they both had numerous problems that plague old dogs... they died at the ripe old age of 16 years old. They will be greatly missed. Timber and Trouble are both quite sad, but I have brought home a new puppy, Muffin, who will never take thier places, but will hopefully help to keep spirits up during our sad time. Here are the cats... MORE:


Here is the new pup, Muffin. She is an absolutly adorable yellow Lab pup, and she is a 7 year old. I really adore her, she is a sweet little thing. She has been loafing around the barn, and learning the ways of the horses and barn routine, and she learned quite quickly that Morris does NOT like his tail chased, thank you very much. She is carefully nursing her slightly scratched nose from this experiance! Poor Pup... She'll get along just fine here!


Timber is 15 years old, and is the pup that I kept from Raja and Trouble. He is a really great agility dog, and loves to chase the cows with Sierra. She is like his second mother! It is funny how he is so attatched to a horse... he's getting on now, though, and lies around more than anything, usually in the retired pastures with Sierra.