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View Credits  Complete the game once.


Level Select (Jump to mode)  Complete the game twice on the same saved game file.


Invincibility  Complete the game three times choosing a different colored rune on the Roman stage ( 1st stage) on the same saved game file.  


Skeleton Screen  Choose "Options" in the main menu screen.  


Defeat the Guardian   Stay back and wait until his magical attack materialize.  Then run to the left and right to avoid the attacks as they are launched towards you.  After the last attack, run towards the Guardian, when you see him glowing use a Level 1 magical attack.  You should see the guardian react to the magical attack if you did this right, repeat it three times.  After that the stage will get smaller and the Guardian will summon zombies instead of magical attacks.  The best way to deal with this is to wait until the zombies are summoned and right when your Sanity meter starts to drop do a Level 3 magical attack. If done right the attack should hit the zombies and the Guardian.  Otherwise repeat the first method. Be aware that the Guardian is only vulnerable when he is glowing.  Repeat three times.  After this the game will change once again.  You will have to run around the Guardian in circles to avoid his attacks.  When he stops to recharge and starts glowing use a Level 1 magical attack. Repeat three times. 

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