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Disc 3 Walkthrough

Now Squall will be back lying on his bed in the Dormitory.Head over and look at the injured Rinoa and then Quistis will inform Squall to head for Edea's house which is the building with lighthouse. You can now get to the World Map through the Central Gate or through the controls. Either way will result you, forming a new party however you can't have Rinoa in your party at this moment of time.Now enter the house on the island. Now you will head up to the building and you will find the rest of your party members outside house. The house seems have been damaged and been abandoned for a long time. Now head up and enter the house.You will find an item on the ground [it's the Timber Magazine]. Next enter the room located at the north and draw some magic from the magic stone. Now head back and enter the right side which will causes you to meet Cid. Now head right and you will meet Edea along with her husband.... Here is some great news. You can win Edea's Card along with Seifer's Card by winning a Card game from Cid and Edea. Edea will tell you about Ultamesia.Just simply talk to Edea about 4 times and then attempt to exit and you will be called back by Edea and your party. Next you will be back to the Controls of Balamb Garden, 3rd Floor.After regaining control of Squall, have two persons in mind and have G.Fs equipped especially the Shiva. Next head for the infirmary where Rinoa is.Hit the X button.And you’ll have a Laguna scenerio.Before that you will have a party change like who is representing who in the past. Squall, of course is going to represent Laguna and have two other characters represent as Kiros and Ward. Now Laguna, along with his buddies, Kiros and Ward are doing their prepartions for a play. Ward and Kiros are asked to dress as the evil Dragon....Now Laguna will enter the stage dressed as the shining Knight armed with a sword. Now Lagunas head forward towards the princess and the director after some conversation, a gigantic red dragon appears and heads down the slopes. Laguna think that the dragon is Kiros and Ward in disguise, but he is mistaken, it is a real Ruby Dragon! Now you have another sub-game, a sword fighting game! Similar to the last sub game you had at Balamb Garden, you will be forced to take some damage. Laguna is not fighting the Dragon with his machine gun but a knight sword. This sub-game is pretty simple. Just simply return fire after the Dragon has attacked. As the Dragon attacks Laguna, hold Square and Laguna will defend thus recieving no damage. It's just a piece of cake! Well if you are defeated, choose the 1st option to resume the game. After you’ve completed the mini-game, Laguna will head down but he is blocked by another Ruby Dragon! Luckily, Kiros and Ward came to his rescue, then you will have two options. The first one will FIGHT the dragon instantly, but note that neither Kiros and Ward were equipped with G.Fs, so take note. Choose 2nd option which will result Laguna and his party to run.You’ll need to head left. In the first screen, you will find a Save Point, so head up and until you reach the top of the cliff. Now head back down, note that you will encounter random battles and fight the Ruby Dragon.Ruby Dragon:hp:18,468 weak:Ice&Holy.Use your newly acquired Alexander G.F. since he has a holy based attack.Shiva too.If you think this Ruby Dragon is hard just wait till later.Beat at him with Shiva and Alexander(NO IFRIT!!) and use shell because a Ruby Dragon has devastating attacks!After defeating the Dragon, Laguna and his pals will be watching over the evening sun, then the screen will fade... Next you will be back with Laguna talking to Edea. Next you will be back to Squall and his party. Now heal your characters to full health and you need to head for the SeeD ship which Ellone is on board. SAVE Your game.After completing Laguna's Scenario. Head to Edea's house. She will tell you about the location of the White SeeD ship. Then she will give you a letter. Next head northeast a bit and you will be able to locate the ship, somewhere in Centra Region. You will find the ship docked at C-shaped Island, in the middle of islands. Make contact with the ship and your characters will be boarding onto the ship.As you enter the ship, you will meet 3 White SeeD cadets. At the front of the ship, you will find a female SeeD and 2 kids. There is nothing. Head for the back cabin. There you will meet two familiar faces, that's Zone and Watts. The stairs will lead to controls of the ship. Next head for the cabin, the bottom most stairs. You will find a SeeD cadet and followed by a sequence. There is a Magic Stone here in this area. Next talk to the guy and note the sad music in the background. Now you will have a sequence about Ellone jumping off the front of the ship. Next you will be back at the Controls of Balamb Garden. Remember to grab the last copy of the Timber Magazine on the White SeeD ship! The use of them are described in Part II.Head for the Dormitory and save your game. Next head for the Infirmary where you will find Rinoa. Now you will have another sequence that's Squall taking Rinoa to Fishermen's Horizon . Head right and the screen will fade. Now Squall will be carrying Rinoa on his back, walking through that quiet and peaceful street. The moment he stopped and he will enjoy the scenery of the evening sun. Once you regained control of Squall, examine Rinoa and you will have Squall carrying Rinoa forward again. You will meet Quistis and Zell at the train station. Next guess who is coming.. it's Edea! Irvine and Selphie will come towards you next you need to head for a place. Then you will have to reform your party with Edea is in your party. Now you will be back at the World Map on the south-eastern continent of the map. SAVE your game.Now head for the snowfield which is on the right. Then you will be asked to set a new party with Edea[you don’t have to have her].Next head up through that snowfield, with Squall carrying Rinoa. Now you should be at the screen with that dinosaur skeleton. Instead of walking forward, climb up the skeleton on the right. Just simply walk up, no need to press Circle. Next you will be at the screen with the dinosaur's bone forming as a bridge. Examine the south area for hidden Magic Stone. Next head up the "bridge". Next you will be at the edge of the cliff and there is another Magic Stone. Next go to the edge and press Circle to jump down. Now the rest will follow, head up to the next area. You will be on the ledge. Make a right turn. There is a Save Point in the area. Head left twice and you will see a gigantic monster jumping from below, it's a boss fight.Avadon:hp:16,010 weak:Holy&Fire.I recommend using Carbuncle because this guy uses Confuse a whole lot.Since it’s an undead monster you can probably use Leviathan’s ‘Recovery’ ability on him 2x and it’ll probably kill him.If you don’t want to use that method attack him when he’s crouched but don’t when he’s standing ‘cause he has a good defense then.After the boss fight, head right and you will hear something sound associated with electricity. Just face north and examine it. Then it will releases a electric force field. Then it will release a hidden ladder, next press Up and you will be in a new area. Now head northeast, don't worry there is no random battles here. Next examine the panel on the left, pick the first option and you can have some fun with the screen on the left. Take the northeast path and enter the door. Next you will enter the elevator. Talk to your members. Then head up and the elevator will shake. Now Squall will put down Rinoa on the ground and there is a short conversation with your party. Next a hexagon door will reveal in the north. Enter it and you will have an FMV.Then you will see Squall and his party start to collapse and you will be shown the screen to see whom is replacing whom in Laguna's Scenario.Now the screen will switch to Laguna and his pals at the research center. Next you will find Kiros and Ward moving away from the spot. Now talk to the miner on the bottom right hand corner. Next talk to the miner at the entrance of the cabin which Kiros and Ward has entered. Next talk to the Moomba and talk to man at the panel. Return and talk to Moomba again and have a sequence. Next Laguna has to fight a miner by himself, one on one. Next you will have an FMV of the elevator coming down. Laguna will try to block off the miner's way thus letting Moomba and the man to enter the elevator. Next Kiros and Ward will come here, followed by another miner. Now you will be given two options.You will fight more enemies. Now head for elevator and you will find two research assistants. Head up the stairs on the right QUIETLY (Laguna and his party does not want to be discovered!) Next you will meet the man and the Moomba. Next, one of the assistants will come up. Now draw some magic from the Magic Stone and save your game. Now return to the building. There, you can get the last version of the Weapon Upgrading Manual at the south- left corner. Next head back to the elevator. Approach Professor Odin and you will have another battle against those guys. After defeating them, follow him to the elevator and head right. Now you find a pretty cool car, next Laguna and friends will enter the car. Now your aim is to save Ellone. You will now be at the research center where Ellone is being held captive. Walk up and you have to fight more miners or Esthar Soldiers. Defeat them and draw some magic from the magic stone on the top right hand corner. Now head check the seat on the middle, it's actually a portable elevator, pick the first option and you will reach the second floor. Now examine the left side of the door and you will find another Magic Stone. Now enter the door and fight two more Esthar Soldiers. After defeating them examine the huge blue screen in front. Now you will find young Ellone there. Next examine those panels on the right under a message box appears on the top. Now the door should be able to open, head up the door and you will find Ellone, following by an event.... Now it will be back to Squall and his teamates, the rest will be there too. Now you will have another short event. Guess who is coming, it's Odine, the professor and he will invited Squall and his party into a. Talking during the journey to the huge city. At the high-polished building, you will have a sequence. Talk to everyone and head south, next you will be asked to head for the Luna's Gate. Now exit the building and turn right. Board the elevator and you will have an FMV of elevator going down, exit from this area.The left path leads to the door where you find soldiers guarding it.Head right and board the elevator and followed by an FMV of the elevator moving into the city.Well hopefully you should have no problem.You might want to do some shopping considering you can get the rest of the Pet Pal Vol.s with the rest of Angelo’s abilities.So head to the Shopping Center.Just simply choose the shop and pick them to shop by pressing the x button. Visit all shops and you will get a bonus item. Well, you will be quite surprise to find the name Cloud in the Shopping Directory. Anyway Cloud is not a usable character in FF8 as we know..... Now head for Tear's Point, which is located at the southeast of the World Map from the city. Make sure you have accquired the ‘Mug’ ability from the Diablos. If not try to gain some levels. SAVE your game. By the way, it is safer to drive a car!You have a chance to get a G.F. at this moment.Well not really, you need items to get this G.F. and one of them is Solomon’s Ring, which is located in Tear’s Point.Once at Tears' Point, examine the Magic Stone along the path and keep walking up. You should reach a statue. In front of the statue, examine the Magic Stone and pick up Solomon’s Ring.The G.F. you’re trying to get is Doomtrain. You need 3 other items to acquire him:6 Remedy+,6 Steel Pipes, and 6 Marlboro Tentacles.You should probably save the tentacles for last, more on that later. Next head for Lunar Gate, it's north from Tear's point. The most distinguise feature is the platform for blasting off rockets. Now head there and enter it. Next enter the building. At the building, follow the lady, you meet Angelo. Next Squall will confront Angelo, next enter the place where you found the space capsule. Now you will find that the rest of your party will be gathered at the place. During the conversation and pick the 1st option. Now when Squall talk to the assistant, pick the second option. Now pick any option choose the person whom is going to outer space.. Zell and Edea can't go along with Squall and Rinoa. Next enter the capsule, after the selected third party member enters. Now the screen will switch to the people at that controls, and you will have an FMV of the capsule blasting into mid-air...Now the screen switches back to Zell and the rest. You will be controlling Zell and exit through the door with the green orb. Next you need to head back to the Esthar Captial. This followed by another FMV of the Lunatic Pandora approaching the city..Head back to the captial and head left twice, crossing the street with the red pipe that's has been written "LEFT SIDE" and "RIGHT SIDE". Next head down when you come to the elevator junction. Draw some magic from the magic stone and head for the Research center. Talk to the guy at the entrance, picking 1st option and enter the building. Now you should be familiar as you are back to the place where Laguna has come to during the 5th Scenario. Next board the elevator and enter the controls room where you find Odine. Now talk to Odine and he will brief you about the Pandora...The spots are where the place where you will find the Lunatic Pandora. So head back to the city. Now you need to head for Attack Spot No.1. You will find a time-bar which will tell you the time. So head right until you reach the central gate. Next take the path heading north from here, OBSERVE carefully. Now head up and draw Magic from the Magic Stone located on the platform. Next head left. Press Square and you will find the picture of clip under the time bar. Now wait there until the time hits 15:00. NOTE: You will encounter random battles at the city, so if you don’t want to fight them set Diablos’ ‘No Encounter’ ability. As soon you found the Lunatic Pandora, you fight some Galbadian Soldiers, kick them out of your way. Now Zell and his party will enter the Pandora. Now draw magic from the magic stone on the right. Next head up and you find another magic stone near the elevators. There are couple of Magic Stones found here. Board the 02 elevator. Now head down and turn left once you reach the junction and proceed until you found that you are on the other side of the walkway. Once exit from that area, keep on heading down until you reach the 03 elevator.There is a ledge located at southeast and climb down the ladder and you will find a Magic Stone. Climb and board 03 elevator. Once reach the ground floor, entered 01 elevator. Now head left and you will find a Magic Stone on the lower left corner. Head up and until you find a huge robotic monster and approache it. You will be thrown off from the Pandora and this followed by an FMV.Action to Squall.Squall and his party will be released from their capsule. The screen is being tilted by the way. Now talk to the space crew and examine Rinoa whom is behind the guard near the southleft corner. Then Squall will carry Rinoa on his back. Now followed everyone to the infirmary on left of the walkway, Enter the room and you will see Squall place Rinoa inside an oxygen chamber. The guard is a card player by the way, exit and followed the man dressed in white, Piet. Now you should be on the junction where you found the stairs. Head up and enter the controls room. Now check the monitor on the right of mains. Next you will have an FMV about the rocks on the planet. Now talk to Piet and leave the room. Now head back to the area where you found the stairs. Head up and you should be at a tunnel. Talk to the girl and you will have a sequence. [there is an FMV of several astronauts on a wall for a huge gigantic monster? There is a pathway that leads to the Astronaut's Locker Room and it is in the northeast direction of the tunnel. Now walk down the tunnel. You will find Ellone in the next area. There is a hidden Magic Stone in this area. Next talk to Ellone. Now Ellone will follow Squall after the conversation. Time to check on Rinoa. [Don’t forget Laguna's Card which can be obtained from Elone through the Card Game!].Next as you were in the tunnel, and the screen will switches to Rinoa whom is starting to move. And a warning signal is sent to the controls, could it be the machine failure? Next your other party member will leave along with Ellone. Now head for the Infirmary. As you was at the walkway outside the Infirmary, you will find the guard being knocked out by a ghostly Rinoa. Press X at Rinoa and Squall will be thrown away from her. Head for the controls room, where she is heading to. Now at the control room, bump her and she will leave. Check the monitor on the right and you will be shown the picture of the rocks. Next you will have an FMV of a spaceship approaching the planet. Leave the control and head upstairs and you will have a FMV.Enter the Astronaut's Locker room and you will find Rinoa dressed in an astronaut suit head for the airlock. Now you need to get an astronaut suit, examine the cabin and Squall will change into an astronaut outfit. Head for the air lock, through the door on the left in the locker room. You can't get Rinoa back to the place... Now head back to the control room and you will have an event of Rinoa breaking the circuits of that trapped monster... Now the ship has trouble as it is heading near the cursed planet. Now talk to everyone and they will head for the escape pod. Talk to Ellone and head right from the controls. Talk Ellone whom is on the elevator and you will find a Save Point there. Head right and talk to Elone. Next examine the unoccupied pod and you will view an FMV.Next Elone will come out and has a flashback... Rinoa is on a Galbadian Truck with Irvine, a very funny sequence and followed by the talk with Zell at Balamb Garden. Next you will have the sequence after you have defeat Edea at the end of Disc 2. Rinoa has been possessed by Ultimecia from the future... and you will have a long event. Squall startes to exit from his chamber and help Rinoa and head out of the escape pod and reaches for Rinoa. Next you will have a mini-game of Squall catching Rinoa, which is about 2 minutes to catch Rinoa.. Just simply position her in the middle of the screen and press triangle to reach her faster. You will be automatically reunited with Rinoa after you have secured Rinoa.. Now Squall will carry Rinoa forward in space and found a giant ship [Ragnarok] shown in a cool FMV. They will then enter the ship. Next examine the panel on the left and it will close the air-lock. Now head up and you will have some short conversation. Now go through the door and you will find out that the ship has been infested with gigantic monsters. Head down stairs and you will have to fight eight of them.They’re Progratars and they have a pretty weak HP.You have to kill these guys in pairs.There’s two of each one:2 red, 2 purple, 2 green, & 2 yellow.There’s no way of avoiding the purple one so go ahead and fight him.You can dodge the red one in the next room and the other purple one will be in the next room.Now defeat the red one, the other one is in the hallway you came from the air-lock room.The green one is by the elevator and in the room under the stairs{there’s also a Save Point there 2}.The yellow ones are in the room next to the elevator and down the hallway from the red one was.After defeating all aliens, head for the elevator where you found the green monster and you will have an event. Squall’s taking control of the seat and there you will hear the song ... very mushy stuff.After that wonderful and romantic song, you will be now controlling Ragnarok and will be landed on the sandy area. There you will meet the people of Esthar including Professor Odine’s assistant. Next Rinoa will leave. Head back to Ragnarok and enter the meeting room {where the first yellow one was}.There you will find Irvine, and the rest except for Edea and Rinoa. After some conversation, you find Selphie and Irvine moving out. Once you approaches Quistis, the ground will shake, because the Ragnarok has landed off from the ground. Now head for the controls room and you will find Selphie as the pilot. Now you will be back at the World Map.Land your air-ship on the ground and SAVE your game.Now you can get some Marlboro Tentacles from the Island Closest to Hell.Now you can also get the G.F.s Eden, Bahamut, Cacataur, and Tonberry.So if you want those go to the G.F. section. After done with all the tour, head for the Sorceress Memorial. Now enter the Memorial. Next head up the stairs and there is a draw point in this area. Talk to the Esthar Soldiers at the gate and they will allow you to enter the memorial.The scientists will try to stop you but your members will keep them away while you rescue Rinoa.Now with Rinoa back in your hands, head to the entrance and you will be allowed to leave, next Rinoa will ask you to head to Edea's house. You will find Angelo in front of the house. Next enter Edea's house and look for Edea, after talking to both of them, exit.Now exit and you will find Angelo and follow him, next your party members will leave and Rinoa comes in. Then, Zell will report to you that Esthar has been underattack and the President of Esthar want to see you. Next exit and you find Edea talking to Squall. Head for Esthar Captial where you will meet the President. By the way the President of Esthar has defeated Adel years ago. Now head to the captial city. Now enter the city through the air station and keep on walking up and head for the mansion.You’ll find a man waiting for you and he gives you permission to enter.As Squall enters the room, you’ll find Ward... and Kiros... Just walk forward and you find out that the President is actually Laguna Loire. Can't believe that a President of a such huge city will dressed in such a simple manner. Next talk to Laguna, pick the 1st option and here come Professor Odine! Talk for quite a long time.Once you have found the large structure, fly the Ragnarok directly into it and it will force its way through the force-field, as complimented by a stunning FMV sequence.Once the Ragnarok has smashed through, speak to Selphie or Quistis, and they will give you a choice of whether to enter or leave back to the World Map to do some more preparing. If you feel you are not properly prepared (character's levels, weapons etc.), then I would recommend that you take this chance because you won't get another until Disc 4... When you feel you are ready to enter the Pandora, exit the Ragnarok through the cargo exit. Outside you will meet two old friends for the last time, Raijin and Fujin, prepare for a battle...Rajin: HP:17,900 WEAK:Poison.Fujin:HP:22,200 WEAK: Poison. Keep in mind with your last battle with them, Fujin absorbs wind and Rajin absorbs lightning.Be sure to have Dispels because they’ll cast Shell, Protect, or Reflect.Fujin has Full-Lifes so be sure to draw lots of those.If you have gotten Eden this battle will be over shortly.Also use Doomtrain.Use lightning on Fujin and wind on Rajin.Once one of them is down for the battle use that G.F. you couldn’t use before such as:Rajin’s gone, use Quezacotl and if Fujin’s down use Pandemona.After defeating the pair for the last time, exit from the area and onto the next screen: head up and make a left turn and you will meet Biggs and Wedge. As they are sick of fighting you so there is no battle, so enter the building(remember to use the Save Point). You will eventually find yourself on the path which leads to the second elevator - head for the '02' elevator. You will now be at a elevator junction. Draw Curaga from the Draw Point and board elevator '01'. If you have aquired Siren's Move-Find ability, you will find a Save Point there. Head up and you will bump into Fujin and Raijin who will summon a mechanical beast to fight you...Mobile Type B:HP:42,300 WEAK:EVERY..Left Probe:HP:9,100.Right Probe:9,100. *DO NOT let the Mobile Type use Corona, it’ll cause every members HP to go to 1*. You must repedeatly use G.F. because these guys will not stop.It’s also a good idea to use Carbuncle since the probes use magic.**I have found a way to beat this boss in one hit, but it does seem wimpy.If you have acquired the Kamikaze ability Junction it to your strongest character and use the command.Quickly restore all lost HP in preparation for the final showdown of Disc 3... Enter the building that you can see and you will find Seifer bragging about this that and the other. Ellone is being held captive by Seifer's chums Fujin and Raijin, who finally come to their senses and tell Seifer to stop, but to no avail. They turn to Squall to sort out Seifer...Seifer:HP:34,500 WEAK:Poison.This is your last battle with Seifer.Odin will appear and try to take down Seifer, but Seifer SPLITS him in HALF!A rather big shock.Do not attack Seifer for it is time to draw Auras.I know it seems crazy not to attack when he is but trust me on this.DRAW AS MANY AURAS AS POSSIBLE!!After a while Gilgamesh will come down from the sky and take wrath on Seifer.After Seifer has taken another pounding from Squall and party, Rinoa will start to edge away.Seifer awakens and grabs hold of her, dragging her towards the large chamber where the Sorceress Adel is held... ~~~~~~~~END OF DISC 3~~~~~~~~