Name: Jacki
E-mail Address:
Age: 22 (err..23 this august)
Birthday: 08/15/79
Siblings: Jodi (my identical twin sis and best friend!), Michael (age 31?) & Joy (age 26).
High School: 10th grade (homeschool graduate)
Years Completed: 2
College: Just Enrolled! finally..yippiee
Years Completed: (NA)

Where do you work?: um all over, but main agency is Blue Models Group

Describe your job?: I'm an Actor & Model

What is your ultimate career goal?: To become a successful professional actress.

What are your personal (not career) goals in life?: To be a great wife and mother.

What kind of pressure do you feel about making decisions about your future?: Not too much really.

Who is putting the pressure on you?: Just myself.

Who are your heros and why?: My dad, because I've always looked up to him..he's very wise. And of course,God..because I'm a strong believer.

Describe your personality?: Honest, Caring, Outgoing, Adventureous, Kind and Sometimes Shy.

How would someone who really know you describe your best traits?: I'd hope they'd say I was a good friend, great listener and someone to always keep a night out full of fun!

How would someone who really know you describe your worst traits?: Self Conscience, Worrier, and Tempermental. lol.

Do you have a boyfriend or girlfriend? Nope. A Husband.

How long have you two been together? since December of 1993.

Where do you see the relationship going?: lol well.. we are hopefully we stay that way. We are madly inlove.

What do you do for fun?: Camp/Fish, Sing, Website Designing and Sports!

What are your favorite musical groups/artists?: Extreme, Queen, Van Halen, Led Zeppelin, Jimi Hendrix, Alanis Morisette, Celine Dion, Frank Sinatra, Dean Martin, Lenny Kravitz, Mama's & Papa's & Avril.

Describe a typical Friday or Saturday night: Night out with my girlfriends ..clubbing. And/or sitting in peace at Denny's sipping on capuccino..talking about embaressing sex stories. LOL!

If you had to describe your parents, how would you describe their personality?: My dad.. is king. He's awesome, he seems to kow alot about the world and religion...and of course the outdoors..the man loves I do. He's just so freakn' awesome. My mom.. well shes a woman who likes to put her faults on others and has alot of exageration.She thinks she can talk her way through bad crap..with the help of religion. She is a pshyco evil lady.**BEWARE** (in other words..I've disowned her as a mother).

What was/is the relationship you have with them?: ditto.

Describe a quality/trait that runs in your family: Determination..we all strive to get what we want out of life..and of course God. Christianity is a major focal point in our family.

What is the most important issue facing you today?: Hmm.. deciding what I want to do with my career..I'm not getting any younger.

Is there and issue, political or social, that you are passionate about?: NAH. Not picky in that area.

Have you done anything about it?: Noperz.

What are your thoughts on:

Abortion: Well.. I am against it.I believe every unborn child is there for a reason and I feel it's murder to's not the childs fault it's in the belly..right?! He/She deserves a life. Children..are God's miracles.
Other Sexual Orientations: Grr.. I don't like to judge people so I'm keeping my mouth shut here. But my own prefrence.. I believe men and women should lay together.. NOT the same sex. Though that's their whatever tickles their pickle.
Affirmative Action: Keeps mouth shut.

Do You...?:

Smoke Cigarettes?: Nope I quit 6months ago ::pats self on back lol::, I use to smoke..for 7yrs. ("cringes at that number!! yuck!)
Drink Alcohol?: Occasionaly, I like to have a mixed drink.
How old were you when you had your first drink?: Gosh.. like.. 13.
How often do you drink?: hmm. nowadays.. not much. 1-2 times ..every 2months lol
Use Recreational Drugs?:Noperz.
Which ones?: Smoked weed, yrs ago.
How often?: ::zips mouth::

What bothers you most about other people?: Nothing, unless they are too concieted or total opposite and are leaning towards suicide.Though.. I like to help others.

Describe a recent argument you've had with someone?: My hubby I guess..I wanted McDonalds..he wanted KFC!

Who usually wins arguments with you?: Me probably.

Why?: B.c I believe to be almost always right ::lol::, and I don't give up on a good argument..oh and I tend to hold he/she usaully gives in.

Why should you be picked for The Real World: Dallas?: Umm. b/c I think mike rawks ::winks:: and I think that I could maybe bring some fun into the game as well as some bright energy maybe? LOL