Find a font you want to add to your computer.
I am using "Ruritania" as an example.
All the fonts I have found come as .ZIP files.
First - Download the font zip file to "My Documents".
Open Easy Zip 2000 - (Download Link)
Click on "Open".
Locate the TTF zip file in "My Documents".Left click on the font zip file to highlight it & click on "Open".
In Easy Zip 2000 click on the TTF file to highlight it.
Click on "Extract".
If a "read me" file comes with the font do not add IT to the Windows Font files.
After clicking on "Extract" this window below will open.
In the "Files" box check "Selected Files".
In the "Folders/drives" box click on the Plus Sign (+) beside your "(C:)" Drive to open it.
Scroll down the list until you see "WINDOWS" with a Plus Sign (+) to the left of it.
Click on the Plus Sign (+) to open "WINDOWS".
Scroll down the list until you see "FONTS" with a tiny yellow folder icon to the left of it.
Click on "FONTS".
In the "Extract To" box - "c:\windows\fonts" - will appear.
Click on "Extract".
The new font will now be installed on your computer in "c:\windows\fonts".
You can open the "Control Panel" & click on "Fonts" & find the new font.