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SM Program Files
SM Add-Ons
SM Arcade DWI's
SM Original DWI's

Step Mania
Bemani Style
Rage With Intensity
The Melting Pot
DDR Mania X
-SEPTEMBER 11 2003-

It's been ages since my last update! I was busy making more Simfiles! Now I have 22 posted in the Originals section. My most popular one by far, a total of 1419 downloads, is Max Immortal, my own remix of Maxx Unlimited. Give it a try!

-APRIL 16 2003-

I have increased the size of my Originals collection to five files! Conga Fury is my favourite but it seems to be the least popular of my files. Probably cos no one's ever heard of it, but I assure you it's a great song!

I've also started linking my Originals to my uploads on Bemani Sims Database rather than keep them here. I did this for two reasons. First, it free's up space on my server, and second, it keeps track of how many people are downloading my files!

-APRIL 6 2003-

I have started posting my Original DWI files at Bemani Sims Database. I have a whopping total of three, but they're quite popular so far! I'm gonna start uploading them there and making links to theme from here so I don't have to use up my account space :)! If you download them please leave comments!

-MARCH 27 2003-

Welcome to BEMANI MAX!
This is a brand new DWI site that will soon have tons of DWI files but there are only a few right now, plus some Bemani Max Original DWI's. The rest are exact replicas of the arcade songs.

To download the SMMAX go to the SM System Files Section. Add Ons, such as skins and announcer packs, are in the SM Add-Ons.

If you can't find what you're looking for at this site, I strongly suggest using the links I've listed. My top recommendation for DWI's is Bemani Style.

This site was last updated September 11 2003.