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<title>Flash Forward----Final Fantasy X 2</title>
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<h1 align="center">Flash Forward----Final Fantasy X 2</h1>

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<a href="http://angelfire.com/games5/ffx21/about">About Final Fantasy x 2</a>*******************<a href="http://angelfire.com/games5/ffx21/pics">Some Images From FFX10 2</a>*************************<a href="http://angelfire.com/games5/ffx21/characters">The Charachters</a> 
<p align=left>Finally Updated! April 24, 2003!</p><p align=left>Yay! The game is out in Japan! You can currently get it on places such as e-bay and stuff, I'm sure you all know the adress so Im not even going to bother with a link.  Anyways, I'm sorry about the lack of updates! I'm going to make this be a big nice pritty site about FFX2 and host fanfiction and fanart and stuff....if you have any to send to me, send it to ChicaXCherryCola@aol.com with the subject being: I AM SUBMITTING FFX2 STUFF Thanks.</p><p align=left>Welcome to Flash Forward! I feel so...special..to have this site be one of the first on the internet about Final Fantasy X 2, an upcoming game from Squaresoft! For more information, click on any of the links on the top! Any additional requests or comments can be sent to me by e-mail!(my e-mail link is at the bottom)

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<center>Email: <a href="mailto:Ametenshi@fantasysquare.com"> Ametenshi@fantasysquare.com</a></center>
