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I know this menu sucks so don't complain...


Looks that the Brotherhood has exchanged their marker for an statue!

Some of the brotherhood members seem to have exchanged their suits! Also you are now able to climb ladders, use sledgehammers, spears, pistols, smgs, rifles, rocket launcher, flamers and lots of other stuff. Also you might in this early stage of the mod see the sword animation while wielding a hammer or spear but that will be updated in the future.


Heh, looks that you now have to repair an humongous armor instead of an power armor. You can also get an humongous armor from Micheal after completing quest 2. If you want an power armor you need to go to Mathia.

It seems that also the biggot has gotten his fingers on a suit of humongous armor...

Unfinished business (for now)


Scenery Statue

View and color pixels: When you use the description check option on some of its pixels, f.e. the arms and the head than there wont turn up any description at all. I think that this can be fixed in the ini file that appears when you extract frm into bmp files, but I don’t know for sure. Also some of its pixels turn light blue and start sparkling when it’s in the game. I know how to fix this but I don’t know if I want to.

Hexes: Right now there is just one blocked hex on the map that is used for the statue (originally it was used for the BOS marker). I want to add new ones but I don’t know the values for that are triggered for blocked hexes, yet.

Image size: The statue uses the ......... from the vault dweller statue of fallout 2. Well since it isn’t as high as the one from FO2 it uses an unnecessary height. I know how to edit the high in the ini file but that makes the statue just invisible when its in the game, so I guess there is something else that needs to be edited.

Brotherhood guards

Pro files: I’ve changed some of the brotherhood guards appearances so that they would look like “Frank Horrigans”. Now, I’m creating a new pro for the “new” critters (because it feels some what dumb that an BOS soldier with an humongous armor has the same resistances and armor class as an soldier who wears an power armor). This pro file will soon be created but there are other problems, like that I don’t now which link value that tells map to use a specific pro file.

Humongous armor

ST stat points, poison and radiation resistances: I’ve found the link value that gives you the same gains as the power armor. But I thought that those gains are a little to low for the humongous armor so I wanted to change those, but I’ve heard that the file that trigger those gains is still unknown so I don’t know if I’ll ever be able to change them...

Animations: I want to add some new animations for the armor. I know how to do this but it WILL take a lot of hard work. Right now I’m working on a flamethrower animation.

Script files

Dialogs: The dialogs that will changed are those from Darrel, Talus, Michael, Kyle, Maxon and Cabbot. But I want to rebuild some of them a bit (Darrel and Talus) so I also need to change their script files and as it looks now I don’t have clue how to do.

Repair Value: I also want to increase the repair requirement that is needed for repairing the humongous armor. But as it is I don’t know how this repair check works.

Main Menu

It looks MUCH better that the first one but it still does look like shit. If I should ever find the perfect background it will SURELY take a hell of time to edit the sparkling pixels that will appear.

Final Words

Because of the animation files this mod will grow size. I'll create an install file with virtual basic in the comming days. Also this angelfire page is just temporary.