Eggventures of Eggman and friends Chapter 1 By WebheadSpid Dr.Eggman,Shadow,and Steve are trying to figure out a plot to destroy the world. So far, they have apaslotly nothing. Dr.Eggman: Why can't you guys figure out a plot? Shadow/Steve:(playing Metroid Prime) We're supposed to do what, what now? Eggman: What are you two morons doing? Shadow: Playing Metroid Prime. Steve: Two players. Why do I always die Shadow? Shadow: Because you suck. Steve:Ohhhhhhhhhhh! Eggman: What?! That's impossable! Metroid Prime is a one player game. Two players can't play a one player game at the same time! Shadow: Yes you can. Eggman: How? Shadow: We modified the game! Eggman: You don't have the technology to do that. Ishnt: You have an I.Q. higher then 300, you should be able to invente something like that. Eggman: I do? Shadow: My father created that. Steve: You have a father? Eggman: Of course he has one! That would be my grandfather! Ishnt: Who what in the what where?! (Everyone but Ishnt):(facefall) Eggman: Let's get back on topic... Shadow: My father inveted the Metroid seires. He knew Metroid Prime would be come out and be a one player game. Steve: So he modified the game so you can play on this computer! Then he modified the computer so all you have to do is plug a Nintendo Gamecube controller into the computer and bingo was his namo!Wow, I felt smart and cool!!! Eggman: o0 Shadow: Riiiigghhht... any way, to finsh what Steve said, you could play Metroid Prime Bond Multiiplayer style. Omochao: *magically appears* to find a plot, look for Metroid's!*explodes* Eggman: Where would you find a metroid? And what plot is there anyway? Steve: Right there!(points in a random direction) Metroid: eep, eep, yeeeee!(starts sucking out Dr. Eggman's life force) Eggman: Get it off! Get it off! Shadow: Go into morph ball mode and bomb it,BOMB IT!!!! Eggman: I don't know what you're talking about. NOW GET IT OFF, GET IT OFF!!!! Ishnt: Buttered milk! Steve: Ishnt, use your ice beam on the metroid to freeze it! Ishnt: Okay.(uses ice beam, but freezes Dr. Eggman by mistake) Ishnt: I got it! I'm going to do the robot dance.(Ghostbuster music starts) (Shadow punches metroid. Falls off Dr. Eggman, weakened) Shadow:(puts metroid n a jar) I'm going to call you Bubbly.(runs to his room) (Steve hits frozen Dr. Eggman with a hammer. Eggman breaks out) Eggman: Well that was weird. I feel weaker, but I now have a plot to destroy the world!Fufufufufufufu(blacks out) Audiance:Fufufufufu?? Eggman: Sorry, I played too much Mega Man X8 before the show.Bwahahahahaha(blacks out) Steve: We have an audiance? Shadow: This should be a sit com! Audiance: Hahaha(laughs) The end??