Now 1 year after the light houses have been light The Kids from Golden sun go on a new adventure! Felix: La la la! Sheba: I'm so bored... Meanwhile on the open plains... Garet: I’m hungry Isaac: You just ate 3 lbs of our rations...and a deer...and a death head...and a troll...what more do you want! Garet: Another Troll! Mia: That’s disgusting! Ivan: I heard that Troll is good for your digestion...*interrupt* Garet: Hey there’s one! *runs after Troll with Giant Axe* Troll: o0 Reaaaar! Garet: FOOOOOOOOD! Troll: *casts haunt* Garet: *drools* food... 0_0 Troll: *attacks* Garet takes 50 damage!!! Mia: I hope he doesn’t have an Accident like he did after last time... Garet: *kills troll* Garet: *to preoccupied eating troll to care to care about the huge gash in his side* *Zombie appears* Zombie: *looks for allies* *Zombie2 appears* Garet: oooh! Zombie meat! Zombie: o0 Zombie2: *casts Rotten stench* Garet: smells like my moms perfume... *Multiple zombies appear* All Zombies: *attack Garet* Isaac: justice friends assemble...err...kill them! Garet: The stench! The stench *rips one* Zombies: muuuuuuuuuh! >_< *mean while back in Vault* Jenna: o•o *looking at a picture of Isaac* Felix: Jenna, Are you gonna do that all day? Jenna: T-T maybe... Passerby: *bumps into Jenna and forces her to drop the picture of Isaac* Sorry… *continues on* Jenna: NOOO! *the picture drops into a near by randomly, and conveniently puddle of lava* Passerby: *whistles and walks away* Jenna: Grrrr... Sheba: She looks really mad... Piers: I think we should stay out of this one... Jenna: *Chases and attacks the man who made her drop the picture* Passerby: AAAAGGH! *beaten senseless by Jenna* Jenna: Humph hope you learned your lesson! Passerby: *gurgles* *moan* *mean while back where Garet is getting attacked by Zombies* Zombie5: *Dies* Garet: MMMffph....good zombie...Yum! *eats zombie* Isaac: *throws up violently* BLEEEEEK!!!! Mia: *turns green* Ivan: *faints and nearly asphyxiates himself on own vomit* Some guy: Oh man! Oh humph GLRAAAAAAH*Vomits up intestines* Garet: OOH! Liver! ^^ Some fat guy: and I though I ate a lot... *jumps on to Garet thus downing him then walk off* Garet: MY LIVER!!!! *bellow of rage* AAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!! *Felix's party appears* Jenna: ISAAC! *Runs up and Hugs Isaac* Isaac: AAAAAH! Where’d you come from? *gets hugged* o0...can’t breathe... nice to see you to Jenna...*turns blue* Piers: We followed the sound of Garet Pigging out... Jenna: ^^ Oh sorry Isaac! Isaac: *gasping for air* hee ho...hee ho* gets breath* Jenna: ^^sorry Isaac *lets go of Isaac* Garet: Hey, everybody's here...Lets have a picnic! Isaac: do you only think about food? Garet: *dreaming* Hmmm....mayonaise... Isaac: yes, yes. Hi Jenna… Jenna: T_T could we have some time alone people? *Everyone else vanishes* Jenna: YAY! I and Isaac are alone! Isaac: Greeeeat...*sullen* *grumble* Jenna: *Sits down on a randomly placed couch* *pats the seat next to her* Come sit down! ^^ Isaac: ehh... Umm...*trips over shoestring, turns red* eheheh... I uh...ummm Jenna: *Turns Demonic* SIT DOWN! Isaac: *skips a beat, sits down quickly, and clumsily slides off the cushion* Isaac: Don’t kill me! *hides his face* Jenna: *pick him up and places him on the couch* STAY! *turns normal* Isaac:...o_0 *stares at Jenna* Jenna: *Moves in real close to Isaac* Isaac: *heart beats really fast, begins to hyperventilate* Jenna: *hugs Isaac* Isaac: heh heh... *stares lovingly at Jenna...* *every one appears again* Isaac/Jenna: What the Hell?! Piers: Well isn't that something to remember? Isaac: well, damn guys, I was this close! *pinches fingers close together* Jenna: YEAH! *mimics Isaac* Everyone else: ... Isaac: wait a second...o_0 did she just say?! *passes out* Felix: -.-; I would never want to be his Brother-in-law... Garet: what a Kodak moment! Piers: Yes I agree *wipes a tear off his cheek* Audience: awwwwww! Sheba: *Uses Spark plasma on the audience* Garet: AACK! Monsters! *attacks audience* Audience: *screams of pain* Felix: I never knew that this was a TV show... To be continued...