Chapter 3 "The adventures of Steve" There is no intro... Steve: (sitting on the couch at his house watching TV) ooooohh Monty python!! Jason: (lives with Steve because he does!) Monty python turn it up!!! Steve: (does so) Ohhh the dead parrot skit my favorite!! (60 minutes of Monty pythons flying circus later) Steve: that was funny (when suddenly the author ran out of ideas so the doorbell rings) Jason: I'll get it!! (Opens the door and.....) Lizzie: hey Whazzzup my brother from another mother!? Steve: are you my sister? Lizzie: HELL NO!! Steve: ;-; okay... Jason: are you an angel? Lizzie: I'm scared! (Kickes Jason in the Ahem!) Jason: (wallowing in pain) OHHHHHH ARRRRGH NI! HEKE? (Several painful ear piercingly loud screaming filled minutes later) Steve: (trimming his goatee) So why are you here? Lizzie: I don't know Jason: ·_· don't hurt me!! Omochao *magically appears*: Lizzie smells like lima beans!! Lizzie: oO (kicks Omochao) Omochao: ;-; ouchies! (Drools on Lizzie) Jason: STEVE CAT FIGHT!!! GET THE CAMERA!! Steve: can do!!! And so ends and adventure with Steve... To be continued...