THE ADVENTURES OF STEVE "Chapter 7" "pure randomness with ½ the plot..." Hi I'm omochao and I'm here to help! Well... at least thats what I want people to think... Previously Metroids were on the prowl... Lizzie wore a bathrobe... and jason nearly got killed Now back to the flying dodo's!! Shadow: Because they are part of eggmans Evil plan!!!...^^ sorry wrong script... Lizzie: ^^ well yeah!! Steve: Why are you so cheerful? Jason: TOAST!! Omochao: *Magically appears* that was to random even for me!! Jason: I'm Jason and I'm here to KILL YOU ALL!!! Lizzie: oO! thats something I would expect Omochao to say! Omochao: ;-; And its really something I really wanted to say too... Steve: Have you guys ever noticed how Are adventures Sound more like "adventures with omochao" every day? (really good fan fic you should read it!!) Jason: hehehe I'm Smart!! Bubbly: SCREEEEEEE!! Shadow: Down bubbly this place is boaring I'm gonna go live somewhere else! *puts bubbly back in her jar and then leaves* Steve: Living with lizzie is a scarry place! Omochao: Worshop me!! for then I shall make BUTTERED TOAST! our nations Bird!! Jason: *shoots omochao with a 12 gauge Shotgun!... Yay.. I think...) you wasted some of my life *Omochao explodes* Omochao: *magically appears* TRAAA-LAAA-moo? Lizzie: are these things immune To DEATH?! Steve: sure seems like it... Omochao: Cows eat buttered toast!! *suddely buttered toast burst through the window* Buttered toast: BUTTERED TOAST!!! Jason: *eats buttered toast!* mmmmmm Butttered toast! *Alls of everybody is now confused* (suddenly Scorpion burt through the window... for those who don't know who scorpion is he is a dead warroir from mortal kombat) Scorpion: What have you done to my family?!! Steve: AHHHHHHHHHHHHH Living dead RUN!!! Scorpion: *uses his spear on steve* GET OVER HERE!!! *pulls steve to himself* Who killed my family!! Steve: QUIN-CHI DID IT!!! Scorpion: *shrugs and Leaves* Lizzie: what was that about? Jason: Krispy Kremes!! Steve and Lizzie: ·_·¦ Omochao: I CAN'T TAKE THE RANDOMNESS ANY MORE!!!!!!!!!!!!! *joe randomly appears in the room* Joe: I bet you can't lift you eight pound balls!! Everybody except joe: *shudders* Joe: I'm a new permanent charictar!!! Jason: *dully* goody..... Lizzie: *Kisses steve for no apparent reason uless you carefully read chapter 5 and 6* Steve: *nosebleed* heh heh... *Samus appears* Suamus: STEVE HOW DARE YOU!!! Steve:OO!! I DIDN'T DO IT I SWEAR!! Samus: all is forgiven! *steve samus and lizzie walk off to steve's room holding hands...* Eggman: That can disturb a mans mind... Jason: on the other hand He sure is lucky! Ishnt: I may be a robot But I wish I were him! Jason: -.-... what Why are you two here? Eggman: ...... I don't know... Omochao: Beans on a teather ball pole with bubblegum in your feet!!! Eggman: that was random... Tails: you can say that again human-man!! Rouge: WHAT IS THE MEANING OF THIS ME AND KNUCKLES WERE JUST HAVING AN INTELLIGENT CONVETSATION!! Knuckles: *covered in lip stick marks from rouge* YEAH what is the meaning of this and were is my emerald!! Rouge: did you check your pocket? Knuckle: *checks his pocket* ^^ oops nevermind here it is! Tails: dumbass... Sonic: Tails watch your mouth!! Tails: *looking at his mouth* I'm lookin' but its not doing anythiing but move! Shadow: I'm OUT OF HERE CHAOS CONTROL!!! *ENDS UP IN THE KITCHEN* WEIRD... *CUT BACK TO WERE EVERYBODY ELSE IS.....* Eggman: how did we get here? Omochao: only Cheese flavored beer may tell! Jason: aaand were might we find this cheese flavored beer? Omochao: right, up, left, down, a, select, start, GO!! Jason: do it now eggman!! Eggman: why don't we just buy beer, grind up cheese and put it in the beer? Steve: *walking out of his room with lipstick marks all over his face!* pweh! *the door to his room opens again and steam Riases out...OO* Lizzie: That was fun! Eggman: did I just see what I think I saw?! *adjusts his glasses* Samus: That was nice!! Authors note...: it may be too late to tell you but steve represents me!! Lizzie: SOO FUUN!!! *runs out the Front door prancing and skipping about never to be seen again...* Steve: ·_·º Tails: ;-; *sniffle* It was so nice knowing her...*sniffle* Steve: there there *hugs tails* Tails: ^^¦ HEKE? *pikachu Magically apperars* Pikachu: CHUU!!! *elecrticutes Ishnt* Ishnt: Green erasers are is bannanmas Monkey car jertzzzz *sizzle* *pikachu magikally dissappears* Eggman: Pokémon? what the? Omochao: *cloaking Because I say he can!* hehehehehe!*Uncloaks in the kitchen* Hey Shadow wanna know something!? Shadow: if its about feet I Could care less! Omochao: ^^ No silly! you should bake a pie for ishnt! Shadow: if you say so... how do you make one? Omochao: Alls you have to dowa-ma-doo is... *cut to the living room!* Knuckles: hmmmm I'm bored Rouge: same here.. Steve: lets play monopoly!! Eggman: sure... Ishnt: okalydokaly-eara-ma-beer *meanwhile not more that 18 paces away in the kitchen...* Shadow: ... ¬¬ are you sure Gasoline makes "Limabean Parrakeet pie" taste better? Omochao: ^^ have I ever steered you wrong? Shadow: lets see... ** flash back ** Shadow: *running in the ark and touches omochao; omochao energizezes up* Omochao: becaurful..- Shadow: *falls into a hole* Omochao: there are many holes nearby! Shadow: x-X DAMN YOU OMOCHAO!! ** end flashback ** Omochao: that was one time!^^ Shadow: FINE I'll trust you... *back in the living room* Steve: *with out a shirt. there is tails, eggman, rouge, knuckles, samus, and sonic at a round table...* ^^ we decided to play strip polker instead! *sure* Knuckles: *eyeing Rouge* heh heh heh *nosebleed* Eggman: I can read your mind Robot! I programed you! Ishnt: You know what I'm thinking Master! Yosh, yosh, yosh, yosh, YOSH!! *whatever meanwhile in the kitchen* Shadow: Are you positive vinigar Sweetens pie? Omochao: Of coure silly vinigar is liquid sugar in a bottle!! Shadow; okaay... *pours in a bottle of vinigar* Omochao: Now Wrap it in tin foil!! Shadow: ¬¬ Are you sure? Omochao: Tin foil makes it cook faster!! Shadow: Whatever... *Heavily wraps the pie in tin foil* Omochao: now into the oven it goes at 700° ferinhieght! Then all you have to do is the Happy happy fun fun dance! Shadow: *does so* *cut to the living room* Steve: *in his boxers* ss-sooooo c-c-c-ooolld-d Samus: *still in her power suit* HA HA!! I'm winning! Rouge: *has nothing left* KNUCKLES!!! STOP STARING AT ME!!! Knuckles: *nosebleed* Heh heh heh... Joe: why can't I play? Everybody else: *shudders* Shadow: *running into the room coughing smoke* Pie!... Ishnt... Omochao! Fire!! *later that day* Police officer: So miss "Aran" tell me in your own words exactaly what happened... Samus: well... Everybody except joe were playing A freindly game of polker, when suddenly this Insane Black hedgehog with red stripes and a Freaky looking robot Break through the ceiling and set the kitchen on fire!! Police officer: Is this true Mr. ... Stevens? Steve: ;-; Yesh... Police officer #2: okay Mr. robotnik*if shadow was created by Prof. Gerald Robotnik don'tcha think they would have the same lastname?* You have the right to remain silent anything you say will be misquoted then used against you in a court of law! Shadow: -.- Do you honestly think you can stop the ULTAMATE LIFEFORM?*tries to run but trips* Police officer #2: Itiot... * hand cuffs shadow and puts omochao in a magic-proof bag* Omochao: >_< save me! stop it! Hey! let me go! I'm telling my mom on you! *later that day... When will I end this? only cheese flavored Milk may tell...* we now see our he-... well thay aren't heros except maybe samus... in steves newly bought pad... Samus: This is so much better than the last its not soo.... Jason: Old, Smelly, Run down, -.. Samus: enough all ready I get the point! *Omochao Jr. magically appears* Omochao Jr.: sense my dad was put in prison for arson... Hi I'm Omochao Jr. And I'm Here To ANNOY YOU ALL!!!! Ishnt: are you smarter than you father? Omochao Jr.: Yesh!! Alls of everyone: YAY!!!! Omochao Jr.: Diamonds For never! Get better, Eins, Elf, feuer! Steve: ....Hallo Gootentag? Omochao Jr.: You speak German! Steve: Ich Tun? Omochao jr.: it sure seems like you do! *2 weeks later* Jason: la insanity je ne puex pas prendre ça de la plus! Omochao jr.: Even I'm going insane *twitch* Samus: your all ready there... Steve: Gehen du madchen! *omochao appears* Omochao Jr.: Dad! Omochao: TOAST!! Omochao Jr.: ?_? *Omochao Jr. dissappears* Omochao: Did you know that liverworst was invented in Liver pool Russia? Steve: What the hell? liver pool is in germany! Hey... I spoke English!! Jason: me too! Samus: ·_·° its about time!! FOR THE LAST TWO WEEKS I HAVEN'T HAD THE SLIGHTST CLUE WHAT THE HELL YOU TWO WERE SAYING!!! To be continued?