When we last left off, Stuff happened. Link got the master sword, and other things... Link: "SAY HELLO TO THE RODEOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" Kino: "Huh?" Old man's Ghost: "OOGA BOOGA!" *pops out of the tv screen that link was playing EB0 on* Link: "WAH!" *Falls out of his charir.* Old man's Ghost: "Wahaha! It never looses it's touch after seven years..." Kino: o-o "Ghost!" Link: "Neither does this." *Temporarily corporializes and then punches the old man's ghost.* Old mans Ghost: "Ow... anymoo, we need to Destroy Gannon! And save the triforce now!" Link: "OK. I'm gonna need guns. Lots of guns." Old man's Ghost: "What's a gun?" Link: "This." *Corporializes the Old Man's Ghost again and shoots him with a pistol.* Omochao: *randomly appears* "Whee!" Old man's Ghost: *takes the gun and shoots link in the foot* "Don't do that..." Link: "Ow! Well, anyway..." *Area turns to white and Link is suddenly wearing leather black clothes with sunglasses, and guns come out of the whiteness.* "Whoo! This is just like the first Matrix!" Old man's Ghost: *Looks at Kino blankly* Kino: *looks at Old man's Ghost blankly* Link: "YOU'RE ALL STANDING IN MY WAY!" *Grabs the nearest gun and tries to shoot all present, but it turns out to be an apple launcher.* Kino: o-o "Apples!" *eats apples* Link: *Takes out a knife.* "OK, who here has blood that isn't me?" Kino: "Don't Kill me Link-sama" Link: "Well, then get me someone ELSE with blood." Kino: *pushes Omochao infront of Link* "SACRIFICE!" Omochao: "HEY!" Link: "...OMOCHAO DON'T HAVE BLOOD!" Kino: *pulls out Dracula* "SACRIFICE!" Link: "DOH!" *Falls.* "Whoawhoawhoawhoawhoa!" Old man's Ghost: *watches link fall down a gigantic flight of stairs* Link: "Now, Kino, I've got the upper hand! This is about the entire Land of Hyrule, so you'd better do as I say!" Kino: "OKIES!" Old man's ghost: "Wah!" *Flails arms* "Link What are you doing!?" Link: *Smiles evilly.* "You'll see." *Pushes Kino at a random conveniently placed window in the whiteness.* "GO FIND A HUMAN!" Kino: *finds Eggman and pulls him out* "HERE!" Link: "Heh heh heh..." *Tries to cut Eggman, but fat comes out instead of blood." "WTF?!" Kino and Old man: o_O; Link: "Get a BETTER human." *Pushes Kino and Eggman out the window again.* Kino: *finds some random man off the streets and brings him* "here?" Link: "YES!" *Cuts the man and begins drawing symbols on the ground with his blood.* Kino: o_O "Whaaa? W... T... F...?" *clings to Steve who just happens to be standing nearby* Link: "Muahahaha..." *Begins chanting in Latin.* Steve: "Link, are you mentally stable?" Link: *Eyes red.* "And to the dark lord Ganon....." Steve: "WAH!" *Flails arms* "WAAAH!" *Everyone else joins in and runs around in circles* *The blood begins to glow red.* *everyone else still running around Flailing arms and screaming* Omochao: *Clings to link* "I'm scared!" Link: "RESIST! DEFY!" *Redness begins to flood the whiteness.* Steve: *Pulls out a gun and Shoots link in the other foot* Link: *Snatches the gun from Steve and crushes it with one hand.* "YOU ARE ALL DOOMED!" Steve: *Pulls out some holy water and splashes link with it, and magically Kino and The Old man become Priests* "THE POWER OF CHRIST COMPELLS YOU!" Link: *Hisses as his skin begins smoking.* *Eyes glow reder.* Kino and Old man: *Chanting* *The room is now completely filled with red, which begins to take shape into a dark dungeon in Ganon's lair.* Link: "Enough of that!" *Begins to glow red.* Steve: *Smashes an open fist on Links head and begins to crush his skull* "STOP THIIIS!" Link: *Is now completely red light, and Steve's hand is going through.* Steve: "Wah! I failed!" *Omochao begin to flood the room* *When who do you think, Eggman appears to save the day!* Link: *Begins to grow and change, until is a large pig-like monster, like Ganon.* "I... Am.... Dark Ryinku!" Kino: "Then where is link?" Dark Ryinku: "I AM Link! Muahahaha!" *Points at the old man's ghost.* "YOU shall be my first victim." *The ghost of the old man begins to burn away.* Kino: "AHH! MAJORA'S MASK REFRANCES!" Steve: "WAH!" *Flails arms* Dark Ryinku: *Steps on Steve and Kino.* "And are YOU gonna say anything, fat man?" Eggman: "Why yes..." *Holds up some bacon* "WAH hahahaha! YOur weakness!" *Then the EggWalker appears out of no where and he gets in* Dark Ryinku: "Oh ho, you wish to battle me! Well..." *Takes out an Eggesphere.* "GET READY TO FIGHT!" Eggman: O_o *uses the lazer Cannon on him* "Yosh!" Dark Ryinku: *Jumps out of the way.* "Fool!" *Throws the Eggesphere.* "EVIL KING SHOES! I CHOOSE YOU!" Eggman: "WAH!" *Flails arms* *Shoots Evil king shoes with the Lazer Missles* Badnik Ishntknew: Evil King Shoes: *Deflects them all with psychic energies.* "YOU NEED AN EGGEMON TO FIGHT ME!" Eggman: "RUBBERBAND MAN! I CHOOSE YOU!" *Throws out an Eggshpere* Evil King Shoes: "How pathetic." Rubberband man: WAH! *Slaps Evil King shoes* Evil King Shoes: "OW! You'll pay!" *Uses Hyper Beam on Rubberband Man.* RUBBER BAND MAN TAKES 20 DAMAGE!!! Rubberband man: WAH! *uses Fissure* Evil King Shoes: "Heh heh heh..." *Floats to avoid the attack, then causes giant meteors to fall from the sky towards Rubberband Man.* (Let Rubberband Man die, I've got an idea.) Rubberband man: WAAAAH! *Dissapates* RUBBERMAND MAN FAINTED! Evil King Shoes: "Muahahahaaaaa..." *Dies due to the slap.* Eggman: *Glares at Ryinku* Dark Ryinku: "Well... Ummmm..." *Charges at Eggman.* "HAAAAAA!" Eggman: *pulls out another Eggsphere* "GO! KAMAKAZE WATERMELLON!" Dark Ryinku: "O_O What now?" Kamakaze watermellon: WHEHEEE! *Flys into Ryinku Exploding on Impact* KAMAKAZE WATERMELLON FAINTED! Dark Ryinku: "Nooooooooooo!" *Dies.* Eggman: "YOSH!" Ganondorf: *Walks in.* "Hi!" *Rings: 0 Score: 10000 Ranking: E* Eggman: "Who? What? Who are you?" Steve: *Gets up and dusts himself off then helps Kino* Badnik Ishntknew: Ganondorf: "They call me Ganon! Blue giant pig Ganon! Even though I'm not in giant pig form..." Eggman: "Well I'm fatter than you so HA!" Ganondorf: "Oh well." *Takes the last Triforce piece from Link.* "Finally! All the Triforce is mine! MUAHAHAHAHA-" *Five hours later.* "-HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA-" *12 weeks later...* "HAHAHAHA-" *2800 years later...* "HAAAAAAAAAAA!" Eggman: *dead* Steve: "Hi Gannondorf!" Ganondorf: "You should be dead by now." Steve: "No, You should." Ganondorf: "I'm immortal due to the Triforce of Power. You're mortal due to being a normal human." Steve: *goes Super* "Wanna make a bet?" Ganondorf: "Hmph." *Wishes Steve dead with the Triforce.* Steve: *still alive* "HA!" *holds up hand and a blue triforce peice appears* "I hold one of the Peices to the triforce of randomness making me immune!" Ganondorf: "Oh well. This entire area is under my control." *The ground under Steve's feet turns into red, non-solid light.* Steve: *floating* "You forgot I went super Dragon Ball Z style right...?" Ganondorf: "No. But you forgot about THIS." *The red light swallows Steve.* Red light: "Yuuuuum." Steve: "AHH!" *Falls* *suddeenly Two stonned kids with a box of Pizza come in through the door* Ganondorf: "Yes, what is it?" Kid 1: *eats a piece and becomes Mullio* Kid 2: *eats a piece and becomes Mulligi* Mullio: "Wahoo! Prepare to feel the wraith of Mullet power!" Ganondorf: *Wishes himself a mullet.* "You were saying?" Mullio: "even with that fake Mullet you'll never beat us!" *Mullio and Mulligi so Super Mullian* Ganondorf: "Muahahaha. But watch this!" *Triforce begins to glow.* Mulligi: "too late!" *Punches Gannondorf in thet stomache and steals his lunch* Ganondorf: "OOF! But... YOU'RE too late!" *The world explodes and "Happy End" comes out of it.* *back on earth* Mulligi: What happened? Ganondorf: "YOU'RE. ALL. DEAD." *Disappears.* *the world reappears* Link: "YAY! YOU SAVED EARTH!" Narrarator: He's dead too. THE END. Other narrarator: That's not cool man... you totally ruined the show! Narrarator: Too bad. *Credits roll.* Credits: Script by Ishntknew and Steve Ideas: Steve and Ishnt Humor: Steve and Ishnt Plost holes provided by: Ishnt Ishnt: "Wah! ME?! YOU'RE the one who revived Steve, Kino, and Link!" Other help: Doc Eggman, Kino Makoto, and Jason Steve: "Shut up fool! Your ruining the Credits!" Ishnt: "Hmph!" *Punches Steve.* Omoknew: "GRAVY FOOD!" Ishnt: "It's OmoIsh! Not Omoknew! And me and him are the same!" Steve: *doubled over* x_X "ouches..." THE END! Ishnt: "EROTS ERIPME NAMGGE EHT MORF FFUTS YUB!" Steve: "No." Fin