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Area 1-Luigi's Mansion

Luigi get a surprising message: he's won a mansion! Naturally, he's very exited, ands calls his brother, Mario. "Mario? its me, Luigi. I won myself a big mansion! Meet me there and we'll celebrate, what do you say?" Luigi tries to follow the map to his new mansion, but it's dark, and he becomes lost in an eerie forest. Finally, he comes upon a gloomy mansion on the edge of the woods. Acording to the map, this is the mansion he's looking for. He enters, and that's where you get to start playing. Walk up the stairs and try the double-doors. Locked! Walk back downstairs an a weird orange cloud drop a key in the middle of the first floor part of this room, the Foyer. To pick up the key, simply walk into it. It unlocks the double-doors that you tried a minute ago. Unlock them, then enter the Parlor. Suddenly, a orange ghost appears. Your ill-equiped to deal with it. Thankfully, a strange vacuum-weilding man appears out of nowhere and does an unsuccessful attempt to suck up the ghost. He will introduce himself as Professor Elvin Gadd, then take you to his hut, which is right of the edge of the Mansion. There he will give you two of his inventions to help you find Mario. One is a ghost-sucking vacuum called the Poltergust 3000. I will tell you how to use that in a minute. The other is the Game Boy Horror, a devise with four uses. One is to press X and you will switch to first-person viewpoint. Then you can search stuff by pressing A. If you search something interesting (such as a light) Luigi may say something about it. If you search mirrors, you will warp back to the Foyer, one of the four places you can save. I will tell you how to save later. Remember, going into first-person viewpoint DOES NOT pause the game, so don't use it if enemies are around. The second function is to press Z to pause the game and check your inventory. This shows how much tresure you've collected, the Mario items you have found and the Portrait Ghosts you have captured. Another use is to press Y to pause the game and see a map of the mansion. The bouncing Luigi-head shows your current location, the yellow rooms show rooms you've cleared, the green room is the room you are in, the grey rooms are rooms you haven't cleared, and if there's a door on it that has a key above it that means you have the key to that door. The last function is the Boo Radar, but you don't need to know how to use that for a little while. Okay now, Professor Gadd will send you to the training room in his lab, where you will practice catching ghosts. Good Luck!
