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The Final Trial

The Final Trial is the hardest place you've been to yet. You need the other 29 ship parts before you can come here. Once you get here, spend one day clearing the obstacles blocking the way to the round, sandy arena. Then spend another day at the arena for your showdown with the only enemy in this area: Emporer Bulblax. Final Rocket Part: SECRET SAFE Call a large number of blues out of their Onion and lead them into the water. Once in the water, lead them to the island with a grey gate that only bomb-rocks can destroy and two piles of sticks. Then divide your Pikmin into two groups. Have each group hit one of the two stick-piles. While your waiting for them to finish, call at least 3 yellows out of their Onion then take them to (but not in!) the water and search for a nearby island that you can just throw your yellows onto. Aim very carefully and once they're safe on the island walk through the water and onto the island that they're on. Call them, then lead them to the rocky part part of the island and CAREFULLY throw them onto the raised peninsula. Then hop into the water and use the nearby geyser to reunite with them. Call them or touch them to have them follow you, then throw them up to the cliff thathas a pipe on it. Your Pikmin will grab bomb-rocks from it then come back to you. Now that you've got what you came here for, CAREFULLY throw them back down to the island below. Hop into the water and onto the island and touch them, but do not call them because they will drop their bomb-rocks. throw them back onto the beach then go through the water to get to them. By now, the blues should be done with the bridges, so lead your yellows across the bridge and onto the island in the center of the water and have them use their bomb-rocks on the grey gate. Now get at least 10 reds over to the left side of the beach you will notice that there's a red bridge with flame jets on it. Throw all your reds onto this bridge then hop into the water and call them back. the fences on the bridge will keep them from coming in the water with you. Use the C stick to move them across the bridge keep doing this until you're under the bridge that the blues built and press the X button. Your reds will push the nearby box out of the way. Now you're almost finished making a clear path to Emporer Bulblax. Gather all your Pikmin then have them destroy the white gate beyond the path you've made. Take your Pikmin into the sandy arena (don't go near the plant in the middle of it!) and you will find another gate. Break this down. For now, you're finished. Gather al your Pikmin, press the start button, and choose "go to sunset". On the next day, take a full Pikmin army that includes at least 30 yellows back into the arena then go through the last white gate you destroyed. Collect bomb-rocks in the pipes surrounding the arena then go back into the arena and touch the plant in the middle of it to discover that it's acually Emporer Bulblax. When the bulblax opens its mouth, throw a yellow bomber in front of it. The bulblax will eat the bomb-rock. When it explodes, Emporer Bulblax will go unconcious for a few seconds, giving you the chance to throw Pikmin (any color) onto its ugly head. Repeat the process until its defeated. It will drop the final ship part. At least 40 Pikmin can carry it to the Dolphin. When they bring it to your ship, you've completed the game! Now sit back and watch the end movie!
