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The Forest of Hope

Day 2 is your first day that has a time limit. Do what the Instruction Booklet says and saftey check at the end of the day. Now let's start game help. Go to the white gate. Have all your Pikmin except 1 which you should put to work destroying Pellet Posies hit the gate. eventualy they will break it into nothing. Take all your Pikmin through it then defeat the the small enemies called dwarf bulborbs-the enemies that seem to be searching the ground for food by swarming around them if you have a large amount of Pikmin or by throwing them onto it's back to defeat them quickly and the large enemies called spotty bulborbs by swarming around the back of their legs. Rocket Part 1: ETERNAL FUEL DYNAMO Once the enemies are defeated, have your Pikmin take them to the Onion to make more Pikmin. Once you have 40, take your Pikmin to this part, which is on the right side of the lake. Before we start on the next part, you should do something first. Go down the trail past where the spotty bulborb was sleeping. Destroy the white gate then go past it. Defeat the bulborbs if you want. Then go past where they were. You should find an Onion beyond that. This one is yellow, though. It will sow a single yellow seed in the ground. When this seed grows into a sprout, pick it. Meet the Yellow Pikmin-the only Pikmin that can handle bomb-rocks and can be thrown higher than Red Pikmin. have the Yellow Pikmin take the nearby yellow pellets to make more yellows. Don't forget the yellow Pellet Posies! Rocket Part #2: WHIMSICAL RADAR Take your Yellow Pikmin to the rock wall nearby. There will be strange stones called bomb-rock lying in front of it. Have your Yellows pick them up. Then throw a Yellow bomber at the rock wall. It will drop the bomb-rock and come back to you. After a quick timer, the bomb-rock will explode and break part of the rock wall. Olimar will learn about bomb-rocks and give you further info about how to use them. Be careful-if you call Yellows carrying bomb-rocks, they will drop them and they will explode. Touch them and the will keep them in teir hands. Anyway, repeat the process two mor times to destroy the rock wall. Go beyond it. Defeat the bulborbs and burrowing enemies then throw 20 Pikmin up to where the radar is. It's not hard to miss-it's moving and making noises. Your Pikmin will carry it to the Dolphin. Once it there, you can press the Y Button to view your radar. Stars mark where ship parts are. Colored dots will show where Pikmin are. A spaceship picture marks where the Dolphin is. a white cursor will show where you are. Learn how to use it before you get Rocket Part #3: EXTRAORDINARY BOLT Go to where you found Rocket Part #2. You'll notice that nearby is a black gate. It takes 9 bomb-rocks to destroy that thing. Have at least 40 Pikmin carry it. To make their trip shorter, bomb the grey gete near the spaceship. Rocket Part #4: NOVA BLASTER This is one of the 5 parts you don't need to get to complete the game, but if you're trying to get all 30 parts you should grab this. If you go beyond the gate near the Dolphin that you bombed and walk down the trail a little, is a black gate that can be destroyed by Pikmin hitting it. Have a lot of Pikmin hit it because this kind of gate is stronger than a white gate. Go beyond it. Defeat the bulbobs inside then grab the part, which is near a can of bomb-rocks. Rocket Part #5: SHOCK ABSORBER Grab about 45 Pikmin to get this part. At the Spaceship, go beyond the white gate and turn left. Throw all your Pikmin on the cliff then go up the adjacent puddle and up the tree root. At the top you'll find the part and a bulborb. keep going up the trail to reunite with your Pikmin. Have them defeat the bulborb then carry him to the Onion if you want to, then have 30 Pikmin grab the piece. Now that you've got these parts, go to the Forest Navel before getting the other 3 parts in the Forest of Hope. Rocket Part #6: RADIATION CANOPY Go to where you found Rocket Part #4. Take your Blue Pikmin which you'll find in the Forest Navel to the white gate in the water and have them break it down. Remamber, Red and Yellow Pikmin will drown if they try to swim in water. If they ever do, Rapidly hit B to call them to shore. So, that means that you'll have to throw Reds and Yellows on top of the cliff outside of where the black gate used to be. when your Blues finish destroying the gate, go through the water with them and up a hill. when you get to the top, reunite with you Red and Yellow Pikmin. When they're all following you, have them destroy the black gate. When it's destroyed, enter the new area to fight Boss #1: ARMORED CANON BEETTLE Throw a Pikmin into the Armored canon Beetle's face. If you're lucky, it will plug up the beetle's nasal cavity so the beetle will lift it's wings. Throw as many Pikmin as you can onto the red, vulnerable spot under it's wings. Repeat the process to defeat the beetle. If you don't want to take the time to fight the ACB, you can have one group of Pikmin carry the part, which is on the other side from where you entered while another group of Pikmin tries to distract the ACB. Rocket Part #7: GEIGER COUNTER A Burrowing Snagret has swallowed the Geiger Counter. To find them, go to where you found the Yellow Onion then grab bomb-rocks from the nearby can. Turn left to find a bombable gate. Blast it three times to enter. Defeat the Bulborbs inside then have your blues move the cardboard box. Take your Pikmin across to find the field where the Snagrets live. Go to the cliff where the snagret that swallowed the part is. To defeat it, swarm around it's beak when the beak above the ground then throw Pikmin onto the beak. As you know, when you defeat this snagret he'll drop the part. Use Pikmin to carry it. Rocket Part #8: SAGITTARIUS go to the lake where you'll see rolled up wood. If you have enough Pikmin hit this, they will turn it into a bridge. Have 50 of any color of Pikmin hit this bridge, then take 50 blues into the water (and remember, only blues!) to the island where the part is and throw your Pikmin up to the island so they can hit thewood there. Once both bridges are done, the Pikmin can carry the part to the Dolphin easily.
