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The Forest Navel

In the reservoir right from the start point is the Blue Onion. From where you start, turn right then keep going strait until you fall into the reservoir containing the Onion. Do what you did to the other 2 Onions and touch it. It will pop up and sow a blue seed into the ground. When it turns into a sprout, pick it. Meet the Blue Pikmin, the only Pikmin that can enter water safely, which will be very useful for getting a few submerged rocket parts in this and other areas. Use all the blue Pellet Posies to upgrade your Blue Pikmin Population. When you have at least 5 Blues, have them carry the blue 5-pellet behind the Onion. Now go back to the Spaceship so you can call Red Pikmin to destoy the nearby white gate. Now get Rocket Part #1: #1 IONIUM JET Go to the reservoir behind the one where you found the Blue Onion. It contains the 1st part in this area. Make sure you have at least 15 Blue Pikmin to carry it. There's also bomb-rocks here. Rocket Part #2: AUTOMATIC GEAR On a cliff near where you found the Blue Onion. Have your Pikmin hit the pile of twigs. They can turn it into a long stick. When they do, they'll climb the stick and go to the cliff with the part, which they'll grab automaticly. Rocket Part #3: GRAVITY JUMPER Not far from the Blue Onion are rolled-up sticks. Have your Pikmin hit them so they will turn then into a bridge. When they've done this, go down the bridge to more rolled-up sticks. Once you have those 2 bridges, you can access the beach. Go down to the other end of the beach where you will find a spring (the part) and more rolled-up sticks. Have Pikmin turn the sticks into a bridge. Blowhogs (the creatures that patrol the beach)belch fire, and the only color of Pikmin that can survive if they catch on fire is Red Pikmin, so have them carry the part to the Dolphin. Rocket Part #4: SPACE FLOAT You must defeat the breadbug that has swallowed the part. The breadbug is the creature that takes pellets and small defeated enemies to it's nest. To defeat it, have 2 Pikmin grab onto whatever it's holding. The Pikmin will overpower the breadbug and take the pellet to the Onion. The breadbug will take damage when the Onion tries to suck it up. Do this twice to defeat it. Rocket Part #5: ANTI-DIOXIN FILTER Take at least 50 blues into the water. It takes 40 Pikmin to carry the part, but just in case the enemy frogs (called wollywogs) attack them, you'll want to take some extras. When the wollywog jump, make sure no Pikmin are in their shadows. When they land, have your Pikmin surround them. If you have enough Pikmin do this, the weight will make the wollywog incapable of jumping. When both are defeated, have the Pikmin carry the part out of the water. If you never defeated all the blowhogs on the beach, switch to reds when the part is out of the water so the blues don't get barbecued. Rocket Part #6: GUARD SATELITE >STC< (>STC< means that this is a favorite strategy of Super Trading Cards) This part is located near the breadbug nest. From the nest go to the cliff with the yellow flower (called a candypop bud. candypop buds can change the color of your Pikmin). Nearby is a grey gate. You need bomb-rocks to destroy this, but they're very rare in the Forest Navel. There are only 2 locations that have bomb-rocks. One is in the reservoir where you found the #1 Ioniom Jet and some cleverly hidden near where you found the Gravity Jumper. When you've got 3, bomb your way through the grey gate to battle a Beady Long Legs. Boss #2: BEADY LONG LEGS Take 60 yellows to the resting spot of te Beady Long Legs. Try to avoid the boss stepping on you or your Pikmin and throw them at the boss's round body. When the boss is defeated, have 20 reds carry the part across the fire. Rocket Part #7: LIBRA It's going to take a whole day to collect this part. After exploring the beach a little, you might find a secret part that has a blowhog and a brown gate. Have reds defeat the blowhog, then have all your Pikmin destroy the gate. Then go through the gateway and to a pathway that has fire jets. Use the C Stick to move your Pikmin against the wall so they don't catch on fire. When you come to some rolled-up sticks have all your Pikmin hit them so they become a bridge. When the bridge is complete, go across it and throw about 20 yellows up the cliff. Then bring some blues into the water and have then activate the geyser. Use the geyser to reunite with your yellows then throw then up to the cliff with then part. Once they bring it down both cliffs, have Red Pikmin carry it across the flame jets. Rocket Part #8: ANALOG COMPUTER Go beyond the bridge to find a puddle that contains this part. Use blues to fish it out of the water, then when It's on dry land, have Red Pikmin carry it across the flame jets. Such good teamwork. Rocket Part #9: OMEGA STABILIZER In the dark part of the Forest Navel (near where you found part #6) is a Puffstool that consumed this part. The Puffstool is the walking mushroom. Use the C Stick to move your Pikmin to the Puffstool's stem. When it turns upside-down, throw your Pikmin up to it's stem. When it becomes rightside-up, get your Pikmin away from it. It will let off poison that will make your Pikmin attack Captain Olimar. Repeat this a few times to defeat it. Make sure Red Pikmin carry the part.
