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The Impact Site

Captain Olimar is returning home from his vacation in his spaceship when all of a sudden a meteor appears. It strikes his ship, called the Dolphin, and sends it falling into a planet. Olimar goes unconscious and wakes up on the planet. When he turns around he sees, what he calls, "My beloved Dolphin" is in ruins. 30 of it's parts fell off and are scattered around this alien planet. One of the parts is the Main Engine, which means you're stranded. After Olimar introduces himself and tells what happened, walk down the hill then walk up to the strange maroon thing sticking out of the grass. A cinema scene will show Captain Olimar walk towards it and it turns red and a flower appears at the top. Three legs also pop out of it which it stands on. Then it will sow a single red seed into the ground. This red thing that stands on three legs is called an Onion. If you wait a few seconds, the seed will grow into a sprout which you can pick. To pick it, walk up to it and press A. You might expect to find roots at the bottom of the stem. Actually, instead of roots there's a creature that's shape is similar to pikpik brand carrots on Captain Olimar's home planet, Hocotate. He decides to call this creature a Pikmin. On either side of the Onion you will find two flowers. Go near one of them with your Pikmin and use the C Stick to move it towards the flower. The Pikmin will hit it a few times then it will get destroyed and leave behind a red pellet with the number 1 on it. A quicker way to destroy it would be to hold A down then make sure that the cursor that appears in front of Olimar is a little behind the flower then release A. Anyway, either walk up to this pellet and use the C Stick to move your Pikmin towards it or put the cursor next to the pellet then press A to throw the Pikmin. The Pikmin will carry this pellet to the Onion and it will produce two new Pikmin which you can pick like you did with the first one! That means you have three Pikmin total. Do the same thing with the other one to have 5 Pikmin total. Then take your 5 Pikmin left of the giant carboard box with the number 10 on it to find that beyond a few big plants is a rock with one of those flowers (called Pellet Posies) and a bigger pellet with the number 5 on it are there! Have your 5 Pikmin carry the big pellet to the Onion where it will produce 5 more Pikmin! Now you have the choice of either moving the cardboard box or collecting a pellet first. If you read your Pikmin Instruction Booklet you would read that Captain Olimar has only 30 days to repair his spaceship. Look at the top-right corner of the screen. You will see a small bubble that says "day 1". When you collect the Main Engine, this day will end. Anyway, back to what I was saying before that. I suggest that you collect the pellet first, since all those Pikmin will come in handy on day 2. To find it, go back to the spaceship and turn left to go up a rock which has the pellet on top. Don't forget the Pellet Posy on the rock where you found the 5 pellet! With all these pellets, you should have 14 Pikmin total. Have at least 10 of your Pikmin push the cardboard box out of your way. You are now able to access a area in the Impact Site that not only has more pellets but has the Engine to the Dolphin! When you enter to go across the bridge your Pikmin made with the cardboard box you will notice the engine. It's the red and silver thing that moving. At least 20 Pikmin can carry it, but you only have 14. Go across the cardboard box bridge to find many more pellets (you should have seen one or two during the cinema scene showing the Pikmin moving the box). When you have 25 Pikmin, go near the part then use the C Stick to move your Pikmin towards the part so they will pick it up. If you don't have 25 Pikmin, keep searching the area you accessed for pellets (don't forget the one on a cliff where you have to throw a Pikmin up to) and you should find them all in no time. Anyway, like when they move pellets they will move the engine but instead of taking it to the Onion they will take it to the Dolphin where it will automatically suck up the engine and make the Dolphin capable of blasting off! You have just collected Rocket Part #1: THE MAIN ENGINE! Don't think this the end of the game, 'cause if it was, I think it would be more suitible for the Playstation 2. It's a horrible video game system made by a company called Sony. They may be good at making things like radios but they make horrible video game systems. But wait! Why am I talking about PS2 when we're supposed to be reading Pikmin Game Strategy? Okay now, don't read anymore on this until you have all 3 types of Pikmin. Rocket Part #2: POSITRON GENERATOR: Go to where you found Rocket Part #1. You might notice that there's bomb-rocks on the cardboard box. Have at least 3 Yellow Pikmin grab some, then lead them over the bridge and to the other side of the big rock. At the end is the kind of gate that can only be destroyed by bomb-rocks. Have all 3 Yellows drop their bomb-rocks at the gate (for their safety 1 at a time) by throwing them at it. After all three hits, you will be able to cross. Now go left and after walking a little bit you will come across the kind of gate that Pikmin can destroy by hitting it. Have your Pikmin break it (for best results, use 30+) to open a shortcut for them to carry Part #2 to the Dolphin. Now take your blue Pikmin into the water to the clams (called pearly clam-clamps). You will see that one of them has a ship part instead of a pearl. As with the others, a blue barrier blocks it's treasure. Throw your Pikmin in the clam so they will start hitting the barrier. Make sure to call them back before the clam snaps shut. Repeat the process until the Part comes out of the clam's mouth. Have your Pikmin carry it to the spaceship. Don't forget to do the same thing to get the pearls-each pearl will produce 50 Pikmin seeds.
