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In order to keep Strifeshadow Fantasy enjoyable for every single player to play with, we will mercilessly fight against those disruptive players who break the rules or spoil the game.

DO NOT BREAK THE RULES! If you do, all your characters will be banned, and all the effort all the time you have put into the game will be completely wasted.

If you are nice to others we will be nice to you, so basically you just need to treat the other players with respect and you will be fine.

Rules of Conduct

1. Foul language is prohibited. You must not use any language that is offensive to other players.

2. You must not deceive other players to gain any advantages.

3. You must not use or attempt to use any bugs or errors which you find in the game, as you must immediately report the bugs to our Unrealize Development Team.

4. You must not attempt to use other programs in conjunction with our games to give yourself an unfair advantage at the game. You may not use any bots, macros, or autominers to control your character for you.

5. You must logout the game if you are not playing.

6. You must not flood the chat. (Flooding is defined as the deliberate act of repeating text-generating actions in quick succession in order to prevent other service users from utilizing the chat service)

7. You must not repeatly ask for help if people have rejected you. It is simply too annoying if you keep asking for "help".

Rules of Normal Game

1. You must not steal kill. (Steal kill: it is the act of doing whatever is required to be awarded the kill on a monster that someone else has engaged first. Sometimes this is to steal the XP, loot, or simply to annoy the other person and deny them those things.)

2. You must not attack or attempt to kill other players.

Rules of Kingdom Game

1. You must not login multiple accounts at the same time.

2. You must not attack other players at the Kingdom Stage.

3. You must not have any form of dealings with other kingdom players.

4. You must use your Castle Exit if you want to exit Castle Stage.

5. You must not share, sell, transfer or lend your account to anyone else, as each account must be used by ONE person only. You must not accept an account that somebody else gives you.

6. You must You must try your best to avoid attacking your own self or your kingdomates. Those who intentionally suicide or kill his kingdom mate (not by mistake), will be banned.

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