Hey! This is our new sight! I hope u guys like it! I got it out ahead of schedule, so obviosly, it is still undergoing some work! But, nonetheless i think it is ok. It is not horrible... well... I will pretend i didn't say that... lol... it is simply not the best! (obviosly...lol...) Well we have less MB, not to big of a problem... But other than that not much to say under the new sight topic.
If u r intrested in joining plz email me at:
Tabias S., Tabias2002@hotmail.comemail me ur first name, favorite model, and gun, nationality, and screenname, and versions u have (aa, sh, aa demo, sh demo)!
I appologize for inconveinince, but all members MUST:
speek english, i am hoping to change this, but as of yet i have no translaters... that kinda sux... ofcourse if u didnt speek english u coulndt read this lol... we r not modem specific, and to not descriminate on skill...though anyone under the age of 6 is not allowed, anyone under this age is considered to imature to join sry, little guys, its a rule... of course considering out of respect for ur privacy we do not even ask ur age, so it would be very easy u woulndt even have to lie to get in, so i will leave it up to ur consience.
I am obviosly not as good as Zoner91, or art attack, or Deadbolt, just to name a few of the best (sry if u r a good sig maker & i did not put u down, these r simply the ones whos sigs i have sean alot and like) but i can make u a custom sig, for aa.com! simply email me ur specs at:
Tabias S., Tabias2002@hotmail.comIf u want to check out some of my sigs, click here
aa.com is a great webpage and forums dedicated to mohaa, if u r not a member i highly recomend u sign up, also at the official eagames mohaa homepage there is a forum that is not as good... but still is helpful. aa.com is actually a slang referring to alliedassault.com which is in my opinion the best mohaa forums.
we r having custom avatars made! yunno the little things that r over the heads of ur allies?
The avatar u will have when u r an ally will be two BAR's crossed in an x, with the U.S. national seal (no offense to canadians, british, french, russians, polish, dannish, or other allied nations) (yunno, the little eagle holding the branches in one claw, and the arrows in the other?)
The avatar when u r axis will be an StG44 with a swastika floating on top, I cant believe it?!! I spelled swastika right!!!!!!
party fri. Dec. 6th evening, 5:00, diner brake 6:00-7:00, back on till 9:00 unless changed during party (if no one stays that long) all ppl intrested in joining r welcome to attend as well as all members server is
RBG is recruiting
New site is up
custom avatars being made
custom sigs by Tabias
thanx to zoner91 page