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Captain Wolf Radik


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There ain't no gettin off this train we're on!

Captain Wolf Radik

Age: 28

Sex: Male

Height: 6’3

Weight: 230

Distinguishing Marks: a tattoo of his dead parot on his right fore arm. scar on his chest.

Eye Color: Blue

Hair: dark brown long and curly

Base Equipment: large scimitar, 2 pistols

Relatives: none

Biography: Captain wolf Radik, pirate extraordinaire. Travels all over the globe looking for adventure and treasure. He is wanted by shinra for "borrowing" one of there ships. Not only is he skilled at piloting sea vessels but he can pilot anything that moves from airships to submarines. a rather recent and lethal adventure has left Captain Radik crewless. He barely escaped with his life and lost everything including his ship (before he "borrowed" one of shinras). But perhaps the greatest loss he suffered was that of his beloved parrot, in his memory Captain Radik has tattooed a likeness of him on his forearm. Despite his recent string of bad luck he keeps his head held high and his spirits the same and begins a search for a new crew and new treasure.