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There ain't no gettin off this train we're on!

Age: unknown

Sex: female

Height: 5' 7"

Weight: 120

Distinguishing Marks: particularly long hair, almost always smiling

Eye Color: blue

Hair: blue, down to waist

Base Equipment: the clothes on her back

Relatives: none known

At last with a wholly natural body, Kero has become, more or less, a free spirit. She no longer has any apparent reserve and has taken an emotional u-turn with her prosthetics gone. Completely content and ready to enjoy her life after three years of bitterness, Kero feels herself completely indebted to Zero and (particularly) Vex. Feeling this debt (plus with nothing better to do), she tags along with them until something changes her mind. Kero is in a very simple mindset, almost in a childlike state. It seems to be a sort of shock resulting from her sudden mood swing, leaving her in a seeming constant ecstatic condition.

In her simplicity, Kero seems to need nothing more than the most basic needs. She's very energetic and content, though enjoys napping and the occasional overindulgence (sex, food, etc). Still a bit of a mystery, she also still contains the majority of Vex's symbiote, leaving more than just an emotional connection with the vampire. While unclear if it's due to the symbiote or the Fullbody, but her hair tends to regrow rapidly in her sleep.