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Links to Good Sites

The Girls Picture Shrine
A good page with lots of pictures of women in videogames and anime. Warning: The page has a hentai section, which this link DOES NOT link to.

Cherry Roms
A site with SNES emulated games

The Video Game Museum
A site with a huge listing of real old games for nearly every videogame system ever made!

Lunar EB
An absolutely great Lunar Site with lots of stuff on it. Pic gallerys, news, story info, and character info.

Cel's Furry Art A great website with high quality human-as-animal artwork. It belongs to a friend of a friend of mine. Check out this great pic she drew.

Ranger Central
A good Power Ranger site I found. It has huge picture gallerys for each character and all the seasons, even one that isn't out yet. That is, if you care.

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