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Goto new page (start document) Goto Visual Basic class library Goto Delphi tutorial (for VB to Delphi interested) Goto link page (only the best delphi and VB links) Goto Delphi 5/6 section Click here to send me an email, bug report or greetings..
Latest news and updates
  • Thr 20.09.2001
    Finally back from hell (tunisia)! God save the west!
  • Fri 31.08.2001
    Updated the entire website with Macromedia DreamWeaver
  • Wdn 25.04.2001
    I have now converted completely to Delphi
  • Sun 18.03.2001
    Uploaded Visual Bitmap Library (Visual Basic)
Welcome to Zap Software

Finally back from vacation!
As you might know, i've been in Tunis for 14 days, and it was hell! But now im back, with new stuff lined out for all! You will soon get the full spec redneck foundation classes (delphi), so be very, very happy!!

For those of you that are dedicated followers of fashion (meaning Visual Basic), im sorry to say that i will not be updating the VB class library any more. Feel free to download and publish the code on your website if you wish, just make sure you link to me, the file locations for VB files will not change in the future. If they do, i will post a message here for you. Good luck with VB.

Delphi classes & components

GNU GPL Redneck foundation library:


Comming soon!
Im on vacation for 14 days!
Back 21.Sep.2001

Delphi comments and info:

I am working on a free library for Delphi programmers called RedNeck foundation library. It contains a large set of advanced and pro classes written for Delphi 5. Version 1.0 (availeble soon) contains only 3 components (i have 5 more in the pipeline, but i got a vacation comming up first).

XHtml browser component

Unless you have been living under a rock, you must have heard about the new markup language: XHtml. It is currently being developed by the company i work for, and will be freely availeble to the public sometime late this fall. Unlike HTML, XHTML is copyrighted to avoid another Netscape/Microsoft incident. As soon as the beta is done i will publish the component suite (ActiveX and VCL) here together with the license agreement setup by our lawers. And yes, if you have XHtml installed, Internet explorer can use it to view xhtml pages.

Visual Basic components

Freeware Visual Basic 5 components:

Visual Bitmap library

These components are no longer supported or updated! Consider them freeware from 31.08.2001
Jon Lennart Berg.
Short VB Descriptions:

The Visual Bitmap library makes it possible to create in-memory bitmaps that are device independent. This means that you can have as many memory resident (invisible) bitmaps as you like, and draw/blit them to your window or any hdc target. Great for flicker free usercontrols or small games.

HyperTextBox is a listbox implementation that supports html paragraph formating. This means you can add text lines with bold, italic etc.. formating to a visible list. This is a good component for debugging and application messages. Supports inline anchors.

This website is Copyright Jon Lennart Berg, Norway.
All code, layout and design is Copyright Zap Software 2000/2001, all rights reserved.