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Labyrinth Script

Labyrinth Script

Opening Credits

[Sarah, standing in an open space by the lake, with her dog, Merlin]

SARAH: (Talking to an owl, but mostly herself) Give me the child...through dangers untold and hardships unnumbered, i have fought my way here to the castle beyond the goblin city, to take back the child that you have stolen, for my will is as strong as yours, and my kingdom is as great....(hears thunder)...(thinking)....damn, (gets out her book) i can never remember that have no power over me. (Hears more thunder)

(Merlin barks)

SARAH: Oh Merlin. (hears the clock strike) Oh no merlin, i don't believe it, its 7:00, come on. (starts to run home)

[Sarah and Merlin reach the doorstep]

SARAH: Oh, its not fair

STEPMOTHER: Oh really!

SARAH: Oh, i'm sorry

STEPMOTHER: Well don't stand there in the rain come on.

SARAH: Alright, come on merlin.

STEPMOTHER: Not the dog!

SARAH: But its pouring!

STEPMOTHER: (to Merlin) Go on, into the garage

SARAH: aww, go on merlin, go into the garage, go!

[ inside the house ]

STEPMOTHER: Sarah! you're an hour late

SARAH: i said i'm sorry

STEPMOTHER: please, let me finish, your father and i go out very rarely....

SARAH: you go out every single weekend

STEPMOTHER: .....and i ask you to baby-sit only if it wont interfer with your plans

SARAH: well how do you know, you don't know what my plans are, you don't even ask me anymore

STEPMOTHER: well i'd assume you'd tell me if you had a date, i'd like it if you had a date, you should have dates at your age

(father comes in with toby)

FATHER: oh Sarah, your home, we were worried about you

SARAH: (storming upstairs) i can't do anything right, can i?!!

STEPMOTHER: she treats me like a wicked stepmother in a fairy story no matter what i say

FATHER: i'll talk to her

SARAH: (in her room) (to herself) through dangers untold, and hardships unnumbered, i have fought my way here to the castle beyond the goblin city, to take back the child that you have stolen.

(father knocks on the door)

FATHER: sarah, can i talk to you?

SARAH: there's nothing to talk about....You better hurry you're gonna be late

FATHER: listen, we fed Toby and put him to bed, we do have to leave now, but we'll be back around midnight.

SARAH: you really wanted to talk to me didn't you? practically broke down the door

SARAH: (notices her bear is missing) Lancealot!! someone has been in my room again, i hate that, i hate it!

(sarah goes into room where toby is, and notices the bear on the floor)

SARAH: i hate you, i hate you!! someone save me, someone take me away from this awful place!

(the thunder is getting louder)

SARAH: (looks at Toby crying) What do want, do you want story? huh? ok

SARAH: once upon a time there was a beautiful young girl whose stepmother always made her stay home with the baby. and the baby was a spoiled child and he wanted everything for himself. and the young girl was practically a slave.

but what no one knew was that the king of the goblins had fallen in love with the girl, and he had given her certain powers, and so one night when baby had been particularly cruel to her, she called on the goblins for help.

(goblins are hiding in the chest)

GOBLIN 1: sshhh, listen

SARAH: "say your right words," the goblins said and we'll take the baby to the goblin city, and you'll be free,

but the girl knew that the king of the goblins would keep the baby in his castle forever and ever and ever, and turn it into a goblin.

and so the girl suffered in silence, until one night, when she was tired from a day of housework and was hurt but the harsh words of her stepmother, and she could no longer stand it.

(after the story ends, toby is still crying)

SARAH: oh alright, alright (she picks toby up)
knock it off, come on. (toby still crys) stop it stop it, i'll say the, i musn't, i musn't say...

(goblins get excited)

SARAH: i wish....i wish!

GOBLIN 1: listen

GOBLIN 2: she's going to say it

GOBLIN 3: say what?

GOBLIN 4: Shut up

GOBLIN 5: yeah

GOBLIN 4: (to goblin 5) you shut up

GOBLIN 1: listen, she's going to say the words

SARAH: i can bare it no longer...goblin king, goblin king, wherever you may be, take this child of mine far away from me!!

(toby doesn't go anywhere)

GOBLINS: aawww

GOBLIN 2: that's not it

GOBLIN 4: what is all that rubbish, it doesn't even start with "i wish."

(toby is still crying)

SARAH: oh toby stop it! oh i wish i did know what to say to make the goblins take you away.

GOBLIN 4: "i wish the goblins will come and take you away right now." that's not hard is it?!! huh?!!

SARAH: i wish.....i wish!

GOBLIN 3: did she say it?

GOBLINS: shut up!

(sarah puts Toby to bed and tucks him in)

SARAH: (prepares to turn off the light) i wish the goblins would come and take you away right now. (turns off the light and leaves)

(toby suddenly stops crying, sarah goes to see what's wrong)

SARAH: toby?...toby? are you alright? (tries to turn on the light, but it won't work) why aren't you cying? (goes over to the crib and hears a sound)

(sarah pulls the blankets away and notices toby is missing, strange things start happening around her)

(the window breaks open and the owl flys in, it then turns in to the goblin king)

SARAH: (to the goblin king, jareth) your him, aren't you? you're the goblin king...i want my brother back, please. and its all the same.

JARETH: what's said is said

SARAH: but, i didn't mean it

JARETH: oh, you didn't

SARAH: please, where is he?

JARETH: you know very well where he is

SARAH: please bring him back, please

JARETH: sarah, go back to your room, play with your toys and your costumes, forget about the baby

SARAH: i can't

JARETH: i brought you, a gift

SARAH: what is it?

JARETH: it's a crystal, nothing more. but if you turn it this way and look into it, it will show you your dreams. but this is not a gift for an ordinary girl who takes care of a screaming you want it? then forget the baby

SARAH: i cant, it isn't that i don't appreciate what you're trying to do for me, but i want my brother back, he must be so scared....

JARETH: sarah...don't defy me (throws a snake on her)

(sarah grabs onto it and throws it off of her, it then turns into a goblin)

JARETH: you're no match for me sarah

SARAH: but i have to have my brother back

JARETH: he's there (points to a location outside the window) in my you still want to look for him?

SARAH: is that the castle beyond the goblin city?

(when sarah turns around, she notices that they have been transported from the house to the labyrinth)

JARETH: turn back sarah! turn back before it's too late

SARAH: i can't, don't you understand that i can't

JARETH: what a pity

SARAH: (stares at the castle) it doesn't look that far

JARETH: it's further than you think, time is short (points to a clock) you have 13 hours in which to solve the labyrinth before your baby brother becomes one of us forever, such a pity.

(jareth disappears and leaves sarah all by herself)

SARAH: the labyrinth! it doesn't look that hard....well come on feet

(she then starts off on her adventure. she doesn't stop until she comes across a dwarf, hoggle)

SARAH: excuse me

HOGGLE: oh, uh, excuse me...oh, it's you

SARAH: excuse me, but i have to get through this labyrinth, can you help me?

(hoggle ignores her, and goes about his business)

SARAH: (sees a fairy) oh how sweet

HOGGLE: (sprays something at one which makes it fall) 57

SARAH: oh, how could you?

SARAH: (goes over to the fairy and picks it up) poor thing. (to hoggle) you monster.

(sarah lets out a yelp and drops the fairy)

SARAH: it bit me

HOGGLE: well, what did you expect fairies to do?

SARAH: i thought they did nice things, like, like granting wishes

HOGGLE: ha, shows what you know don't it (shoots another fairy) 58

SARAH: horrible

HOGGLE: hmm, no i aint, i'm hoggle, who are you?

SARAH: sarah

HOGGLE: that's what i thought (shoots another fairy) 59

SARAH: do you know where the door to the labyrinth is?

HOGGLE: oh, maybe

SARAH: well, where is it?

HOGGLE: (ignores her again and shoots another fairy) 60

SARAH: i said where is it?

HOGGLE: where is what?

SARAH: the door

HOGGLE: what door?

SARAH: it's hopeless asking you anything

HOGGLE: not if you ask the right questions

SARAH: how do i get into the labyrinth?

HOGGLE: aah, now that's more like gets in, there (points to the doors which automatically open) uh, really going in there are you?

SARAH: yes, i'm afraid i have to (enters the labyrinth)

(sarah wanders in the labyrinth, looking around)

HOGGLE: (sneaks up behind her, and startles her) dozy isn't it, (laughs), would you go left or right?

SARAH: (looks both ways) they both look the same

HOGGLE: well you not gonna get very far

SARAH: which way would you go?

HOGGLE: me? i wouldn't go either way

SARAH: if that's all the help your gonna be, you can just leave

HOGGLE: you know your problem? you take too many things for granted. take this labyrinth, even if you get to the center, you'll never get out again

SARAH: that's your opinion

HOGGLE: well it's alot better than yours

SARAH: thanks for nothing hogwart

HOGGLE: ggrr, its hoggle, and don't say i didn't warn you

(hoggle leaves, the doors close, and sarah is left all by herself in the labyrinth)

(she starts walking and doesn't stop)

SARAH: (after a while) what do they mean labyrinth? there are no turns or corners or anything, it just goes on and on.....(studies the labyrinth) maybe it doesn't, maybe i'm just taking it for granted that it does (starts running to what seems like the end)

(sarah feels like she should give up, she takes a rest up against a wall) (a worm sees her)

WORM: allo

(sarah looks around to see who said that, then notices the worm)

SARAH: (to the worm) did you say, "hello?"

WORM: no, i said, "allo" but thats close enough

SARAH: you're a worm aren't you?

WORM: yeah, that's right

SARAH: you don't by any chance know the way through this labyrinth do you?

WORM: who me? no, i'm just a worm


WORM: come inside; meet the mrs.

SARAH: no thank you, but i have to solve this labyrinth, but there aren't any turns or any openings or anything, it just goes on and on and....

WORM: well you ain't lookin right, it's full of openings, it's just you aint seein 'em

SARAH: well where are they?

WORM: there's one just across there, it's right in front of ya

SARAH: (looks) no there isn't

WORM: come inside and have a nice cup of tea

SARAH: but there isn't an opening

WORM: oh of course there is, you try walking through it, you'll see what i mean

SARAH: what?

WORM: go on, go on then

SARAH: that's just wall, there's no way through

WORM: things are not always what they seem in this place, so you can't take anything for granted.

(sarah starts to walk through it, and to her suprise it's an opening)

WORM: (sees her leaving) hey, hang on

SARAH: thank you. that was incredibly helpful

WORM: but don't go that way

SARAH: what was that?

WORM: i said, don't go that way, never go that way

SARAH: oh, thanks

(she turns and goes the other way)

WORM: (sarah had already left) oh, should've kept on going down that way, should've gone straight to the castle

[ sarah is now at another level of the labyrinth ]

(she wanders around until she comes to a stone hand with a finger pointing in a direction toward the castle)

SARAH: (hears toby crying) toby.....i'm coming toby (starts toward the castle)

[ inside the castle we see toby crying and goblins around him, jareth is waiting impaitently for 13 hours to go by ]

(jareth sees that everyone is having fun without him, so he gets up and joins them. he then breaks out into a song

JARETH: (to goblin 6) you remind me of the babe

GOBLIN 6: what babe?

JARETH: the babe with the power

GOBLIN 7: what power?

JARETH: the power of voodoo

GOBLIN 1: who do?

JARETH: you do

GOBLIN 8: do what?

JARETH: remind me of the babe

(they all laugh)

JARETH: quiet! a goblin babe (laughs)

(no one else is laughing)

JARETH: well...(they all laugh)

JARETH: i saw my baby crying hard as babe could cry, what could i do? my baby's love had gone, and left my baby blue, noboby knew...

EVERYBODY: what kind of magic spell to use

GOBLIN 1: slime or snails

GOBLIN 5: or puppy dog tails

GOBLIN 6: thunder or lightning

JARETH: then baby said....

TOBY: (baby talk)

EVERYBODY: dance magic dance magic dance magic dance magic, put that baby's spell on me, jump magic jump magic jump magic jump magic, put that magic jump on me, slap that baby

GOBLIN 4: make him free

[ they are still singing as we are being brought back to where sarah is, you can still here music in the background ]

(to retrace her steps that she has been, sarah takes out her lipstick and draws arrows on the ground to the direction she is going)

(after she leaves, the "tile changer" turns over the tile that sarah had drew her mark on)

(sarah makes another arrow in a different location, and again the "tile changer" turns it over)

[ back at the castle, jareth is holding toby and looking at the clock ]

JARETH: in 9 hours and 23 minutes, you'll be mine

(everybody laughs)

JARETH: (back to singing) i saw my baby trying hard as babe could try, what could i do? my baby's fun has gone, and left my baby blue, nobody knew......

EVERYBODY: what kind of magic spell to use

GOBLIN 8: slime and snails

GOBLIN 6: puppy dog tails

GOBLIN 7: thunder and lightning

JARETH: then baby said....

TOBY: (baby talk)

EVERYBODY: dance magic dance magic dance magic dance magic, put that baby's spell on me, jump magic jump magic jump magic jump magic, put that magic jump on me, slap that baby make him free, dance magic dance magic dance magic dance magic dance, dance magic dance magic dance, jump magic jump magic jump magic jump, put that baby's spell on me......

[ they keep singing and music is still playing in the background as we come back to sarah ]

(sarah draws another arrow on the ground, as the music begins to fade, when she gets up to look at the direction she chose, she notices it's a dead end)

SARAH: no...

(while she is turned around, the "tile changer" changes the direction of the arrow. when sarah turns back around she notices the arrow)

SARAH: someone has been changing my marks, what a horrible place this's not fair

(2 doors with 2 two-sided gaurds appear behind her)
{B for bottom, T for top}

B.LEFT GAURD: that's right, it's not fair

(they both laugh)

B.LEFT GAURD: but that's only half of it

SARAH: (walks over to them) this was a dead end a minute ago

B.RIGHT GAURD: no, that's the dead end behind you

(they both laugh)

SARAH: (turns to look at it) it keeps changing, what am i supposed to do?

B.LEFT GAURD: well the only way out of here is to try one of these doors

B.RIGHT GAURD: one of them leads to the castle at the center of the labyrinth, and the other one leads to.....certain death

SARAH: which one is which

B.LEFT GAURD: uh, we can't tell you

SARAH: why not

B.LEFT GAURD: uh, we don't know

B.RIGHT GAURD: but they do (points to the top ones)

SARAH: oh, then i'll ask them

T.LEFT GAURD: no, you can't ask us, you can only ask one of us

T.RIGHT GAURD: yes, it's in the rules....but i should warn you, one of us always tells the truth and one of us always lies that's a rule too, he always lies (points to t.left gaurd)

T.LEFT GAURD: i do not, i tell the truth

T.RIGHT GAURD: oh what a lie

(b.right gaurd starts laughing and they all get in an argument)

(sarah walks up to t.left gaurd)

SARAH: (to t.left gaurd) alright, answer yes or no, would he (t.right gaurd) tell me that this door leads to the castle?

T.LEFT GAURD: (thinking) uh, yes

SARAH: then.....the other door leads to the castle and this door leads to certain death

(the gaurds are amazed)

T.LEFT GAURD: how do you know, he could be telling the truth

SARAH: but then you wouldn't be, so if you told me he'd say yes, i know the answer is no.

T.LEFT GAURD: but i could be telling the truth

SARAH: then he would lieing, so if you told me he said yes i know the answer would still be no

T.LEFT GAURD: wait a minute...(to t.right gaurd) is that right?

T.RIGHT GAURD: i don't know, i never understood it


SARAH: no, it's right, i figured it out, i could never do it before, i think i'm getting smarter (opens the second door and walks in) it's a piece of cake

(before she could do anything else, sarah falls right through the floor)

(as she is falling, she is being held on to by millions of hands)

SARAH: eewww, yuck...stop it (yells) HELP!

(sets of hands come together to form talking faces)

1ST SET OF HANDS: what do you mean, "help?"

2ND SET OF HANDS: we are helping

3RD SET OF HANDS: we're helping hands

SARAH: you're hurting

4TH SET OF HANDS: would you like us to let go?

(they let go for a couple seconds just to tease her)

SARAH: no!

5TH SET OF HANDS: well then, come on, which way?

SARAH: which way?

6TH SET OF HANDS: up or down


7TH SET OF HANDS: come on come on

8TH SET OF HANDS: we haven't got all day

9TH SET OF HANDS: where is your big decision for

10TH SET OF HANDS: which way do you want to go?

11TH SET OF HANDS: yes, which way?

SARAH: well since i'm pointed that way, i guess i'll go down

12TH SET OF HANDS: she chose down

13TH SET OF HANDS: she chose down?


SARAH: was that wrong?

(the hands start to release her)

14TH SET OF HANDS: too late now

(sarah is finally dropped into the dark oubliette)

[ in the castle, jareth looks in to his crystal and sees sarah in the oubliette ]

JARETH: (mainly to himself, but the goblins over hear) she's in the oubliette

(goblins start laughing)

JARETH: shut up! she should not have gotten as far as the oubliette, she should have given up by now

GOBLIN 4: she'll never give up

JARETH: will she? the dwarf's about to lead her back to the beginning, she'll soon give up when she realizes she has to start all over again (laughs)

(the goblins just stand in silence)

JARETH: well...laugh (they all start laughing)

[ jareth tosses the crystal up, showing sarah still in the oubliette, the camera zooms in on it ]

(sarah is looking around, she suddenly hears a noise)

SARAH: who's there?

HOGGLE: me (lights a match for light)

SARAH: oh it's you

HOGGLE: oh, yes, well, i knew you were gonna get in trouble as soon as i met you, so i come to give you a hand......(sees sarah looking around) oh, you're lookin around now, aren't you? i suppose you've noticed there ain't no doors, only, the hole.

(sarah still looks around)

HOGGLE: this is an oubliette, the labyrinth's full of them

SARAH: really, i didn't know that

HOGGLE: oh don't sound so smart, you don't even know what an oubliette is

SARAH: do you?

HOGGLE: yes, it's a place to put people to forget about what you gotta do is get out of here, and it just so happens i know a shortcut out of the whole labyrinth from here

SARAH: no, i'm not giving up now, i've come too, i'm doing ok

HOGGLE: of course you are, but it gets alot worse from here on in

SARAH: why are you so concerned about me?

HOGGLE: well, well, i am, that's all...nice young girl, terrible black oubliette

SARAH: you like jewelry don't you?


SARAH: if you help me solve the labyrinth, i'll give you this (holds up a bracelet) like it, don't you?

HOGGLE: so-so

SARAH: oh, okay

HOGGLE: uh, tell you what, you give me the bracelet and i'll show you the way out of the labyrinth

SARAH: you were gonna do that anyway

HOGGLE: yes, well that is what would make it a particularly nice jesture on your part

SARAH: no, i'll tell you what, of you won't take me to the center take me as far as you can, and then i'll do it on my own (offers the bracelet again)

HOGGLE: what is that anyway

SARAH: plastic (unsure of what it really is)

HOGGLE: well i don't promise nothing, but i'll take you as far as i can, then, you're on your own, right?

SARAH: (agrees) right!

HOGGLE: right (takes the bracelet) (to himself) oooh, plastic

(hoggle goes over to a rug lying on the floor and moves it aside, revealing a door shaped piece of wood)

HOGGLE: oh, here we go, (holds the wood up against the wall which makes a door)

(he begins to open it from the left side, and all kinds of junk fall out)

HOGGLE: damn.......broom closet (he shuts the door and procedes to open it from the right side) well, can't be right all the time

(the door opens on the right side which leads toward the exit of the oubliette)

HOGGLE: aah, this is it, come on then.

[ they have entered a cave-like area ]

HOGGLE: this way

(as they pass, they come across false alarms who give them cautious warnings)

FALSE ALARM 1: dont go on

FALSE ALARM 2: go back while you still can

FALSE ALARM 3: this is not the way

FALSE ALARM 4: take head and go no further

FALSE ALARM 5: beware, beware

FALSE ALARM 6: soon it will be too late

HOGGLE: (to sarah) oh, don't pay any attention to them, they're just false alarms, you get alot of them in the labyrinth, especially when you're on the right track

FALSE ALARM 7: oh no you're not

HOGGLE: (to false alarm 7) oh shut up

FALSE ALARM 7: sorry, just doing my job

HOGGLE: well you don't have to do it to us

FALSE ALARM 8: beware, for th....

HOGGLE: (to false alarm 8) just, forget it

FALSE ALARM 8: oh please, i haven't said it for such a long time

HOGGLE: oh, alright, but don't expect a big reaction

FALSE ALARM 8: no no no, of course not... (ahem) for the path you will take will lead to certain destruction......thank you very much

(sarah and hoggle see jareth's crystal roll by them)

SARAH uh oh

HOGGLE: oh no

(they watch as the crystals hops into a container that a mysterious creature is carrying)

MYSTERIOUS CREATURE: aah, what have we here?

HOGGLE: uh, nothing


(the mysterious creature then turns into the goblin king, jareth)

JARETH: nothing? nothing? nothing...tra la la

HOGGLE: your majesty, what a nice suprise

JARETH: hello, hedgewart

SARAH: hogwart (correcting him)

HOGGLE: hoggle (correcting her)

JARETH: hoggle, can it be that you're helping this girl?

HOGGLE: he-e-elp-p-ping, in what sense

JARETH: in the sense that you're leading her toward the castle

HOGGLE: no no, i was taking her back to the beginning, your majesty

SARAH: what!

HOGGLE: (to jareth) i told her i was gonna help her solve the labyrinth, a little trickery on my part, but actually....

(jareth notices the bracelet on hoggle that sarah gave to him)

JARETH: what is that plastic thing 'round your wrist?

HOGGLE: oh, (looks at wrist) oh this, uh, uh, oh, my goodness, where did this come from?

JARETH: haiggle....

HOGGLE: hoggle

JARETH: yes.....if i thought for one second that you're betraying me, i'd be forced to suspend you head first in the bog of enternal stentch

HOGGLE: (frightened) oh, no your majesty, (drops to his knees and begs jareth) not the enternal stentch

JARETH: oh yes, hoggle (shoves hoggle out of the way as he makes his way toward sarah) and you, sarah, how are you enjoying my labyrinth?

SARAH: (thinking) it's a piece of cake

JARETH: really? then how about upping the stakes, hmm? (turns the clock ahead by 3 hours)

SARAH: that's not fair

JARETH: you say that so often, i wonder what your basis for comparison the labyrinth is a piece of cake is it? well let's see how you deal with this little slice

(the crystal appears in his hands, and jareth throws it in the opposite direction and it forms "the cleaners," a machine that takes up the whole tunnel space and the whole front side is covered in sharp blades, as it moves toward sarah and hoggle)

HOGGLE: on no!!! the cleaners!!!

SARAH: what?!!

HOGGLE: run!

(they keep running, but hoggle trips and falls, sarah helps him up)

SARAH: you ok?

("the cleaners" closely catch up to them)

SARAH: come on, faster

(they stop when they find they are trapped by a gate)

HOGGLE: (reciting everything that's gone wrong) the cleaners, the bog of stentch (to sarah) you sure got a detention.

(hoggle notices sarah pushing on a loose wall, and goes to help her) ("the cleaners" are getting closer and closer to them and just at the last minute, the wall pushes in and they are safe, they watch as "the cleaners" pass right by them)

(hoggle looks around at where they are)

HOGGLE: aah, this is what we need, a ladder, follow me

SARAH: how can i trust you now that i know you were taking me back to the beginning of the labyrinth?

HOGGLE: i wasn't....i told him i was taking you back to the beginning just to throw him off the scent

SARAH: hoggle, how can i believe anything you say

HOGGLE: well, let me put it this way, what choice have you got?

SARAH: (looks around to see if there is) you're right (and starts following him up the ladder)

HOGGLE: see, you have to understand my position, i'm a coward, and jareth scares me

SARAH: what kind of position is that?

HOGGLE: no position, that's my point, and you wouldn't be so brave if you ever smelled the bog of eternal stentch, it's, it's......(trips over a loose step on the ladder, but keeps going)

SARAH: is that all is does is smell?

HOGGLE: oh believe me, that's enough.....but the worst thing is, if you so much as put a foot in the bog of stentch, you'll smell bad the rest of your life, it'll never wash off

(they keep climbing, and finally they reach the top) (from the inside, hoggle pushes open the lid to a large pot, and sees they made it outside)

HOGGLE: ahh, here we are then, (to sarah, who hasn't made it up quite yet) you're on your own from now on

SARAH: (finally makes it out) what?!!

HOGGLE: that's it, i quit

SARAH: wait a minute, hoggle?!!

HOGGLE: i said i didn't promise nothing, i said i would take you as far as i could go

SARAH: you little cheat, you nasty little cheat

HOGGLE: now don't try to embarass me, i got no pride

SARAH: oh yeah? (quickly grabs hoggle's jewels that are around his waist)

HOGGLE: hmm, but them's my jewels, no you give them back, give 'em back, give those back

(sarah waves the jewels in the air, hoggle tries to get them, but is held back by sarah)

SARAH: aw uh

HOGGLE: give those back to me

(sarah finally stops teasing hoggle, but still holds on to the jewels, as she stares at the castle)

SARAH: now, there's the castle, which way should we try?

HOGGLE: (focuses more on the jewels) them's my rightful property, it's not fair

SARAH: no, it isn't....but that's the way it is

(sarah hears the sound of the wiseman approaching the area, the wiseman's hat happens to be a talking bird, has he sits down, sarah and hoggle make their way toward him)

SARAH: (to the wiseman) excuse me please, but can you help me?

WISEMAN: oh, young girl

THE HAT: woo woo woo

WISEMAN: ahh, and who is this (noticing hoggle)

SARAH: my friend

WISEMAN: oh, yes, and what can i do for you?

SARAH: please, can you tell......that is, i have to get to the castle at the center of the labyrinth, do you know the way?





WISEMAN: oh yes, you want to get to the castle hmm?

THE HAT: how's that for brain power huh?

WISEMAN: be quiet!!

THE HAT: oh, nuts

WISEMAN: so, young woman, the way forward, is sometimes the way back

THE HAT: yi, would you listen to this crap

WISEMAN: would you please be quiet!!

THE HAT: alright



WISEMAN: alright

THE HAT: alright


THE HAT: sorry

WISEMAN: finished....?

THE HAT: (pauses).....yes

WISEMAN: (back to sarah now) quite often young lady, it seems we're not getting very far, when in fact.....

THE HAT: we are

WISEMAN: (looks up at his hat) we are

SARAH: i'm certainly not getting anywhere at the moment

THE HAT: join the club

(wiseman falls asleep)

THE HAT: and i think that's your lot....please leave a contribution in a little box

(wiseman holds out a little container with an opening in it)

(sarah picks around at hoggle's jewels)

HOGGLE: don't you dare, them's mine

(sarah looks around for something else she could give)

SARAH: well, i guess i could spare this (takes off her ring and places in the box)

THE HAT: gracez senorita

HOGGLE: (as they walk away) you didn't have to give him that, he didn't tell nothing

THE HAT: well well then, there go a couple of suckers.....(notices the wiseman is still asleep, and he has nothing to do)....oh, it's so stimulating being your head

[ sarah and hoggle make their way through the maze, traveling through every corner and opening they come across ]

HOGGLE: (remembering their chat with the wiseman) why did you say that, about my being your friend?

SARAH: because you are, you may not be much of a friend, but you're the only friend i got in this place....(hears a noise from the other side of the bush) did you hear something?

HOGGLE: (ignoring sarah and thinks about what she said) hmm, "friend," i like that. i ain't never been no ones friend before...

(hoggle and sarah hear a loud monsterous roar not too far away)

HOGGLE: (gets scared) aahhh, goodbye...(and runs off)

(sarah chases after him)

SARAH: wait a minute, (holds him down)

HOGGLE: keep the stuff (thinking she was not going to give him the jewels if he left)

SARAH: are you my friend or not?

HOGGLE: no, no i'm not, hoggle ain't no ones friend, he can look out for himself, like everyone (releases himself from sarah's grasp) hoggle is hoggle's friend (runs off again)

SARAH: hoggle!! you coward!!

(hears the loud noise again)

SARAH: (to herself) well i'm not afraid, things aren't always what they seem in this place

(she finally makes it to where the noise is coming from) (she witnesses little goblins attacking a giant goblin)

SARAH: (to herself) if only i had something to throw...

(a rock rolls right up to her, she notices the rock and picks it up)

(when she threw it, it hit the helmet one of the goblins were wearing and spun it around so the goblin couldn't see anything)

(another rock rolled to her again, and again, she picked it up and threw it, hitting another goblin's helmet, and the same thing happened to that goblin as the other one)

(they couldn't see anything, so when they were attacking, they were missing their target and actually attacking each other)

(they kept battling back and forth til they were out of the scene)

(sarah makes her way toward the giant goblin, who was hanging upside down by a rope)

(he was scared cuz he thought sarah was a bad she was trying to help him, he was trying his hardest to back away)

SARAH: now stop that!

(the giant goblin stops and for once is quiet)

SARAH: is that anyway to treat someone who is trying to help you? don't you want me to help you down?

LUDO: ludo, down

SARAH: ludo? is that your name?

LUDO: ludo

SARAH: oh, you seem like such a nice beast, well i certainly hope you are what you seem to be (looks for a way to get ludo down)

(ludo struggles to hang on)

SARAH: just hang on, i'll get you down (unties the rope on a branch) just a second

(gets the rope untied and ludo makes a hard fall)

SARAH: oh i'm sorry...ludo, are you hurt?

LUDO: (looks at sarah) friend?

SARAH: that's right ludo, i'm sarah

LUDO: sarah...(tries to get up)

SARAH: here let me help you

LUDO: (is finally up) sarah....sarah friend (makes his way toward her)

SARAH: now, wait, just a second, i wanna ask you something ludo....

LUDO: what?

SARAH: i have to get to the castle at the center of the labyrinth, do you know the way?

LUDO: (thinking)

SARAH: you don't know either huh?

LUDO: no

SARAH: i wonder if anyone knows how to get through this labyrinth

[ we now come back to hoggle, walking around, all by himself ]

HOGGLE: (to himself) get through the labyrinth, get through the labyrinth? one thing for sure, she'll never get through the labyrinth (talking about sarah)

[ back to ludo and sarah ]

(sarah looks around, and notices two doors that weren't there before)

SARAH: hey, where did they come from? (examines the doors and notices two creature doorknockers) what do you think ludo? which should we choose out of these two ugly characters?

(they both take another good look at each)

LEFT DOORKNOCKER: it's very rude to stare

SARAH: oh, i'm sorry, i was just wondering which door to choose

LEFT DOORKNOCKER: what? (as we notice the ring loops through his ears)

RIGHT DOORKNOCKER: (mumbles something that no one can understand, as we notice the ring on that one, hangs from the inside of his mouth)

LEFT DOORKNOCKER: (to right doorknocker) don't talk with your mouth full

RIGHT DOORKNOCKER: (mumbles something else)

SARAH: (to right doorknocker) wait a second, i can't understand you (she pulls the ring out of his mouth)

LEFT DOORKNOCKER: what were you saying?

RIGHT DOORKNOCKER: (starts moving his mouth around) it is so good to get that thing out

SARAH: what were you saying?

RIGHT DOORKNOCKER: i said, it's no good talking to him, he's as deaf as a post....

LEFT DOORKNOCKER: mumble mumble mumble, your a wonderful conversational companion.....

RIGHT DOORKNOCKER: you can't talk, all you do is moan...

LEFT DOORKNOCKER: no good, (sniffs) can't hear you

SARAH: where do these doors lead?


RIGHT DOORKNOCKER: search me...we're just the knockers (laughs)

SARAH: oh, how do i get through?

RIGHT DOORKNOCKER: knock, and the door will open

SARAH: oh....(notices the right doorknocker's ring is hanging from ludo's mouth) ludo..? (goes over to ludo and pulls the ring out of his mouth and procedes to put it back in the right place

RIGHT DOORKNOCKER: no, i don't want that thing back in my mouth

SARAH: come on, i wanna knock

(right doorknocker closes his mouth tightly and refuses to open it)

LEFT DOORKNOCKER: ha, doesn't want his ring back in his mouth eh? can't say i blame him

(sarah thinks fast of what to do, she finally decides to plug right doorknocker's nose really tight so he can't breathe)

(he tries so hard not to give in, but he can't take it no longer, he opens his mouth wide to get some air, and as it's open, sarah slides the ring inside and knocks; the door opens)

SARAH: (as she walks in) (to right doorknocker) sorry...

RIGHT DOORKNOCKER: (mumbles) that's alright i'm used to it

(sarah and ludo walk in)

[ sarah and ludo find themselves walking deeper and deeper into a forest ]

SARAH: (notices ludo is lagging) come on ludo

(ludo looks around him at the scary forest)

[ we are now brought back to the castle, the clock shows that sarah has only less than 5 hours to solve the labyrinth ]

(the goblins are still having fun doing their own thing, jareth is sitting in his chair, holding toby)

TOBY: (baby talk)

JARETH: your welcome

(toby squirms around)

JARETH: what a lively little child, i think i'll call him jareth....he's got my eyes (smiles at toby)

(goblins laugh)

[ now back to ludo and sarah in the forest ]

LUDO: (still unsure about the forest) ludo, scared

SARAH: aww, give me your hand, come on (takes ludo's hand) imagine....a big thing like you being scared....

LUDO: yeah

SARAH: (walks around alittle with ludo) see ludo, there's nothing to be afraid of....

(ludo falls through the ground without sarah's sudden awarness)

(then sarah turns around and sees that ludo is gone)

SARAH: ludo?...ludo?....ludo?....ludo where are you?...ludo?.....

[ we see hoggle appearing by himself, also in the forest ]

SARAH: hoggle? help

HOGGLE: (suprised) oh, i'm comin sarah...

(sarah still looks to ludo, but hoggle is stopped by jareth)

JARETH: (hearing that hoggle was going help sarah) well....(to hoggle) if it isn't you....and, uh, where are you going?

HOGGLE: uh, well, the little lady gave me the slip, but i just hears her now, so uh, i was about to lead her back to the beginning, like you told me

JARETH: i see...for one moment i thought you were running to help her, but, uh, no, not after my warnings, that would be stupid

HOGGLE: oh you bet it would, me? help her? after your warnings? (laughs)

(hoggle abruptly stops laughing after he is right face to face with jareth)

JARETH: oh dear, oh hoghead?

HOGGLE: hoggle

JARETH: i just noticed your lovely jewels are missing

HOGGLE: uh, (looks down at where they're supposed be) oh yes, so they lovely jewels.....missing....uh, uh....i must find them, but first, i'm off to take to take the little lady back to the beginning of the labyrinth, just like we planned...

JARETH: wait! i've got a much better plan, hoggle....(holds the crystal in his hands and tosses it to hoggle) give her this....

(the crystal reaches hoggle's hands and turns into a peach)

HOGGLE: wha...what is it?

JARETH: it's a present

HOGGLE: it ain't gonna hurt the little lady, is it?

JARETH: oh, now why the concern

HOGGLE: i won't do nothing to harm her

JARETH: oh come come come hogbrain, i'm suprised at you losing your head over a girl.

HOGGLE: i ain't lost my head

JARETH: you don't think a young girl could ever like a repulsive little scab like you, do you?

HOGGLE: well she said we was.....

JARETH: what? a companion....friends

HOGGLE: oh, (mumbles to himself)

JARETH: you'll give her that, hoggle, or i'll tip you straight into the bog of eternal stentch before you can blink.

HOGGLE: yes, right

JARETH: and hoggle.....(gets hoggle's attention) if she ever kisses you, i'll turn you into a prince

HOGGLE: you, you will?

JARETH: prince of the land of stentch (laughs)

(hoggle gets depressed and finishes walking away)

[ sarah is still looking for ludo in the forest ]

SARAH: ludo?...ludo?

(sarah hears noise and stops)

SARAH: whats going on?

(the firey's come out and greet sarah, laughing and acting wild)

SARAH: what do you want

FIREY 1: what do i want? we just came out to have a good time

(a firey, lights a match and makes a fire)

(they all start to break out into a song, trying to entertain sarah, but sarah is not having fun)

(singing and dancing around the fire, the firey's act all wild and crazy, sarah is disgusted by some the things they do, like taking off their heads and limbs)

(they all decide to try and take off sarah's head)

FIREY 2: hey....hey, her head don't come off

SARAH: (pulling them off of her) of course it doesn't

FIREY 3: (to sarah) hey lady, where do you grow a head like that?

FIREY 4: i know what we can do.....take off her head

(they all agree, and start making their way toward sarah, but sarah is fast, she takes the heads off the nearest four firey's and throws them far)

FIREY 5: (sees sarah taking off a head) hey, that's his head

(sarah takes off firey 5's head)

FIREY 5: hey, that's my head

(when sarah finishes, she trys her best to escape)

FIREY 5: hey, lady, it's against the rules to throw other people's heads

FIREY 1: you should know to destroy your own head

FIREY 4: that's right

(they all keep taunting her as she runs away)

SARAH: leave me a alone

(a rope falls down beside her, sarah looks up)

SARAH: (suprised) hoggle!

HOGGLE: grab it

(sarah grabs it and starts to climb up)

(the firey's still don't give up)

HOGGLE: (to firey's) scram, shoo, go away

(the firey's finally leave)

SARAH: hoggle! you come to help me (leans over to kiss him)

HOGGLE: uh, no, don't kiss me (but it was too late)

(the next thing they knew, they fell threw the ground and were sliding down a tunnel that would lead right into the bog of eternal stentch)

(they got to the end of the tunnel, and just as he was about to fall into the bog, hoggle held on to a thin branch sticking out of the wall, and sarah held herself back from going out of the tunnel)

(she finally found her balance, and sarah was able stay at the edge of the wall)

SARAH: hoggle, come on

HOGGLE: (smelling the bog) oh, eww

SARAH: (also getting a smell of the bog) oh my god (takes a look the bog) ohew....what is it? (as she tries to help up hoggle)

HOGGLE: it's....(trying to breathe) the bog of eternal stentch

SARAH: (still helping hoggle) i never smelled anything like it, it's (she couldn't find the words)

HOGGLE: (still trying to breathe) oh, it doesn't matter what it's like, it's the bog of eternal stentch, help!

SARAH: (still getting hoggle up) hold on

(hoggle finally makes it up)

HOGGLE: oh, what did you have to go and do a thing like that for? (gasps for air)

SARAH: do what? mean rescue you?

HOGGLE: no....! you kissed me

(the stones they are walking on falls down, but they manage to keep themselves up)

HOGGLE: oh my gosh

SARAH: don't pretend to be so hard....i know you came back to help me, and i know that you're my friend

HOGGLE: did not, am not, i just come to get me property back...(remembers the peach)....oh, and uh, to give you..give you...uh....

SARAH: give me what?

(hoggle trips and sarah leans over to help him, but falls herself. they both fall down but ludo breaks their fall, and luckily they were at the shallow end of the bog)

SARAH: ludo!!

LUDO: (can't help but smell the bog) eehh, smell

SARAH: where's hoggle?

(we hear hoggle kicking and screaming underneath ludo)

HOGGLE: get off of me

(ludo notices and trys to get up, sarah helps him)
(hoggle scrambles out gasping for air)

SARAH: hoggle

(ludo and hoggle get mean to each other)

SARAH: (holding ludo back) oh no, it's ok, (to hoggle) this is ludo, he's a friend...too (can't help but get disgusted by the smell)

HOGGLE: oh, what

LUDO: smell

SARAH: eehh, you're right (holds her sleave up to her nose)

HOGGLE: (plugs his nose) oh my god (gasps for air)

SARAH: (spots a bridge) there's a bridge, come on

(they all make their way toward the bridge)

HOGGLE: (warning them) watch it, you step in this stuff and you'll smell forever

(they were just about to cross the bridge, when a little goblin named didymus stops them)

DIDYMUS: stop! (blocks their way) stop i say

SARAH: please, we have to get across

DIDYMUS: without my permission, no one may cross

SARAH: please, i only have a little time left

HOGGLE: (to didymus, holding his breath) we've got to get out of this stentch

LUDO: smell bad

DIDYMUS: stentch? well what speakth thou

SARAH: it smells

DIDYMUS: i smell nothing

HOGGLE: you're joking

DIDYMUS: but i didn't find my sense of smell...(sniffs the air)..aah, the air is sweet, and fragrant, and none may cross without my permission

LUDO: smell bad

HOGGLE: oh, get out of my way

DIDYMUS: i won't leave, i am sworn to do my duty (nudges hoggle with his saurcer)

SARAH: come on, let us get across

DIDYMUS: hold, (wards them back with his saurcer)

(as ludo gets closer, didymus stabs him in the gut) (ludo picks up didymus by his saurcer, which gives hoggle the time to pass and leave sarah and ludo behind)

SARAH: hoggle?! what are you doing?

DIDYMUS: (to ludo) let go of my saurcer

(ludo drops didymus, and didymus gives ludo a big whack in the knee)

(didymus runs off, and ludo tries to find him, but didymus was fast, he starts climbing up ludo)

DIDYMUS: (to himself) let's see if i can conquer this mountain (reaches the top and slaps ludo on the head with his saurcer numerous times)

(ludo swings didymus over the edge of his head, with didymus still hanging on to ludo's ears. when ludo tries to pull didymus off him, didymus bites ludo's fingers)

(ludo finally flings him off; didymus goes over the side of the bridge, but bounces back up) (didymus makes his way back to ludo and starts whacking him again, ludo is smart this time, he picks up a long thick branch that has fallen and starts aiming toward didymus)

(ludo swings once, but didymus moves, he swings again and misses again)

DIDYMUS: ha ha....give up?

(ludo keeps swinging and everytime, misses) (on the next swing, ludo thought he acutally got didymus, but didymus was fast and climbed inside a tree) (ludo sees didymus)

DIDYMUS: (to ludo) before this day, never have i met my match in battle. this noble knight has brought me to a standstill

SARAH: are you alright ludo?

LUDO: smell

DIDYMUS: sir ludo, if that's thy name, now i, sir didymus, yield to thee...come, let us be brothers in sport, and fight for the right as one

(ludo helps didymus out of the tree)

DIDYMUS: thank you very much

LUDO: ludo, get, brother (as he puts didymus down)

DIDYMUS: well met, sir ludo

SARAH: good, come on

DIDYMUS: wait a minute, you forget my sacred vow my lady....i can not let you pass

SARAH: but you just said ludo was your brother

LUDO: yeah

DIDYMUS: i have taken an oath, and i must defend it to the death

LUDO: smell

SARAH: ok, let's handle this thing logically, (to didymus) what exactly have you sworn?

DIDYMUS: i have sworn with my life's one shall pass this way without my permission

SARAH: well....may we have your permission?

DIDYMUS: well, i uh.....hmm.....yes?

SARAH: thank you, noble sir

DIDYMUS: my lady

(sarah makes her way to the bridge)

SARAH: (as she steps unto it) uh oh

DIDYMUS: have no fear sweet lady, this bridge has lasted a thousand years (pounds at the end of the bridge with his saurcer)

(the bridge breaks and leaves sarah dangling from a thin branch right above the bog)

DIDYMUS: (to himself) it seemed solid enough

SARAH: (sees hoggle coming) hoggle!!

(hoggle's jaw drops)

DIDYMUS: there now fair maiden, i will save thee....somehow

(ludo starts howling)

DIDYMUS: sir ludo?!! canst thou not howl when your maiden needs our help

(ludo continues to howl as a large boulder comes rolling towards them, it stops right under sarah's feet, sarah lets go of the branch and stands on the rock) (ludo continues to howl until more rocks come)

SARAH: that's incredible ludo

DIDYMUS: (to ludo) my brother, canst thou summon up the very rocks

LUDO: friends

(holding his breath, hoggle makes his way towards sarah)

SARAH: hoggle....(walks across the path of rocks ludo made for her)

HOGGLE: (lends sarah a hand) here...

SARAH: thanks hoggle

(now it is ludo's turn to go across the rocks)

SARAH: careful ludo

DIDYMUS: sir ludo wait for me.....(calls his dog) ambrosius? its alright ambrosius you can come out now....come on....that a loyal steed.....steady.... thats it (hops on the dog) forward.....steady, steady boy.....come on ambrosius, just close your eyes and go.....

(they make it to the end)

SARAH: lets get out of here

(everyone follows sarah)

(after they all left, hoggle remembers the peach in his hand, he looks around to make sure no one's around. when he thought he was alone, he took he the peach over to the bog and was about to drop it in)

THE VOICE OF JARETH: i wouldn't do that if i were you

HOGGLE: (to himself) oh please, i can't give it to her

[ sarah, ludo, didymus, and ambrosius make their way through the forest ]

DIDYMUS: well, come on then, we should reach the castle well before day

[ inside the castle, jareth is holding toby and showing him the crystal, which displays sarah on her journey to rescue him ]

JARETH: (to sarah) look, sarah, is this what your trying to find (holds the crystal up to toby)

TOBY: (baby talk)

JARETH: (to toby) so much trouble over such a little thing, but not for long, she'll soon forget all about you my fine follow, just as soon as hoggle give her that present, then she'll forget, everything
[ back in the forest ]

(didymus hears a stomach roar)

DIDYMUS: (to ambrosius) is that my stomach or yours, ambrosius?

LUDO: hungry

SARAH: yeah...well, we can't stop now....maybe we can find some berries or something

(hoggle catches up)

HOGGLE: uh, sarah?

SARAH: yeah?

HOGGLE: uh, here..(offers the peach)

SARAH: aw. hoggle....(takes the peach) thank you, you're a life saver

(sarah takes a bite of the peach)

SARAH: (pausing for a minute) it tastes strange.........

(hoggle gets scared)

SARAH: hoggle what have you done?

HOGGLE: oh, damn you jareth....and damn me too (turns a goes away)

SARAH: (to herself) everything's dancing

[ shows jareth twirling a bunch of crystals, as he takes them one by one and blows them toward sarah ]

(sarah is plopped on the ground, as she sees the crystals, one of them has a picture of her dancing doll music box in it, sarah studies it really hard)

(she pictures herself as the doll)

[ we are now where ludo and didymus are]

DIDYMUS: yay, finally...whoa ambrosius, whoa... the castle just lie yonder my lady. (notices sarah isn't there) lady? lady? lady?

(they stop and notice one of the bubbles coming toward them, the picture in the bubble is of a mask ball, and the camera zooms in on it)

(people are dancing and sarah makes her way through the crowd, jareth sees her and waits for her to come)

(sarah makes her way toward him, and the background song plays "as the world falls down." they finally get to each other, and start dancing together, as jareth sings to her)

(after a while, sarah hears the clock strike, and starts to leave, the crowd is too thick for sarah to get through at first, but eventually clears up)

(she tries to get out of the room, but sarah finds she is trapped inside. she picks up one of the chairs from a table and smashes the glass wall)

(everyone starts screaming and floating around, as sarah falls and keeps falling until she lands right in the middle of a junk yard)

[ hoggle is shown, sitting down in the same junk yard mourning over what he did to sarah ]

HOGGLE: (to himself) oh, she'll never forgive me....what did i do....i lost my only friend, that's what i've done

[ back to sarah, lying down on a pile of junk ]

(she starts to sit up and look around)

SARAH: (to herself) what was i doing?....

(she looks at the peach in her hand, a slimey bug comes out of the center)

SARAH: eeewww (throws the peach)

(sarah trys to get up all the way now, she pushes on a pile of junk for support, the pile of junk turns out to be stuff that a woman is carrying on her back)

JUNK LADY: oh, get off my back, (sees sarah) oh, why don't you look where you're going young woman, hmm?

SARAH: (to what was suppose to be the junk lady, but makes it to herself) i was looking

JUNK LADY: huh? hmm? and where were ya goin?

SARAH: i don't remember

JUNK LADY: you can't look where you're goin if you don't know where you're goin

SARAH: i was searching for something

JUNK LADY: well look here hmm.... (pulls out a bear)

SARAH: (takes the bear and looks at it) lancelot? (looks at the junk lady) thank you

JUNK LADY: that's what you were looking for, wasn't it my dear?

SARAH: (hugs the bear) yes, i forgot (still unsure if it was or not)

JUNK LADY: now....why don't you come in here, and see if there's anything else you like, hmm...

(sarah opens the curtain, and to her suprise is her bedroom)

SARAH: wow...(flops down on her bed still holding lancealot) (relieved) it was only a dream, (talking to lancealot) i dreamed it all lancealot...but it was so real....let's go see if daddy's back, ok?

(sarah gets up and opens the door, but the junk lady is still there)

JUNK LADY: better to stay in here dear, yes, there's nothing you want out there, no, oh no....(looks around sarah's room) oh, and what have we got here....

SARAH: (to herself and lancealot) lancealot..?

JUNK LADY: (to sarah) oh, your little bunny rabbit, you like your little bunny rabbit don't you? yes, yes, yes (hands the rabbit to sarah) there you go.....oooh there's betsy boo, you remember besty boo, don't you? yes, yes, yes, (sarah takes the doll) then, what else have we got...

(sarah make her way to the chair in front of her mirror and sits down)

JUNK LADY: what's this? let's have a look, ooh it's a pencil box, got lots of pencils in it, too...and oh, here's your panda slippers, you know how much you love your panda slippers, you never wanted them thrown away did ya? there they are (sarah takes the slippers) that's right that's right, ok now, what else....oh, it's little horsey, you love little horsey don't ya dear? and look at this, you have a printing game you have. oh here's the treasure (the lipstick) you'll want that won't ya my dear? yes go on, put it on make yourself up....and here's dear old floppsy, you'll want her right, there you go (puts floppsy on sarah's shoulder)..oh yes, ah, oh yes, charlie bear, right, there's charlie bear for you hmm....

SARAH: there was something i was looking for... (grabs her book "the labyrinth" from the desk and opens it up)

JUNK LADY: don't talk nonsense, it's all here, everything in the world you ever cared about is all right here,'s your little da....

SARAH: (reads from the book) through dangers untold....

(the junk lady stops and listens)

SARAH: ....and hardships unnumbered, i have fought my way here to the castle beyond the goblin city, to take back the child that you have stolen....

JUNK LADY: huh? what's the matter my dear, don't you like your toys?

SARAH: (looks around) it's all junk

JUNK LADY: uh? well, well what about this (holds up the dancing doll music box) this is not junk (hands it to sarah)

(sarah takes it, looks at it, then throws it)

SARAH: yes it IS!!

(the walls start caving in, everything gets thrown around)

SARAH: (remembers) i have to save toby!!!

(sarah finds that she's in a hole in the forest where she last was)

DIDYMUS: (calls from above her) my lady...

LUDO: sarah

(sarah makes her way out of the hole)

DIDYMUS: are you alright?

LUDO: sarah

DIDYMUS: my lady

LUDO: sarah

(ludo helps sarah the rest of the way out)

DIDYMUS: fair maiden, thank goodness thou is saved at last

SARAH: where are we?

LUDO: sarah back

DIDYMUS: lady look, we're almost there (points in a direction) those are the gates to the goblin city

SARAH: ludo, sir didymus.....let's go quickly, we don't have much time

LUDO: yeah

DIDYMUS: right...ambrosius, forward.....

(hoggle hides behind some of the junk and notices sarah is on her way to the castle)

HOGGLE: (to himself) oh no

[ ludo, didymus, and sarah are now at the gates of the goblin city, the gaurd is asleep ]

DIDYMUS: open up, open the doors!

SARAH: sshh, sir didymus, we gotta go quietly

(didymus hops off ambrosius and starts pounding on the gates with his saurcer)

DIDYMUS: open up, open up right now

SARAH: sir didymus, you'll wake the gaurd

(didymus ignores sarah and keeps pounding)

SARAH: be quiet

DIDYMUS: (into the gaurd's ear) well let them all wake up (pounds on the gaurd's helmet)

SARAH: ssshhh

(the guard halfway wakes up)

DIDYMUS: (to the gaurd) i shall fight you all to the death (continues to pound on the gates)

SARAH: (grabs didymus) please didymus, for my sake hush

DIDYMUS: but of course, for thee, anything...but, (quietly) i'm not a coward?


DIDYMUS: and my sense of smell is clean?

SARAH: oh yes

DIDYMUS: (loud again) then i should fight anyone, anywhere, anyplace, anytime....

SARAH: (interupts him) yes, yes, we all know, now, quietly

DIDYMUS: quiet now

(they all enter through the gates)

DIDYMUS: i don't see why we have to be so's only a goblin city

SARAH: i smell trouble

(the gates slam shut, and ludo lets out a growl)

SARAH: (takes ludo's hand) come on ludo

(a large wall begins to shut in front of them)

SARAH: oh no

(ludo growls again)

(the more the wall shuts, it creates a weird creature in the center of it)

SARAH: what is that?

WALL MONSTER: who goes...

(didymus barks at it)

(the wall monster frees itself from the wall and makes way toward them)

WALL MONSTER: who goes....

(they back up as it gets closer and closer to them, blades comes out from nowhere behind them, which leaves them trapped)

WALL MONSTER: who goes...

(the wall monster picks up the ax that is on the ground)

(ludo growls, and didymus barks)

(the wall monster pulls the ax down)

SARAH: watch out!

(ambrosius runs out from under didymus and hides)

DIDYMUS: (follows ambrosius with his head) amb..ambrosius.....?!! ambrosius will you come here

(the wall monster swings his ax back and forth, barely missing sarah each time)

DIDYMUS: ambrosius....come here right now (ambrosius stays) ambrosius, would you please come over here, you're embarassing me

(hoggle starts running across the top of the wall, going toward the wall monster)

SARAH: hoggle!!

LUDO: hoggle?

(the wall monster knocks sarah out of the way with the ax)

(hoggle jumps on top of the wall monster and wrestles with it's head. he finally knocks it off and it shows a little goblin inside controlling the move of the monster)

HOGGLE: (to goblin) oh, get out of there

(hoggle jumps inside and physically forces the goblin out, the goblin falls out and hits the ground)

GOBLIN: (shakes of the dust) that wasn't very nice

(ludo scares off the goblin)

HOGGLE: (getting inside the monster) my turn now...uh, how do you drive this thing? (struggles with the controllers)

SARAH: (yells up to hoggle) drop the ax!

HOGGLE: oh, i'm trying

DIDYMUS: ambrosius, come here at once (whistles for ambrosius to come)

HOGGLE: (still struggling with the contraption) oh, where's reverse?

(hoggle pushes all the buttons at once, which causes fatal outcomes)

SARAH: get out of there, hoggle!

HOGGLE: (climbs out) abandon ship! (forgets about climbing and dives out to the bottom)

SARAH: hoggle!!

(the wall monster blows up)

SARAH: oh hoggle are you alright?

HOGGLE: (looks at sarah) im not asking to be to forgiven, i ain't ashamed of nothing i did, jareth made me give you that peach...i don't care what you think of me, i told ya i was a coward, and i aint interested in being friends

SARAH: i forgive you hoggle


DIDYMUS: and i commend you, really i've seen such cuttage, you are a valient man, sir hoggle.

HOGGLE: i am?

LUDO: hoggle and ludo friends

HOGGLE: we are?

SARAH: here are your things hoggle (hands hoggle his jewels) thanks for your help

HOGGLE: well what are we waiting for...let's get that rat who calls himself jareth


SARAH: come on

(everyone follows sarah)

DIDYMUS: ambrosius, it's safe now, there's nothing to be afraid of

(ludo and sarah help push the wall open...they now all finally make it in the goblin city and head on their way to the castle)

[ meanwhile in the castle, the clock shows that sarah only has 15 minutes left ]

(jareth is sitting in his chair with toby in his lap, when the door break open, the goblin messenger comes in with news)

MESSENGER: your highness! your highness! it's her

JARETH: what...?

MESSENGER: the girl who ate the peach, who forgot everything....

JARETH: what of her

MESSENGER: she's here, with the monster and knight and the dwarf that works for you

JARETH: what!

MESSENGER: they got through the gates, and they're on their way to the castle

JARETH: stop her! call out the gaurds (gives toby to one of the goblins) take the baby and hide it....she must be something

(goblins charge out to stop sarah)

JARETH: go on, move, move!

[ walking through the goblin city are sarah, ludo, hoggle, and didymus ]

SARAH: i think we're gonna make it

HOGGLE: oh, piece of cake

(goblin soldiers start to come out out of nowhere and surround them, jareth watches everything from the top of the castle)

(one of the goblins blow a horn and they all start to fire cannon balls)

(sarah, ludo and didymus run the opposite direction)

SARAH: quick, this way

(but didymus, having no fear, forces ambrosius to turn back around)

DIDYMUS: ambrosius turn around! ambrosius, turn around...(ambrosius finally turns) alright, charge!!!

(another cannon goes off, and ambrosius turns back around and runs)

DIDYMUS: no, not that way!! you're going the wrong way...! the battle's behind us!!

(goblins run after ambrosius and didymus, as ambrosius keeps running)

DIDYMUS: ambrosius, can we please talk about this...sit!

(ludo, hoggle, and sarah wait for the goblins to pass, then the coast was clear)

SARAH: (to ludo and hoggle) ok....through here (leads them to another location)

(didymus is still trying to convience ambrosius to turn around)

DIDYMUS: ambrosius, i'm serious...

(sarah, again waits for the coast to clear)

SARAH: ok, come on guys..(leads them off again)

DIDYMUS: (with the soldiers still following him) ambrosius, if you don't turn around this second, i will never feed you again

(ambrosius makes a sudden stop and turns around, the soldiers have both of them surrounded)

DIDYMUS: (to ambrosius) that's better

(ambrosius seems worried)

DIDYMUS: don't worry ambrosius, i think we got them surrounded (looks up and sees soldiers all around them)

[ sarah, hoggle, and ludo run as fast as they can to the castle ]

SARAH: didymus? where's didymus?

(they notice soldiers firing cannon balls at them, so they duck) (a cannon ball gets stuck to a wall)

CANNON BALL: i hit something....yes?

(they get up and run)

SARAH: we have to find didymus, down this way

(another soldier comes riding on a creature to join the other soldiers surrounding didymus and ambrosius)

DIDYMUS: (staring at them for a while) charge!!

(ambrosius starts running toward the soldiers as the soldiers are running toward them)

(didymus knocks over one of the soldiers)

DIDYMUS: ha ha, hidy ho, ha ha (doesn't look where he is going, runs into the edge of a roof and falls down)

(didymus gets up and sees ambrosius run into a house)

DIDYMUS: ambrosius...! you coward...uh, uh, uh, ambrosius..?!!

[ going back to where sarah and the other two are, they hear another cannon go off close by them ]

(sarah runs to a house)

SARAH: quick..! in here

HOGGLE: how's ludo gonna get in (closes the door)

(ludo opens the side wall of the house, climbs in and closes it back up) (the soldiers see them go in and trys to run in but gets trapped outside, they don't give up and start pounding on the house)

(ludo pops his head up through the top roof and sees what's going on)

GOBLIN SOLDIER: (sees ludo) you in there, you're surrounded (starts firing)

LUDO: surrounded?

(the goblin soldiers poke through the windows, but sarah and hoggle back them off)

SARAH: ludo call the rocks!!

(ludo starts to howl to summon the rocks)

SARAH: oh...hurry......ludo!!!

(ludo keeps howling)

(didymus jiggles the doorknob to the house that ambrosius is in)

DIDYMUS: ambrosius, unlock this door

(a sword taps didymus on the shoulder, didymus turns around and leans far back against the door)

DIDYMUS: (to the goblin soldiers) so, had enough have you? alright then...throw down your weapons and i'll see that you're well treated

(their swords stay up against him)

(sarah is still backing away the goblins from the house)

SARAH: ludo?!!

(ludo keeps howling until finally the boulders start to budge, they break through the gates and start toward the soldiers, the soldiers start to run away)

DIDYMUS: ha! next time surrender

(ludo is still howling and the rocks keep chasing after the soldiers)

(a group of soldiers see the rocks coming)

SOLDIER: steady, steady men, we must show no fear

(a huge boulder comes and knocks them all down)

SOLDIER: ok i take that for your life!!

GOBLIN: i've had enough, i'm going to bed

(he leaves the door of his house open and rocks start rolling in)

GOBLIN: oh, get out of my house...

(jareth can see what is going on and doesn't look happy)

(sarah, hoggle and ludo make it out of the house since all the soldiers had basically run off) (they unawaringly stop in front of a firing cannon, but make it out of the way just in time)

SARAH: oh, nelly

HOGGLE: (to cannon) ha ha ha...missed

(another cannon is about to fire but one of the rocks stop it just in time and the cannon ball just hops out)

GOBLIN: (notices the cannon ball hopping around) hey! i just fired you

SARAH: (to ludo and hoggle) this way

(for a second they get blocked by 3 soldiers)

SOLDIERS: ha, ha now we got ya

(but the rocks knock them over, and sarah, ludo and hoggle continue running)

HOGGLE: ha ha, now you don't

(a cannon shooting bullets attacks them, but they duck and a boulder smashes the cannon)

CANNON: (after being squash) hey, no problem

(sarah finally makes it to the castle and notices didymus is still missing)

SARAH: sir didymus?

DIDYMUS: coming....

(didymus comes charging through the area on ambrosius, and finally they were all standing in front of the castle door)

(sarah tries pushing on the castle doors, but they won't budge, then ludo goes to help her and finallly, they open)

(ambrosius charges straight through to the inside)

DIDYMUS: whoa boy, whoa big fellow

SARAH: (leading them) this way

(they walk inside the main room of the castle, sarah doesn't see jareth, she looks around and notices she only has 3 minutes left)

SARAH: oh no (sees the stairs) that's the only way he could've gone

HOGGLE: (signaling to the others) well then, come on

SARAH: no, no, i have to face him alone

DIDYMUS: but why?

HOGGLE: yes...

SARAH: because that's the way it's done

DIDYMUS: well...if that is the way it's done, that is the way you must do it...but, should you need us?

HOGGLE: yes...should you need us?

SARAH: i'll call...thank you....all of you (heads up the stairs)

(sarah makes it up the stairs and is entered into a room that can't be told which way it is positioned, she starts making her way up and down the different flights of stairs)

(all of a sudden jareth appears on the other side of the surface sarah is standing on; he starts singing)

JARETH: how you turn my world you precious thing (jumps down to the next surface)

JARETH: (appears walking through a doorway) you starve and near exhaust me

(without sarah's awareness, he appears behind her)

JARETH: everything i've done, i've done for you (magically walks through sarah) i move the stars for no one

(jareth tilts down under the surface again) (he runs across the surface upside down)

JARETH: you run so long, you run so far (makes it to the edge of the surface and brings himself back into the up right position face to face with sarah) your eyes can be so cruel

(he shows sarah the crystal)

JARETH: just as i can be so cruel

(he throws the crystal behind him, and the crystal bounces until it gets to toby, sitting down by a flight of stairs)

JARETH: though i do believe in you

(sarah sees toby)

SARAH: toby!! (starts running to save him)

JARETH: yes i without the sunlight, love without your heartbeat

(as sarah gets closer to toby, toby starts crawling away to other locations in the room, and jareth just watches the whole thing while continuing to sing)

JARETH: i, i can't live within you

(sarah sees where toby is now, and trys to figure out which way to go. she doesn't give up, she just keeps going in the direction where toby is)

SARAH: toby...toby....

(jareth is still watching)

(sarah gets right above where toby is now, she doesn't want to risk the chance of toby moving again, so her only choice is to jump down)

(as she is falling, the room starts to break away from its attatchments) (sarah doesn't stop falling til she reaches the very bottom)

(jareth appears out of the darkness, and they are now face to face with each other)

SARAH: (to jareth) give me the child

JARETH: (stops singing) sarah beware...i have been generous up until now, but i can be cruel

SARAH: generous...? what have you done that's generous?

JARETH: everything! everthing that you wanted i have ask the child to be taken, i took coward before me, i was frightening....i have reordered time, i have turned the world upside down, and i have done it all for you....i'm exhausted from living up to your expectations, isn't that generous?

SARAH: through dangers untold, and hardships unnumbered, i have fought my way here to the castle beyond the goblin will is as strong as yours, and my king....

JARETH: stop! wait, look sarah, look what i'm offering you (shows sarah the crystal) your dreams

SARAH: ....and my kingdom's as great....

JARETH: i ask for so little...just let me rule you, and you can have everything that you want

SARAH: (trys to remember what to say next) (to herself) kingdom's as great...? damn, i can never remember that line...

JARETH: just fear me, love me, do as i say and i will be your slave

SARAH: (thinks real hard about the next line) have no power of me (remembering the line at last)

(the clock finally strikes 13 o' clock, jareth has no more power left...he tosses the crystal in the air, it lands in sarah's hands and pops like a bubble, and jareth disappears)

[ sarah has been transported back to her house, with the owl flying around ]

SARAH: (remembering toby) (first to herself then louder) toby..? (heads up the stairs and into the room where toby is)

(sarah walks over to the crib and sees that toby is fast asleep)

(she notices lancealot on the bed, picks him up and puts him next to toby)

SARAH: (to toby, in a whisper) there you are, i want lancealot to belong to you now

(she turns the lights off, leaves the room and goes into her own bedroom)

[ in her bedroom, sarah clears off her table in front of the mirror ]

(she hears the front door open)

FATHER: we're home.....sarah...? are you home?

SARAH: yeah...yes i'm home

(as she looks into mirror, sarah sees an image of ludo)

LUDO: goodbye sarah

(sarah turns around, but doesn't see him...when she turns back around to look in the mirror, she this time sees didymus)

DIDYMUS: and remember fair maiden, should you need us?

(didymus disappears and hoggle appears in his place)

HOGGLE: yes...should you need us, for any reason at all?

SARAH: (talking into the mirror) i need you hoggle


SARAH: i don't now why, but every now and again in my life, for no reason at all...i need you, all of you....

HOGGLE: uh, you do? well...why didn't you say so

(sarah turns around and sees that all of her labyrinth friends are there in her room) (she runs over to them and gives them all a big hug)

(even creatures that weren't so nice to her were there, like some of the goblins and the fireys, but they all were having a big party and seemed to get along well enough)

DIDYMUS: i say, anyone up for a game of scrabble?

(as the camera is zooming out of the room, and out of the house, the last thing it captures is the owl flying away......)