Lone Gunmen Fan Fiction
(Organized alphabetically by author's name)

Anndie - anndie13@hotmail.com

Now Is The Time - PG-13
Post-Requiem. The LGM are helping Scully search for Mulder and also help her with her pregnancy.

Ann Rivers - ann.rivers@virgin.net

All The President's Men - PG
A disillusioned and seriously injured Byers has an out of body experience that helps him find the resolve to carry on his work with the Lone Gunmen.

God Rest Ye Merry Gunmen - PG
Christmas with Mulder, Scully and The Lone Gunmen. And too much egg nog... Rating: ES for extremely silly.

Pastures New - G
Set immediately after the events in 'Unusual Suspects', Byers, Langly and Frohike try to adjust to a new life in a new town.

Aurora Vere - AuroraVer2@aol.com
Web Site

Happy Hour - R - Scully/Frohike
Love on the rocks, with a twist on a half-price drink. We don't mean the lime variety. :)

Brandon D. Ray - publius@avalon.net
Web Site

Unusual Liaisons - PG-13 - Scully/Frohike Friendship
Sometimes it gets to be too much, and you just have to have someone to talk to.

Cheezstk - cheezstk@hotmail.com
Web Site

A Special Valentine - PG-13 - Byers/Modeski
It's Valentine's Day at LGM HQ. Byers gets upset, and he spends some time sittin', thinkin'. Bring your waffles, kids. It gets really syrupy.

Everybody In Vests: The Truth Behind A Fashion Conspiracy - PG (Humor)
What could possibly motivate the whims of the fashion industry? Do they really tap into the collective yearnings of today's youth, or is there a darker explanation?

Honey, I Shrunk The Gunmen - R
Mini!Gunmen! After being accidentally miniaturized, the boys face the trials and tribulations of their new diminutive stature. Special guest appearance by a mean and nasty rat. (No, it's not named Alex, but it might be a relative.)

You Know You're A Gunmen Fanatic When... - PG
A rambling list -- in progress. Or process. Perhaps both.

Dilby - dilby@dizmo.iwarp.com

A Valentine To Me - PG - Scully/Frohike
An e-mail Valentine card causes Frohike to pour his heart out about All Things Scully.

Ekiri - eumycota27@cs.com
Web Site

Lone(ly) Gunmen - PG (Humor)
It's Valentine's Day and the Gunmen don't have dates. Or do they?

That Time Of The Month: A LGM Tale - PG - Langly/Other (Humor)
There's something Langly doesn't know about his new girlfriend.

Gizzie - xxgizziexx@home.com
Web Site

Auld Langly Syne - PG-13
Langly takes another step on New Years' Eve.

Messenger I - PG-13 - Byers/Other
Byers tells Scully a truth or two...

Messenger II - Revelation - PG - Byers/Other
Mulder learns a painful truth.

Messenger III - Full Circle - G - Byers/Other
Scully and Byers and a new start.

Messenger IV - Hello, Again - NC 17 - Byers/Other
Byers' past haunts his new relationship.

Messenger V - Causerie - R - Byers/Other
A stilted conversation, and its aftermath.

Messenger VI - Interlude - R - Byers/Other
Byers meets Scully at Mulder's apartment after Mulder's suicide.

Messenger VII - Coda - R - Byers/Other
A gathering at Byers' apartment.

Imajiru - imajiru@mindspring.com
Web Site

Once In A Lifetime - R - Scully/Frohike
It was just supposed to be a simple little favor...

Max - magicbullet@techie.com
Web Site

Halting Ground - PG
The Lone Gunmen are reunited with a young hacker they cared for 8 years before.

Branch To Fishkill - PG
A five-year-old hiding from the government because of her father's work is placed into the care of the Lone Gunmen. Prequel to Halting Ground.

MoJo (Michele) - MoJoBer@aol.com
Web Site

Twenty Six Snake Rumba - PG
A "missing" scene from Biogenesis. Scully learns the truth about Diana from Frohike.

Nikki - Nikoleaw2@aol.com
Web Site

Confirmation - PG-13
The Gunmen confirm Scully's worst fear. Post-ep for "Requiem".

When Jimmy Met Scully - PG
The title says it all. Crossover for X-Files and The Lone Gunmen. Post-ep for The Lone Gunmen, "Bond, Jimmy Bond" and Season 8 X-Files.

*NEW AUTHOR* - Paul Osterlund - paulosterlund@yahoo.com

*NEW STORY* - Lost And Found, Part 1 - Part 2 - PG
Frohike embarks on a search for his father, who has been missing for almost 30 years.

Pollyanna - 100257.1177@compuserve.com
Web Site

Flowers On A Table - G - Scully/Frohike Friendship
Frohike brings Scully flowers when she's in hospital and she realises how special he is to her.

Rainee Scott - rainbeauxms@earthlink.net

E Pluribus Gunmen - PG
It's been said that you're born with your personality, but the tiny quirks that make you unique are acquired in childhood. Hey, how else could you explain these guys?

Facts Of Life - PG - Langly/Other
Gunman in love. What happens when a sarcastic rocker techie meets another sarcastic rocker techie who happens to be of the opposite sex? I'm not sure either, but it makes for a hell of a fanfic.

Nowhere Man - PG
A sleepless night in the life of one Ringo Langly leads to contemplation on life, his place in it, and his compadres' sleeping habits.

A Right-Wing Conspiracy - PG
The Lone Gunmen have some fun at the Democratic National Convention, to the delight of Mulder and Scully.

You've Got... Er, Something - PG - Scully/Frohike
Scully meets a Someone online. You probably think you've seen this plot before -- believe me, you haven't.

Sarah Ellen Parsons - se_parsons@yahoo.com
Web Site

Frohike's Finest Hour - G - Scully/Frohike
During an FBI raid gone wrong, Frohike acts the hero and muses about someone he admires.

Surreal - surreal666@hotmail.com
Web Site

A Feeling Of Strange Privilege - PG-13 (Angst, Humor)
While one of the Gunmen fights for his life, his friends gather to support not only him, but each other.

An Invaluable Link In An Infinite Chain, Pt 1 - Pt 2 - PG (Angst)
The gang rallies support when one of the Gunmen is abducted.

An Open Door - PG
Scully receives an unexpected visitor, and ends up with a new respect for a friend.

A Simple Car Crash, Pt 1 - Pt 2 - PG-13 (Angst, Humor)
A little car crash leads to serious trouble for the boys.

Interlude For Family - PG
A special girl in Langly's life comes to visit.

Interruption Of Family, Pt 1 - Pt 2 - Pt 3 - Pt 4 - Pt 5 - NC 17 (angst)
The two women in Langly's life return, and he must deal with ensuring their safety at any cost. Sequel to "Interlude For Family".

Langlytorture - PG-13
Langly has a bad day, thanks to his unsympathetic roommates.

Mel's Request - PG
A vignette, little more than a muse. Written for a fellow Gunfan on the LGM mailing list.

Missing Scene - LG Pilot - PG
Missing Scene-Pilot episode. After Byers learns about his father.

Placing Blame - PG
A silly rant inspired by the trailer for the Lone Gunmen series pilot.

Uncommon Cold & Cure For The Uncommon Cold (two parts) - PG
Byers tries a little too hard to help in the search for Mulder.

You Never Know - PG-13 - Byers/Scully Friendship
Byers and Scully bond on Independence Day.

Susan Littlejohn - SusieXF@webtv.net

Adventures With A Lone Gunman: Hang Time - G - Langly/Scully Friendship
Scully decides to take a walk on the 'wild side' with one of the Gunmen which turns out to be a very 'profitable' decision...

Bad Case Of The Bug - G
Someone very cute is very, very sick. While flat on his back recuperating, he has time to mull a few things over.

The Date - PG
When Langly Meets Scully's cousin...

Discoveries - Prologue - Pt 1 - Pt 2 - Pt 3 - Pt 4 - Pt 5 - Pt 6 - Pt 7 - Epilogue - PG
Discoveries takes place a while after TLG and Scully return from Vegas. What accounts for Scully's strange behavior? You'll have to read to find out...

El Tercer Ojo Ciego - PG
Missing scene from "Via Negativa"... Moments before Doggett's arrival at Scully's office to meet TLG.

First Person Scully - PG
Flush from the venture out in Silicon Valley, the 'boys' return home with a 'hot' idea on their minds.

On The Stroke Of Midnight - PG
The Gunmen usually spend New Year's Eve together. To begin year 2000, there's a break with tradition...

Requiescat Postponed - PG-13
So, Mulder's dead... What does that bode for the Lone Gunmen?

Smoke Gets In Your Eyes - PG
Scully reflects upon the aftermath of going away with C.G.B. Spender; she never counted on their being such a heartwrenching repercussion.

When You Wish - PG
What does a brilliant 'Systems-Op Guru' do when he's all alone 'operating'? Hmmm...

Ten - kristena@ocean.com.au
Web Site

Trying To Catch The Fox - PG
Missing scenes from "Anasazi" - Scully and the Lone Gunmen try to find and help the drugged Mulder after he accuses Scully of betraying him. Sequel is "To Follow the Gypsy Rover".

To Follow The Gypsy Rover - PG-13
Missing scenes from the "Anasazi" trilogy: what happened on the night Mulder's father was shot, and how with the Gunmen's help Scully was able to prepare for her and Mulder's cross country drive. Then the trip, and the consequences... Prequel is "Trying to Catch the Fox".

*NEW AUTHOR* - Therese Lakoff tlakoff2@yahoo.com

*NEW STORY* - Ash Wednesday - R
A woman enters the Lone Gunmen's lives unexpectedly and things are never quite the same again.

Tracey Hamilton TraceyI@aol.com

Smart Is Sexier Than I Thought - PG - Scully/Frohike
Mulder trades Frohike a date with Scully for some information.

The Ties That Blind - PG - Scully/Frohike
Frohike asks a much bigger favor of Mulder.

X25 (Sar Kenobi) - X_FileNumber25@yahoo.com
Web Site

Late One Night: The Adventures Of The Lone Gunmen On Tequila - PG-13
The Lone Gunmen, Mulder, and Krycek get tangled up in a dazed Tequila laced night with two women who call them their "call boys".

Lone Gunchick, Pt 1 - Pt 2 - Pt 3 - Pt 4 - PG-13
The Lone Gunmen add a Lone Gunchick.

To submit your fan fiction, email us at mango023@yahoo.com.

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