Dean Haglund / Lone Gunmen Links

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Dean Haglund / Richard Langly Links

Dean Haglund Bio
Dean biography, with a comprehensive list of all the X-Files episodes he has appeared in.

Dean Haglund On Parade
Pretty much a one-page site with a pic of Dean and some info, including his EMAIL ADDRESS!!! :)

Dean X: Official Home Of Dean Haglund
Dean's site. He creates and maintains it himself. Not up at the moment, but should be reopening soon...

Langly Lovers' League
Not much content, but fun nonetheless.

*NEW* - Langly Musings
Interesting site with poems and musings inspired by Langly/Dean.

The Shrine To Dean
Ladyhawke's Dean fan site, with plenty of links, fan fiction, and cool candid photos.

Sword Of Wounding
The best place for the obsessed Langly fan! With tons of sounds, photos, and a comprehensive biography.

Dean Haglund Articles / Interviews

Chat With Dean Haglund
CyberEx Entertainment asks Dean questions, and, well... he answers.

Dean Haglund Article
A short article about Dean. Very interesting.

Dean's Favorites
A page where Dean names some of his favorite things and answers questions.

Interview With Dean Haglund
Dean discusses everything from his similarities to Langly to European aristocrats in this Fandom interview!

The Lone Gunman Of Comedy
A funny Toronto Sun article about Dean and his Lone Gunmen character. (From 1998)

Vancouver Sun Interview With Dean Haglund
Dean talks about his stand-up comedy career and conspiracy theories.

Tom Braidwood / Melvin Frohike Sites

Tom Braidwood Online!
A Tom Braidwood / Lone Gunmen site by the makers of and; us! Contains, actor/character info, episode reviews & airdates, photo galleries, links, contact information, news, upcoming TV appearances and fan fiction. Also, coming soon - Lone Gunmen music videos, Choose Your Own Adventure Stories, and more!

Frohike Liberation Organization
Frohike fic, rants, funny photos, fun links, and much, much more! You'll spend hours on this site.

It's Frohike's Baby!
A funny site about why and how Scully is about to have Melvin Frohike's baby!

The Temple Of Frohike The Puppy Dog
A one-page site that tells you everything you need to know about Frohike and Tom Braidwood.

Tom Braidwood Articles / Interviews

The 11th Hour Article
An article about Tom Braidwood and Frohike from November 1999.

'Lone Gunmen' Computer Whiz Tells All
Tom Braidwood talks about his life and career.

Bruce Harwood / John Byers Sites

Bruce Harwood Online!
A Bruce Harwood / Lone Gunmen site by the makers of and; us! Contains, actor/character info, episode reviews & airdates, photo galleries, links, contact information, news, upcoming TV appearances and fan fiction. Also, coming soon - Lone Gunmen music videos, Choose Your Own Adventure Stories, and more!

Byers Brigade
A single page with two great pics.

John Byers, Reluctant Conspiracy Theorist
Byers photo gallery, character info and links.

Harwood Haven
This extensive fan site includes interviews with Bruce, poetry, fan fiction, and great photo galleries.

Bruce Harwood Articles / Interviews

Bruce Harwood Article
CyberEx Entertainment's article on Bruce Harwood and his John Byers character.

Bruce Harwood Chat
A July 15th, 1995 transcript of an online chat with Bruce.

Other LG Cast Members' Sites
Domain name registered by Stephen, but not yet active.

Official Zuleikha Robinson Site
The soon-to-be home of the official Zuleikha Robinson website.

Zuleikha Robinson Online
A cool fan site dedicated to Zuleikha, with photo gallery and submission page, plus info on the actress.

General Lone Gunmen Sites

Offical FOX Lone Gunmen Site
Cool-looking official site with info on the cast and past episodes.

Crazy Over The Lone Gunmen
Has a bit of information on the guys' characters, and two pieces of LG fiction.

Funky Poachers: The Absolutely Ultimate Lone Gunmen Fanclub
This site has everything! Well-designed, fun and informative.

Kristi's Lone Gunmen Site
Awesome, awesome site with tons of episode and promotional photos, links, episode info, reviews, and information. A must-visit site!

*NEW* - Laura Loves Langly
Cute LG site with photos and info on the guys, plus lots of original stuff.

The Lone GunGirls' Database
Check out the reviews and weekly polls!

Lone Gunmen Estrogen Brigade
Games, articles, fan forum and more.

Lone Gunmen Fan Site
Contains character information and photos.

Lone Gunmen Intelligentsia
Only the Episode Guide, Biographies, and Links sections are up, but the Biographies section in detailed and hilarious!

The Lone GunMen Network
This site includes various articles and transcripts, as well as some X-Files fan fiction that involves the LG.

The Lone Gunmen Series
A french Lone Gunmen site with excellent screen captures from the episodes, reviews (in French), and links to other sites.

The Lone Gunmen: The Unofficial Site
Excellent news section which is updated often, info on upcoming episodes, the characters and the actors.

Lone Gunmen - TV Tome
A site abounding with news & spoilers galore, as well as episode synopses and information, and an informative and fun message board.

The Lone Gunsite
Excellent-quality episode screen captures galore, a fun poll, and a cute alien game!

The Magic Bullet
Fan fiction, Byers smileys, photo gallery and more.

On Sight
Cool LG/Matrix art and episode musings.

Has info about 'The Lone Gunman' newsletter, a detailed synopsis of "Unusual Suspects", LG fiction, and a links section.

The Warehouse
TV Tome's site is packed with links, photos, spoiler and news information - even music for the show and a guide to Langly's T-Shirts!

The X Net: The Lone Gunmen
A German LG site with many cool screen captures, trailer and opening sequence downloads, news and episode synopses.

Unique Lone Gunmen Sites

Call To Arms
A 'secret' FOX page that has a Lone Gunmen video clip, 'Call To Arms'.

Conspiracy Quiz
Another secret FOX site containing a multiple choice conspiracy test. Clicking the right answer will bring you to a page with a really nice Lone Gunmen poster that you can download in one of three different formats.

E Com Site
A FOX sponsored, promotional tie-in site with "The Lone Gunmen." The site is made to look like a real site for E-Com. Plenty of in-jokes.

Octium IV
Another FOX sponsored, promotional tie-in site, made to look like a real site for the Octium IV microprocessor. 'Hacked' by the LG.

AliQuip Corporate Security News
A site all about 'The Octium Hack'. (Mentioned in the above two links.)

All About Jimmy And Yves
A site for our two favorite LG sidekicks, Jimmy Bond and Yves Adele Harlow. One especially cool feature of this site is the Jimmy and Yves ratings for each episode, and the best Jimmy/Yves moments from each show... :)

Countermeasures - The LGM Fanfiction Archive
A new Lone Gunmen fan fiction site that accepts submissions. Fun show canon section.

Dark Horse Comics
You can pre-order the upcoming Lone Gunmen comic book here!

Fandom LG Message Board
Post and read messages from other Lone Gunmen fans.

Late Night LGM
A comedy spoof on the Lone Gunmen.

LGAB Creative Works
A humorous list of "Top 20 Secrets Of The Lone Gunmen They Won't Reveal In 'Unusual Suspects'"

LGM Links - & Pancakes!
A page chock-full of interesting links.

LGM Ninja Design
Cool and unique Lone Gunmen wallpapers and fun original photos.

The Lone Gunmen Conspiracy Page
A listing of some common (and not-so-common) conspiracies...

The Lone Gunmen Keepers' Archive
A place where you can sign up for and 'own' pieces of the guys...

The Lone Gunmen Mailing List
Sign up for the mailing list, or just hang around and read the fan fiction!

t h e l o n e g u n m e n p h o t o a r c h i v e
Photos, photos, photos!

Mighty Big TV - The Lone Gunmen
THE place to go for episode recaps. Detailed summaries abounding with humor and opinion.

Myhrmaid's Kiss The Lone Gunmen Page
Have some fun and give your favorite geek a smooch!

Rohan's X-Files Realm: The Lone Gunmen
Here you can download the LG promo trailer or opening sequence.

Save The Gunmen
An online petiton to help ensure the future of the series.

X-Files Frenzy - Lone Gunmen Clips
Contains RealPlayer downloads including the opening sequence and the Temptation Island spoof trailer.

The X Files: Lone Gunmen
A one-page site with lots of soundclips and some photos.

Is your link not here? Email us so we can include it!

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