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My name is Laura... I was born in group health hospital on capitol hill, seattle, washington on october 3rd, 1985. I'm now 16 and have an older sister (19) and a younger brother (12). They fought a lot when my sister was still at home (she's in college now) and I was always the mediator, which I think made me into someone who avoids starting conflicts but can't stand it when people hide any hard feelings they have toward me. My family is Christian almost to the point of fanaticism, and for a long time I have struggled with the fact that despite my best efforts, I can't make Christianity work for me. As of this moment I am "agnostic," with an interest in philosophy and ethics but at the same time feeling threatened everything I have grown up with. It's a difficult dilemma, not being able to tell the difference between your own conscience and the remnants of what you've been told. I hope someday I can find freedom from my past.

Mainly I focus on music in my life: I have played the guitar since 6th grade, and I still suck but not as bad as I used to. Some bands I listen to are MxPx, Arthur, Rancid, the Clash, Weezer, Minor Threat, Jimmy Eat World, Juliana Theory, Acceptance, Magnetic North, Brodie, Admiral Twin, Ani Difranco, NoFX, No Outlet, Radiohead, silverchair, the Beatles, watashi wa, orgy, and obviously there are more but I have to move on right now. Lately I have been getting more into art and drawing with charcoals, which is fun. Mostly I just write poetry and read - my favorite book is the Outsiders by S.E. Hinton and Surprised by Joy by C.S. Lewis (he's a genius, even though I don't share his faith), and right now I'm reading the Hobbit. My favorite movie is Rebel Without a Cause. I am an addict of Saturday Night Live: my favorite cast members are Jimmy Fallon, Chris Kattan, Horatio Sanz, and Seth Meyers.

ramble city! more soon?



go back to the mainpage, I'm sick of you hanging around here!