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Welcome to The Madness!!! - Enjoy Your Stay In Temporary Sanity (Music, Pics, Links, Weird Stuff)

Welcome To The Madness

well i hope you enjoy your stay here in this temporary sanity...maybe you can come back some time..or perhaps i won't let you leave??? either way, please feel obligated to sign my box and leave any comments or insults (whichever takes your fancy) and maybe i'll get around to reading them one day... well i suppose i should let you in on a few stats... jus take a wander around and i'm sure you'll find out all you need to know and even more of what you don't want to's like that tho... don't ever expect that you'll get something that you want cos no matter what..something will always come back and bite you in the time it could be me!!

the mind of a cereal killer

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