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My poetry

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Here is my poetry. They go from oldest to newest. There's probably going to be many pages and I'll organize the different types of poetry but for now, it'll all just go in one spot. Enjoy, and don't get too depressed. *weak smile*.DAMN! the Stanzas don't work on here.... GRRRRRR...

My Knight

I sit here and onder if he'll ever come,

My valiant knight on a black stallion,

Sure, few have come close,

But they all end up in the "out" box.


He'll have a great smile and eyes,

a soft gentle nature,

with ability to have fun,

and still just sit and talk.

He'll know just when things are wrong or right.

My knight.


Too many come and go,

my indecisive personality they're not able to handle.

Few come close,

all showing something the others lack.

One Day he'll show up and sweep me off my feet.


He'll come quietly and patiently

he'll wait for me to notice.

My knight, quite right, my knight.




She needed everything

he gave her everything


She needed more then he could give

She hurt too long

He waited too long


He cried silently alone

She watched by, emotionless

She reached for love

He was too busy hurting

She pushed him away

His hurting grew


She needed everything

He gave her everything


I needed more then he could give

I hurt him too long

He waited too long


She just hurt him

.... I just hurt him


Alone Again....


She watches others becoming happy and elated with each other.

"why, oh why can't I?" She askes herself.

"why must they tease? Why do they leave?"

She sits alone on the couch.

Alone, alone, alone....


She closes her eyes to feel what the others feel

Strong arms wrap her in love, refuse to let go.

A strong chest and stomach make her feel safe to curl against.

Gentle kisses touch her soft hair.

Whisperings of nothingness and love slip gently into her ear.

She opens her eyes, to be

alone on the couch again.

Alone, alone, alone...


"why, oh why can't I?"

"why must they tease? Why do they leave?"


Warm tears fall to the couch.

She sits, waiting, crying...

Alone, alone, alone...