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Poetry page 5

My Favorite Web sites

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Anger and hatred pound inside

Glare at the walls around

Claw helpless at the padded cell

Bite at the things your bound



Cuz I'm tired of this place

I can't take the thoughts that are maddening

I can't live here with the insanity adding

My breathing takes energy

crouched in the corner

I can't take this ANY LONGER!


Pacin around the ground

Counting my pace

Falling out of this rat race

Scream to yourself when no one hears

Scream when no one cares


(chorus in here)


I don't give a shit

With each wrist a slit

Burn it all out

Burn it all down

No more crying for me

No more bitching and whining

This insanity has silenced me


Anger (2)


The anger slicing like a knife

A knife as I stab it into someone's stomach

My mind spins

Spins with hatred and pain

I need to burn something

Something to destroy

I claw at the walls around me like a rat

A rat caged too long

The walls around me cave in

in towards my wretching body

My words may confuse you

You don't know the half of it.




I reach out

no one's there

they have better things

My hand turns to the knift

the knife...

The edge so clean and sharp

Piercingly sharp

Sharp enough to cut chicken skin

chicken skin....




And WHO are you?

You're my friend? Bull shit

You're not friend of mine

You're my clone, my replacement

you're the same as me

except one thing

you're perfect

Everyone wants you.

Let me step out as you take my role.




Suicide isn't the answer?

Then why does it feel so good?

What's to keep me here?

No one cares

I disappear

The crowd fills in around my previous position.

No one cares

Why should they?

What have I ever done?





Why can't you see?

it's you.

You've done this to me


You push me over the edge.

You twist the knife

You hold kthe lighter

I'm gone

And you're the only one that cares.