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Instructions on how to make signs at bottom of this page

32 Letter Messages

Here is a list of various messages. They all fit the 32 Letter format and can be used for billboards or placards or quoteables.

Messages on Capitalism

• Shareholders Know Capitalism Works

• Capitalism Rocks!

• Got Capitalism?

• Capitalism – Free to be You and Me

• Capitalist Tool? Cool!

• Free Markets = Free People

• Profits Produce Results

• Capitalism – Profit From It

• Capitalism is Money in the Bank

• Pro Capitalism – And Proud of It

• I love modern civilization

Messages on Anarchy

• Oil Employs - Anarchy Destroys

• Radicals Fear Progress

• Keep Your Anarchy Off Our Streets

• Progress – There’s No Stopping It

• Anarchists Are Terrorists: Look it Up

• Anarchist Terror? Dallas Ain’t Seattle

• Radicals = Noise Pollution

• Live in the 21st Century

• Did All the Radicals Bicycle Here?

• Anarchists See Red

• Greens Hide Their True Colors

• Corporations create – Anarchists destroy

• Anarchists hate corporations, America, jobs, people

• Green Radicals – Psychopaths rise to the top



Americans for energy independence

Capitalism works

Where have all the Marxists gone? Look around you

Oil made America great

ExxonMobil = Jobs, Energy, Opportunities, Clean Environment

Tony the Tiger brings us the energy that makes it all possible

Oil: You can’t leave home without it

This ain’t Seattle

Don’t mess with Texas

Radicals from Seattle – Go back where you came from

We’re mad as hell – and we’re not going to take this any more

STOP rural cleansing

Radicals and Rioters: Your tax dollars at work

Green Nazi Party (with green swastika)

Green Marxist Party (with red hammer and sickle)

Nobody elected you to represent anybody

Green Anarchist Con Artists

Anarchists to US poor: Swelter in the dark

Anarchists to US farmers: Go to hell!

Green anarchists say Home sweet cave

Loud mouths and great theater – Bogus science and horrid economics

Loud mouths don’t = Reason or truth

Anarchist motto: If you can’t be right, be loud and dramatic

Spoiled trust-fund anarchists to Third World poor: Drop dead!

Spoiled rich kids to Third World poor: Be happy in your squalid huts

Up with bugs – Down with people

Capitalism made us rich – Down with capitalism

Anarchist clergy – Stop lying to us

Gwich'ins are two-faced con artists

Gwich'ins to Eskimos: We drill for oil – You freeze in squalor

Caribou are more valuable than soldiers – Alaska Wilderness League

We hate free markets and cheap energy – Campaign ExxonMobil

We hate the American lifestyle – Sierra Club

Just say No to ANWR oil drilling – We’ll buy our oil from Saddam

We love you, Saddam – T-shirt for anti-ANWR protester

We love you, Yassir

We love you, Prince Abdullah

We hate humans

Green anarchists stole my land

Green anarchists want my children to die young

Transparency for Radicals, too – Who’s funding you?

Green Enrons – Open your books

Green Enrons – We’re tired of your shell games

You think Enron is bad? Check out these green anarchists

End radical welfare – No more government grants to radical groups

Campaign ExxonMobil – Open your books!

Campaign ExxonMobil is intolerant and dictatorial

Campaign ExxonMobil pays slave wages

Campaign ExxonMobil is funded by fat-cat foundations

Campaign ExxonMobil – cheap labor for the trial lawyer industry

Sister Pat Daly: Con artist at large

Kyoto: The biggest con job ever conceived

19,000 scientists can’t be wrong: Humans don’t cause global warming

Average global temperature rise in 2050 without Kyoto: 3.5° – without Kyoto 3.4°

Mother Nature: Guilty of climate change

Martian power plants caused the Ice Age

Kyoto: $340 billion a year – for NOTHING!

1975: Fossil fuels will cause a new Ice Age – 2002: Fossil fuels will cause global warming

Kangaroo Court

Impeach the Kangaroo Court judge

We don’t need no stinkin’ evidence

We protect kangaroos for this Kangaroo Court?

Capital punishment for Green Anarchist criminals

NRDC closed down the Nike plant – Now I’m a hooker, to help our family survive (two separate signs – one by Indian or Viet woman, one by young teen girl)

Green motto: Billions for bugs – not one cent for people

No more dams! Let poor people die of dysentery – NRDC

Anti-corporate protests – Stage 1 in next mass tort lawsuit?

Biotechnology cures starvation and disease

Biotechnology saves wildlife habitats

Green anarchists – rich kid concerns about theoretical problems in a utopian world

Green anarchists don’t give a hoot about real people in the real world

Don’t drill ANWR – Force people to drive coffins on wheels instead

Not CAFÉ – CORPSE: Conserve Our Refined Petroleum to Save the Environment

To make signs:

Use 2" x 2" garden stakes (3ft tall) (get at any Home Depot, Lowe's or garden center)
Write your sign on white posterboard in thick marker and place 2 poster boards back to back and staple with an industrial stapler down both sides.
Place a garden stake in between, and staple the posters to it 6 or 7 times.