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 i am dorkula, your guide to nerdulon...
feel free to explore my world of thoughts and ideas...
approach all things with an open mind...
nerdulon is a place that exists inside my head...
so i suppose there is no better guide than me...

when you read my words you see my mind laid open and bare...
not everything i write will make sense to you,
maybe not to anyone but me
(sometimes even i cant even figure out where it comes from),
i just hope that maybe it will help others in the same way it has helped me...

writing is therapy,
its like the writing implement is an overflow for a mind too full to function...
subconscious rears its head as words spill forth...
sometimes i show them (the words) the way,
but often they lead me...

nerdulon has been around for quite some time now and has seen a lot of changes...
some drastic, some not...
one of these days im going to get around to redoing the page using frames
to make everything smoother
but free time is a scarce commodity in my life
so please be patient...
i try to post new writing as often as time allows, so check back often...
input is desirable so feel free to send me and comments you may have...

i know that pop ups suck really bad and i promise i hate them as much as you do,
but banner ads at the top of the screen screw up the portions of nerdulon that use frames
so pop ups are a necessary evil...
here is a suggestion to make them less annoying...
right when you log on one will pop up...
just minimize it without closing it...
it will stay minimized and no more will pop up as long as youre here...
hope this makes things a little less annoying...

-ta, dorkula

i read this novel for my ecology and evolution class
its gotta be one of the coolest books ive ever read...
its a little like celestine prophecy,
but way better and far more important for everyone in the known universe to read...
the book is called ishmael and its by daniel quinn...
check it out, i promise you will not be sorry...

04 - 09 - 03
it has been a long while since anything has changed around here... i blame this in part on my schedule, the rest is due to my own laziness...
i recently got my own domain name and am trying to transfer the old stuff from this site over there and add some new stuff as well...
once the transfer is complete i will post a link from here to the new page and this will essentially become on of those "check out this link to my old site" dealies...
this summer should be less crazy than the rest of my life for the last few years and will hopefully give me time to update regularly and make nerdulon all that i hoped it would be when i started this crazy thing...
-ta, dorkula

by the gods... i remembered the password and am still able to alter (altar?) this site... going on six years after the last post...
nerdulon has been sort of hidden in the back of my mind all these years and so much has changed... but i always log back in now and again to make sure that this world is still here to remind me one of the fantastic places that part of me came from...
no idea if anyone else has been around these parts, but maybe i will spruce up the place a bit and re-light the welcome sign (mmmm alien glow)
-ta, dorkula


nerdulon mass transit... choose your destination

email dorkula at...

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