
Hey Hey
Thats right, Alex made a brand new site for us and it's looking extremely cool. So everyone
start going to that site. This one i will close in a matter of a few days. Thanks for sticking
with me in my exploration of webdesign and not making fun at this crappy site. See you May 19
Hey Hey
I finally got some new pics up from march 31 and from when we recorded. So check those out.
Right now we are in the process of sending out our cd's in hopes of somebody realeasing them
for us. So it looks like this thing will be out sometime this summer. See Ya
Hey Hey
Our 6 song e.p. has finally been finished. All we have to do now is find someone to release
it for us. Picures will be up this week i promise. Thanks a lot to Cookie for helping us out
at the show last night and a big thanks goes out to the kid who let daryl borrow his guitar.
Thanks a ton. Be sure to go to the show this saturday at charter (more info in shows page).
Hey Hey
Yesterday we finished recording our e.p. Saturday we are going back to get it mastered and
what not. I should have new pictures up real soon so keep checking back for that. Well thats
all thats new i guess, be sure to go to the show this saturday.