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undefined 10 Lancaster Ave

10 Overbrook via Lancaster

9064 lays over on Filbert Street at 40th, a half block north of the Market el stop. 10 cars terminate here when the trolley subway is under repair or when there is track work on Lancaster or 36th street. 10 cars returning to Elmwood head south on 40th and jog via Spruce and 42nd to Woodland Ave, then follow the 36 route to the carhouse.

It's a busy Tuesday morning for car 9038 as several shoppers climb aboard for the ride to Center City. Photo date - April 9, 2002

9085 faces off against 9083 at 63rd and Lansdowne. This wye is now in full service as 63rd south of Lansdowne is the depot rail to Callowhill. Photo August 10, 2006

9098 is southbound on 63rd street approaching Columbia. This telephoto view shows the generous dimensions of the street - perfect for trolleys. One wonders where the safety islands are though. There is lots of room. Photo April 6, 2002

9038 loads on Malvern at 63rd. This intersection has nice mature trees, stately homes and oh ya a trolley loop in the background. August 10, 2006.

Malvern loop by night. 9083 awaits a late night trip to Center City. August 8, 2006.

In the 63rd / Malvern Loop, 9087 poses beside Peter Witt 8534 on Charter duty. All of the turn back loops I saw in Philly had by pass tracks to allow for layovers. Unlike Toronto however, none seemed to have loop the loop tracks other than 40th street. Photo September 2000

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