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Why I HATE Materialism

materialism disgusts me. i mean, i don't understand half the people at my school. this is how i see it (and yes this was inspired by fight club): you are not your expensive car. you are not your daddy's credit card. you are not your $70 kate spade makeup bag. you are not your backstreet boys cds. you are not your $30 lipgloss. you are not your jeans. you are not your GPA or your SAT scores. you are not your art or your singing or your photography. you are not your granola bars. you are not your sex life or your prom date. just because you have does not make you better than those who have not. strip you naked, wash off your makeup, and shave your head, and you will be the same as every human being. you are the sick. you are the sad. you are the dirty, the homeless, the hungry. you are the shit of the universe. your title means nothing. your skills mean nothing. your house means nothing. YOUR STATUS MEANS NOTHING. all you are is human flesh. all you have is your mind and your body. one audit, one rumour, one accident, or one illness could erase you. one bad decision could wipe you out. a single moment could snap your world in half. YOU COULD LOSE EVERYHTING. except your life=you don't have to die to lose your big-screen tv, your soft carpet, and your designer clothes. putting your whole life into STUFF will get you nowhere. when you're sitting on top of a pile of possessions, it will eventually fall. and you will go with it. ***************INSTALLMENT #2 OF MATERIALISM SUCKS: ok, so my mom gets vogue. i read it every month, and it has some amazing pictures that i use a lot for my decoupage. but this month i was reading the prices for some of the clothing they showed, and i was taken aback. who spends $12000 (yes that is twelve THOUSAND dollars) on a suit jacket? i could go to college in canada for that much money. $500 for a jar of face cream? you've got to be out of your mind. but of course there are always $20000 liposuction procedures to save up for. who can afford this kind of stuff? i could get a jacket, a bottle of lotion, and a pair of running shorts (less painful and more rewarding than getting your innards sucked out) for $20. i mean, there are people starving to death all over the world, political regimes taking prisoners, and torture camps set up everywhere, and we spend this money on fashion? gross. ***************MORE OF MATERIALISM SUCKS: prom. to get ready for prom, i took a shower. that's it. no manicure, no hairdo, no dinner, no makeup, no bra...i didn't even shave my legs. not that any of these things are bad. but there were girls at my prom who spent more money on *accessories* that they did on their (very expensive) dresses. and you know what? i was the one dancing all night with my frinds instead of crying in the bathroom because my corsage didn't match my dress, my hair fell down, my nail broke, my makeup melted, etc. i was the one having fun, not the one standing at the side of the room with my date because i couldn't dance in my designer dress. to me, the point of prom is to have fun and dance. not be a fashion plate. who cares, anyway? i don't even remember what half of my friends were wearing. but i do remember dancing with them.**************************EPISODE #4 OF MY RANTS AGAINST MATERIALISM: i work at a natural foods co-op. one night, this guy and his girlfriend came in. i won't label, i will just describe. he had a black wife-beater, huge jeans, multiple ugly tattoos (naked womyn, eagles, etc.), and chains around his neck. she was wearing tight jeans, a tight shirt, a push-up bra, and tons of makeup which nicely accentuated her bleached hair and dark roots. they asked for the detox tea we keep under the counter. he was getting a job and needed to pass a drug test. she laughed while i rang up his tea and said, "god, it must suck to work here; i'd hate it!" they left laughing about us "hippies" and our "stupid rabbit food". i guess this isn't really a rant against materialism, but it's a rant against not caring, being closed-minded, and laughing at other people. *******************************MATERIALISM, MATERIALISM, WHO HATES MATERIALISM?(#5): i had the pleasure of debating church attire w/ my mother a few days ago. it must be a generation thing. she thinks you should dress up. i think *church dress code* is another example of people making themselves more important than god. if someone wants to go to church, they should go to worship, not to model for other people. so the next time you judge what someone's wearing, ask yourself what the purpose of the event is. if it's not to show off, bite your tounge.