Hey, it's Dib.

I do NOT have a big head! Gaz, stop snickering!

Ummm, anyway, I wanted to let you people know that any time you have a question, feel free to ask me.

Drop me a line here.

No, GIR, my head does NOT smell like a puppy!

::ahem:: ....All righty then.

Back to Da Zimmy Zim Doom

Questions You Have Asked the Almighty Big Headed One (grunt):

From Dev:
Sup? My name is Dev. I am 1/2 irken and 1/2 human. Would you consider going out with me> I love you. I love the paranormal, considering that I am from there. That, and I could help you get rid of Zim. *laughs meniaclly* Do you approve of ZADR? (Zim and Dib Romance?) And if you ever did, could I wtach?"

I HATE ZIM!!!1!1!!!111ONE!!!1 .....And I'm too busy to have a love interest. Sorry. >_>;

From Angeli:
"I'm going to praise you now...
Dib, you are the cutest, speediest, most intelligent, and most FASCINATING person I've ever seen! You are the coolest! When ZIM takes over the world (which he will), I know you and your future rebel group will bring that tiny green tyrant to his knees! You go Dib!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ^_^
So, feeling any more confident?" Thanks for the compliments though. Heh.

From Katani-chan:
"Q: *pats Dib's head* Ya gotta a cute lil' head, Dib-kun. Anyways, I was curious if you approve of ZADR. Cuz if you don't...(Holds shiny cheese grater menacingly) Well, have a nice day! *Pats head again*"
.......stop patting my head. >_o ....what *IS* ZADR? I mean, these girls come up to me randomly and they're like ::girly falsetto voice:: "oh Dib do you like ZADR?" ::normal voice:: and ::girly falsetto voice:: "DIIIB, will you sign my ZADR fic?" -_- Sheesh. I don't even know what it is. .....STOP THREATENING ME WITH THAT CHEESE GRATER! O_@

From nightprowler1990:
"weeeeeh, mwahahahahaha!! Dib I want you to magically pop out of this computer and help me beat up my x-b/f because I KNOW your sister and your better than the tird which we call...EVAN. whoo...needed to get that out of muh system! "
....tird? know Gaz? what'd she say about me? did she say I was the best brother in the universe? ^_^ Cause she knows I am. ^_^ umm, I don't beat up anyone. Gaz kinda does that. >_>;

From Angie:
"Do you like Tak?....I mean, do you love her?"
Wow....this is a really deep question. I don't think love is appropriate...she was kinda trying to destroy my species. But she was okay when she was nice. It's really hard to explain. I wanted to love her but I couldn't somehoww. It's all Zim's fault! arahghRRRrrhaghhghghh. I *Hate* Zim. ¬_¬ I guess if she wasn't evil I'd maybe. Have a crush. On Tak. ... yeah. ._.

From GotBenji666:
"hi dib, im a huge fan, will you go out with me?"
Errrr. ^_^; where are we going? does it involve the paranormal? ^_0....waitaminute, I don't even KNOW you!

From Great Sibuxiang:
Errrr...I usually don't let people rub my head. Especially for good luck. They usually don't think of me as a good luck charm. o_o;

From The Rhyming Man, the person formerly known as thighmaster: "Did you know that your name rhymes with bib and rib?",yes....I....did. Thank you. o_o;

From SquarePants75780:
"Dib, your head is big. But you're not the only one with a big head. Your sister Gaz has a big head. And your enemy Zim has a big head. Why are are almost everyones' head so big?"
..........MY. HEAD. IS. NOT. BIG. GAHAHRHARJHSJKGHJKAG. >_0 erm, yes. THEY all have big heads, but my head is perfectly normal. WHY DOES EVERYONE ALWAYS GO ON ABOUT MY BIG HEAD? .....
.....::covers mouth::
(from the background, we hear Gaz and Zim burst out laughing)
...I'm going to go bang my NORMAL head against a wall, thank you very much ::does so with enthusiasm::