Ask Tak

I'll get right to the point.

My name is Tak. You have clicked here to ask me your petty questions about your life. Or mine. Whichever. Or, if you like, you can interrogate me about Zim and his monstrously enormous EGO problem.

Go ahead. Waiting will do no good. e_e

Click here to ask me a question.

Questions You Have Asked:

From evilmonkey****:
"why are you pretending to be the real tak when i am the real tak i know you are lying because you never mentioned how you would love to kill zim so why should we believe you thank you ver ymuch!"
....I never described that because the webmistress suggested we keep this a child-friendly website, human.

From Dev:
"Hi ya Tak. Call me Dev. i'm 1/2 Irkwn and 1/2 human. I hate Zim with a passion. Would you ever team up with some one to kill Zim? Also Stay away from the Huamn Dib! He is mine! I have palns for that boy. Hymm Human Slaves are pretty usefull. Would you use a human as a slave? Oh and You are the coolest."
You have palns for him? What are palns? e_e I'd let you help me, but that would be uncomfortable. So. .....

From cutebabi15:
"do you listen to the radio and wut stations wuts youre favorite song?? =)"
........You are an idiot. Ha ha ha ha haha ha ha haha ha ha ha.

From Antmi1:
"So what ever happend to you when Zim pushed a button and you were flying in space and where did you crash-landed?" come everyone seems to know about this? It's not like I prefer to discuss my current state of being with all of you aliens, you know.

From j.p.mcavoy:
"1.If you do have a native language, why do you speak English all the time even when you told The Tallest your plan? Even the entire Great Assigning was spoken in English."
If *I* have a native language?! Aren't YOU Irken also, as you claim? .....and I'm afraid you won't be able to spy on me anymore, I had a new security system installed.......
"2.Why do you have an accent?"
.........What accent? o_ O
"3.Do you like burritoes?"
To make a long story short, Earth food sucks. Except for the barbecue sauce.
"4.How did you get past the gnome field without destroying them? Were they not working?"
Zim's "defenses" are inferior and therefore wouldn't be able to stop a fly. Not to mention Dib....but Dib's another story by himself ~_~
"5.You wouldn't have to sign up to take the test again if the control brain said you had to wait 70 years. You escaped because you just didn't want to wait that long."
How would YOU know? There are very strict laws on Devastis.
"6.If I'm annoying, I'm sorry."
Yes. You.....*are* sorry, aren't you?
"7.I'm Irken."
Good, I should be able to remove your eyeballs a lot easier.
"8.I...I love you, Tak."
........... =_=
"I am Invader Zoob."
.....that picture you sent me was drawn on a HUMAN computer, wasn't it?

From lindsay and hilary:
"1. How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?
2. How could you be so advanced that you're smarter and eviler than zim? Mimi is so smart.

1. ::slowly:: .....lots of wood. ....o_____0
2. Zim is, quite frankly, an arse. I actually GRADUATED from the Academy. Now he....he got away with "graduating" because he did favours for all the professors....>_@
3. I am not a HOOLIGAN! Go away. >_0

from dewy721:
"Dear Tak Do You Like Zim DO YOU HAVE A CRUSH On ZIM?"
NO!!!!! For your dear Lord's sake NOOO! I! DO! NOT! LIKE! ZIM!! GAHHHH.!!!! (insert angry emoticon)

From Angie:
"1. Do you and Dib have a thing for each other?"
"2. Why does the Irken Empire hate Zim so much?"
"3. If you could choose your Irken form from your human disguise as your permanent form, which would it be and why?"
"4. Are you in any way related to Almighty Tallest Purple?"
"5. What is the Irken spoken language like?"

1. Don't make me gag, human. Of course not. I am ONLY pretending to be "interested" so I can gather information. About things.... That's all you can know.
2.Simply put, he's annoying. And he destroyed HALF of our planet just trying to SHOW OFF.
3. Oh, definitely my Irken form. I hate my human form. Eeewwwww, I hate having to look like one of--...THEM. But the human form seems to, as the female humans in that magazine put it, what was that magazine again-? "Sixteen"? -- anyway, they talk about "making boys fall head over heels". My human form is more curvaceous than my Irken form, I'll give you that. Uuugh, makes me think about how the male race of this species are PRIMITIVE. Worse than Zim. Back on Irk they judge by not only body but intelligence.
4. Oh, I wish. The monies would come to me like "flies to honey". Yes, I *am* good at human expressions.
5. Ohhhhhhh. It's like sweet wonderful THINGS, not AT ALL like the CHOPPY, IGNORANT language of the HUMANS! ARGGGGGH. If I have to engage in conversation with DIB one more time it will have to be in MY OWN TONGUE.

From penny_monkey_face2351:
"Eeeeew your such a slut! u cant decide between zim and dib so u try to kill them both? and they both love u!" {extended gibberish about the subject}
Hmm. Excuse me, but I am NOT a slut, (chances are you need to review your dictionary once more) and I did not try to KILL them both. Although with Zim it would have been much more than pleasant. Zim is not in love with me, we held the same attitude towards each other AFTER he found that I was Irken, and as for Dib, I have yet to find out. And STOP calling me a slut! Honestly. The immaturity of these Earth weasels is beyond my imagination.

From Joyce B. Knight:

"First off I love the Character Tak, cuz she's the only intelligent Irken in the whole freaking Empire, also cuz she's british so that's just a plus anyway.... Does Tak appear in any other episodes besides " the hideous new girl"? i haven't seen all the Zim's and i thought that the Tak episode was the season finaly..."
I trust you mean "finale"? And yes, I am the most intelligent, congratulations on your correct theory...eheh.
And I know not of this "british" you speak of, but I am thinking it's one of the human cultures. ...and as for the appearing in the other episodes part, I don't know what you're talking about (with the "episodes" and all) but I found this website to be very helpful.
.....I AM NOT HIDEOUS! ::pouts::

From Shandi Wagner:
Just one question (cuz I'm reeeeeeaaaaaaly bored)
Why didn't you just wait 70 years to take the test again? Then you could have REALY kicked Zim's ass!"

Wouldn't you like to know. ::gets a sharp poke from Webmistress-chan::
.....Fine. I couldn't. I was immediately sent to that janitorial squad on DIRT ::shudders:: and so I couldn't really just sign up to take it again.
But I wanted to kick Zim's ass.
I wanted to. ::narrows eyes::

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