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Hexamethylenetetramine Dinitrate









Materials needed:

20ml of 70% Nitric Acid

15gm of hexamethylenetetramine

100ml of Acetone

Distilled water


Dissolve 15gm of hexamethylenetetramine into 100ml of distilled water. After is has dissolved cool it in the refrigerator for about 20 minutes. Also cool your 20ml of 70% Nitric Acid. Place the hexamethylenetetramine solution into your reaction vessel, place the reaction vessel into an ice bad, and slowly pour in your cooled Nitric acid while stirring the solution.

After all your Nitric has been added the crystals will appear within a second, quickly filter the crystals out with some cloth. I use a piece of cotton cloth so I can force all the water out by squeezing it.

Drop all your crystals from your cloth into the acetone and stir for awhile, filter out your crystals again and protect them from moisture. Dry your crystals under a hot lamp, it helps when you ‘cut’ and reposition your crystals every 10 min. It should be dry within one hour due to the acetone. Place the dry crystals into a zip-lock bag or something but don’t store to long, since it’s hygroscopic.




C6H12N4 + 2HNO3 à  C6H14N6O6



HDN crystals close up.

HDN crystals drying on a coffee filter.

HDN crystals in acetone right after filtering them.

HDN crystals in acetone right after filtering them close up.



-         Chemical structure, properties and analysis calculated by ChemDraw Ultra, CambridgeSoft Corporation.

-         Explosivstoffe, Rudolf Meyer, 5. überarbeitete und erweiterte Auflage, Verlag Chemie, 1979, Basel. Page 145-146

-         Chemie und Technologie der Explosivstoffe, Dr. Tadeusz Urbanski. Band II, Page 340.

-         The Chemistry of Explosives, Jacqueline Akhavan. Page 125