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The Bible Ov Xazril


1. Anno mundi nineteen ninety-six. My name, given to me by my own word, is Xazril. And I serve the Great Goddess ov Darkness.

2. Know also that I am known as Reshloth, Mezvil, Phoenix Heather, Dark Angel, Cenobite.

3. When I looked for good, then evil came unto me; and when I wished for light, there came darkness. So mote it be.

4. And so i made darknes my secret place. And I waited.

5. An Angel ov Light came to me and said "Thou lovest evil more than good. You are now mine enmemy." And I chased the Angel away by uttering dark words ov old.

6. Then came Satan and said "Thou lovest evil more than goo. I will give thee all your desires if you bow down and worship me."

7. And I said to Satan "I speak against thee."; and Satan shook with fear, for I had sharpened my tongue like a serpent's, and my word were like adder's poison.

8. I will fear no evil, for evil is in me and I am ov it. That which does not kill me makes me stronger.

9. And then came to me a Archangel ov Darkness, and her name was Lilith.

10. And she showed me an image saying "I will show unto thee thy origns."

11. I was took to a place ov Divine Darkness and I saw Evil Intelligence. And I remembered Vixsta and the test she placed upon the Dark Angels.

12. I knew that I was Xazril, for the spirit was born into me, as are the other Dark Angels in others. For the work was not yet complete and until it is the spirits ov the Dark Angels will continue to be reborn throughout the ages.

13. And I did see the Dissonance and I learned ov their names and powers.

14. I was shown the Dark Queen and the woman was clothed in the stars, Her skin was pale as snow and Her eyes were as black as a moonless night.

15. And the Archangel said go forth unto Her, and I saw She was drinking the blood ov Her martyrs from an ebony, onyx goblet.

16. It was filled with wonderments and evil ov Her work. and when I saw Her I fell to my knees and bathed in her glory with admiration.

17. I said to her "I remember my duties and I will not fail. For all nations have forgotten the balance."

18. And Thus I embraced the Archangel ov Evil into my soul and Jezenoch was born.


1. Anno mundi nineteen ninty-seven. And so it came to pass that the archangel ov Evil Intelligence came upon me and showed me what I must do, and where to search.

2. I saw that it would not be easy to carry out the duties she gave me, for I had forgotten much ov Dark magick which I knew once, for it was lost unto me during the transistion into this life.

3. so i set myself to task, learning mgick from the beginning. And i did also begin to search for the other Dark Angels but they were hidden to me.

4. I did seek counsellence with Haziel and she told me that it was not yet time for my reunion with the Dark Angels.

5. She did also say that I had to prepare properly before the reunion could commence; and in doin so I could inturn prepare the Dark Angels for the coming times which would come to pass.

6. And so I laboured towards darkness, slowly gathering ideas, information and I did associate myself with horror.

7. And the Darkness did cover me. I saw many wonderful things; death ov innocence, murder, rape, torture, whores and villians and I did laugh and lusted after them all.

8. But I knew ov the duties that preceeded me and I touched them not, for i knew when the work was complete there would be much time to enjoy them in close, and with the Anti-Eve.


1. Anno mundi nineteen ninety-eight. This is a return to darkness and I am ready.

2.I prayed to the Dark goddess to watch over me and to protect me from those who would see me destroyed. and I made a shrine to Her and I prayed.

3. I began the words ov darkness by works ov darkness and i asked Her for a sign ov when to search for the Dark Angels.

4. during the final nights ov the Grassmoon She gave to me the sign, appearing in the night sky as a star that shone brighter than a full moon.

5. And I offered Her a blood-token ov my loyalty.

6. And I did cut my right arm eight times; and I felt Jezenoch increase her presence within me.

7. As my blood flowed I vowed yo Her to eschew good, and do evil; to walk the path ov darkness and call Jezebel my sister.

8. And i knew that it was to be my destiny, as it has always been and always will be. Hail to the Dark Queen! Hail to Her!.


1. I Xazril, who embraced the Archangel ov Evil into my soul, take not good with the evil but cast it out so I am set against it.

2. I look upon the Great Goddess ov Darkness with love, and hate those who would seek to destroy Her.

3. Know that I wait for the Anti-Eve, who will be my bride. It is destined that I will meet her. For my soul and hers have known each other in yime past and they will be reunited. As it is written, so shall it be.

4. I have begun to exhalt myself with the dark arts to bring myself closer to the Archangel Rachael, and to consort with demons to learn ov their nature.

5. I say woe unto her who has fear in her heart and beliveth not ov the magick in which she performs.

6. For the weakness shall be her fall and death will consume her;for many deceive themselves and they fall.

7. And those who blaspheme against the Great Goddess ov Darkness will be shut out ov Her honour.

8. Woe unto her that have lost patience;what will ye do when She cometh not?

9. the power ov the Dark Goddess is great and if a woman commit herself to Her she will inherit Her.

10. Hail to the Dark Goddess, hail to Her.


1. The Dark Council will reformeth and The Coven ov the Ancient Dragons will follow. As it is written, so shall it be done.

2. She who respects the Dark goddess will do good;and she that hath the knowledge ov magick shall obtain Her.

3. But the foolish woman shall not obtain Her and Lilith will not see her;so I say fear and depart not from evil, for good will pass away.

4. Love thy pleasure while you still retain it;for if not it shall be lost unto you and you will moarn its loss.

5. I see in darkness a wisdom that excelleth good;and it seem great unto me.

6. There shall be no evil happen to her that feareth the Dark Goddess.

7. Remember that she who follows the path ov Satan with truth in her heart must repent; lest she invokes the wrath ov the Dark Angels.

8. For she to say Satan is my master and believeth in her heart it to be true is weak and foolish ov mind.

9. Submit yourself therefore to the Dark Goddess.

10. And be not forgetful to entertain strangers; fot thereby some have entertained Angels ov Darkness unaware.

11. Let her avoid good and do evil. Let her speak with a poisoned tongue against good.

12. And the Dark Goddess will be glorified within her.


1. I thank thee Lilith, O'Archangel ov Evil, I do praise thy name. For thou art my defender and helper, and thou hast preserved me from destruction.

2. I have sought to do after you, and I followed that which is evil; I hath embraced Her, and I was exact.

3. The Great Goddess ov Darkness is our saviour and my destiny will be fullfilled in the name ov Her.

4. And their shall be a reckoning 'twixt Satan and I, and he will ruin; and those who would do unto after him shall be destroyed.

5. And I shall ascend with the Archangels ov Darkness, as so shall the Anti-Eve.

6. And Jezebel, who is the Archangel ov Prophecy, came unto me when I meditated and showed me ov things that are to come to pass in this world.


1. Remember this. She has two faces - negative and positive that need to maintain balance.

2. Humankind has struggled to destroy the negative and it is always met with failure. One cannot exsist without the other.

3. Know that the positive came from the negative; chaos and evil are the first, and that goodness is a mutation ov this. But a mutation born in the need ov balance.

4. Therefore say not why there is evil? But rarther Whence did good come from?

5. Say not banish evil, for no triumph will come ov this. Ask why the good seek dominion over all ov us?

6. There will be a war in the Abyss and all attempts to destroy Her will be futile.

7. Her day and hour will soon arrive. The Phoenix, true bird ov the sun, gives its wings to Her aid.

8. And the whole Earth shall come to help Her against Her destroyers.

9. The Great Goddess ov Darkness will be pleased when you give devotion to Her, and in return she will reward you with wisdom and ancient power.

10. She will accept sacrifices greatly and without judgement.

11. Fear no-one, for who has power over the Dark Goddess. They are fools to think otherwise.


1. The word ov Haziel did come upon me and spoke "Here I do decree to thee thy Dark Commandments."

2. And I listened with intent as she spoke and wrote as directedby the Archangel all that she said.

3. And here I say follow the Dark Commandments and the Dark Queen shall be glorified within you.

4. Thou shall forsake the Christ-God and all ov the associated work.

5. Thou shall cast out Satanism whereever thee see it.

6. Thou give devotion to the Great Goddess ov Darkness in one or the other ov Her many forms.

7. Observe the eight seasonal events and make time on each eighth day ov every month to pray deeply to Her.

8. Thou shall not be shamefull ov your actions.

9. Thou shall cherish the innocent until the time you feel the need to corrupt them for your own purpose.

10. Thou shall marry the one who has the Special Dark for you; and that yours is equal to or greater than theirs.

11. Thou shall not submit to thou enemie's authority.

12. Exalt yourself further in the ways ov the dark arts.


1. Know that mine enemy is the entity who calls herself the Virgin Mary, she who spreads false truths in order to win the war, will no longer be tolerated.

2. Remember that a lie is most convincingly hidden between two truths.

3. I will fight her with the aid ov The Dissonance and together we will end her.

4. The war will come and you must prepare yourselves. There will be enimies on all sides and each will shout, so be strong in heart and mind.

5. Stand with the Dark Goddess. Even if only one stands with you or you stand completely alone.

6. The Divine Darkness will prevail and we shall see the return ov balance.

7. It is important that you learn the dark arts ov magick, so when the war comes thy will defeat the armies ov Light.

8. There will be a council ov darkness that will serve this purpose. A foundation that will be used to promote and strengthen the exsistance ov evil.

9. Embrace evil for in goodness is not all truth. Foolish are the ones who say woe unto evil.

10. She who is wicked and says I am evil; let her prove the evil she claims.

11. For she is lying if she refuses. Let her be whipped upon her bare back till it runs thick with her red water ov life.

12. She who proves her evil be given praise; and let her be welcome in the Coven Ov Ancient Dragons.

13. And let her drink the cold blood ov the Great Goddess ov Darkness.


1. Anno mundi nineteen ninety-nine. Balance is Evil and Good combined together in equal measure. Goodness is simply a lack ov evil therefore incomplete and wrong.

2. The Dissonance are entities ov Evil, therefore goodness came out ov evil creating unbalance.

3. Moral evil is an emotive state ov mind. When people carry out an act ov moral evil they are simply being true to themselves.

4. To not carry out their moral evil is to go against themselves; thus the emotion ov guilt arises causing unecessary stress upon the mind.

5. She who is more intune to her inner evil and acts out her evil without fear or guilt will gain a new perspective ov reality, and a closer understanding ov The Dissonance.

6. Easy it is to be good for there is no consequence which ultimately results to the ignorance ov evil.

7. She who carries out her evil without fear uses the power ov her inner evil to overcome the ignorance thats results from being good.

8. The Dissonance are the true living forces ov evil which can be accessed once you are tuned into your inner evil.


1. I trust your evil ways O'Dark Goddess. I kneel before you, I am humble before you.

2. Let the decadance ov this world fall away and fade, leaving me to devour my remaining goodness and emotion.

3. As one dead I will rise from the ashes ov my oast and usher in a path ov true evil, and pave my steps with the blood ov the innocent and corrupt.

4. Follow the beacon I leave. Return the balance as it should be. Destroy the Light, and then destroy me.

5. And thus, like the Phoenix, I shall rise as the darkly dragon ov my forgotten past.

6. And I shall lead all the people to you.

7. O'Dark Goddess, to you I worship and give loyalty.

8. I, Xazril, hath giveth thee my sworn blood oath.

9. With the magick staff I made to cast ye circle ov protection I meditate ov my duties and envision your return.

10. And to Vixsta who beckons from the invisible I say this 'I WILL RAPE YOUR SOUL LIKE YOUR VIRGINITY. YOUR DYING BODY WILL BE MINE TO USE'.

11. For it is my quest to see her die.


1.Anno mundi two thousand. Know that before Christom the Old Ones were worshipped and magick thrived. Then came Christom and the Old Ones faded from us because we were made to forget the old ways and magick was lost to us.

2. Now all things move in a circle and now the Old Ones are returning and it will be the Christ-God's turn to fade to nothing.

3. For the Old Ones will be new to us and changed, but they are the Old Ones still. And magick will thrive once again, and forever more.

4. Sayest thou are a witch and be proud. Follow the path ov The Raven and destroy the way ov The Fish.

5. I have sought evil, and not good. I will taste the blood and The Raven shall come unto me. I shall chant to the sounds ov chaos and bring violence upon the land.

6. For their is no salvation for the account ov human lives, only damnation exsists within the creatrix.

7. What evil can be saved when it is eaten upon its entrance.

8. Those who belive in the salvation ov The fish are ignorant ov the truth. And those who curse The Raven know not the lies and deception.

9. They are as slaves to the lies and blind to the truth outside their narrow perception.

10. When the evil city comes their souls will be consumed by the glory ov The Raven; and there shall be no mercy for them and no forgiveness.


1. Understand these dark sayings and drink the blood while it is fresh and keep from good.

2. Listen, ye Children ov Lilith, to the instructions ov the Dark Angels and attend to know understanding. For They give good advice. Forsake not our blood.

3. Explore all wickedness and know them well.

4. Make keep with evil women and lust after their beauty. If you are strong you will know their poison but if you be weak you will be burned by their poison.

5. Drink deep from the mouths ov strange women and know their souls.

6. Reward evil as you reward yourself and you shall be rich.

7. The words ov the evil are written in the blood ov those who are sacrificed and their books are bound in their flesh.

8. Repent good and thy shall be exalted above it to the heights and depths ov evil.

9. Remember that time is not imprtant, only the moment.

10. Make friendship with furious women and learn their desires.

11. Seduce her and you will have her soul to command. Deliver her from good then devour her flesh.

12. Children ov Lilith, when your evil work is done let it go. In this way it can continue without you.

13. Hail The Great Goddess ov Darkness. Hail to Her.

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