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Gothic / Wiccan Backgrounds

Please feel free to use what ever you like.
I chose to put Gothic and Wiccan Backgrounds together because on some of these it was very hard to judge what was Goth and what was Witch. If you don't see what you want here try the Misc Backgrounds Page it has 56 more backgrounds that fit more that one catagory.
Click on the thumb nail to see the background.

College is out and I am back on E-bay!!
Here is a link to My E-bay Store
Check It Out

About me
I have been a Practicing Solitary Electic Witch
with strong Celtic influences for 12 years.
I hand-make most of my Candles, Herbal Mixes, Plaques,
Wands, Runes, and most of everything else that I can.
I cleanse and charge ALL items in Circle.

I have a blend of items from most Pagan beliefs, Including
Wiccan, Nordic, Egyptian, Celtic, Native American,
Gothic, Vampiric, and More.

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