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Here is where all of the technical information is kept. The correspondences help to make all
of your efforts more successful, by giving it an added touch. Included, as of yet are Numbers,
Candle Colours, Stones & Gems, Auras, and Metals. When I find more, I will post them.

[1] singlemindedness, individuality, wellness
[2] duality, balance, harmony, agreement
[3] trinity (divine and human), persistence, strength
[4] foundations, attainment, purpose
[5] magick, flexibility, psychic gifts
[6] tenacity, protection, fulfillment
[7] diversity, intuition, foresight
[8] leadership, changes, increasing energy
[9] kindness, charity, truth and justice

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Candle Colours
RED health, energy, strength, sexual potentcy, courage, willpower
PINK love, affection, romance, awakening, healing, togetherness
YELLOW intellect, imagination, mind power, creativity, confidence,
gentle persuasion, action, attraction, concentration,
inspiration, sudden changes
ORANGE encouragement, adaptability, stimulation, attraction, sudden
changes, control, power, change luck
GREEN abundance, fertility, fortune, generosity, success, renewal
BLUE truth, inspiration, wisdom, power, protection, understanding,
health, harmony, patience
PURPLE success, idealism, psychism, progress, honor, divination
BROWN finances, influence, concentration, balance, intuition,
BLACK reversing, binding, discord, protection, releasing
WHITE purity, truth, sincerity, higher power, wholeness
MAGENTA has a very high vibrational frequency that works fast, so usually
burned with other candle colours
INDIGO meditation, neutralizing, balance karma
GOLD fortune, intuition, understanding, fast luck , divination
SILVER victory, stability, meditation, psychism

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Stones & Gems
AGATE:banded protection
AGATE:black protection
AGATE:blue lace peace, happiness
AGATE:brown success, victory, wealth
AGATE:green health
AGATE:moss energy, healing
AGATE:red healing, calming
ADVENTURINE mental powers, gambling
AMAZONITE gambling, success
AMBER luck, healing, strength, protection, beauty, love
AMETHYST peace, psychism, love
AQUAMARINE psychism, peace, purification
BERYL psychism, healing, love, energy
BLOODSTONE healing, victory, courage, halting bleeding, wealth,
legal matters, strength
CALCITE:clear spirituality, meditation
CALCITE:pink centering, grounding, calming, love
CALCITE:blue healing, purification
CALCITE:green money-drawing, prosperity
CALCITE:orange protection, peace, healing, sexual energy
CARNELIAN protection, peace, healing, sexual energy
CHRYSOPRASE happiness, friendship, luck, protection, healing
CITRINE anti-nightmare, psychism, protection
DIAMOND spirituality, protection, courage, peace, healing
EMERALD love, money, mental powers, psychism, exorcism,
FLUORITE mental powers, psychism
GARNET healing, protection, strength
HEMATITE healing, grounding, divination
JADE love, healing, longevity, wisdom, protection
JASPER:red protection, healing
JASPER:green healing, sleep
JASPER:brown centering, grounding
JET protection, anti-nightmare, luck, divination,
KUNZITE relaxation, peace, grounding
LAPIS LAZULI healing, joy, love, fidelity, psychism, protection
LAVA protection
LEPIDOLITE peace, spirituality, luck, protection,
MALACHITE power, protection, love, peace, business success
MOONSTONE love, psychism, divination, sleep, gardening,
OBSIDIAN protection, grounding, divination, peace
ONYX protection, defensive magick
OPAL astral projection, psychism, beauty, money,
luck, power
PEARL love, money, protection, luck
PERIDOT protection, health, wealth, sleep
QUARTZ:crystal protection, healing, psychism, power
QUARTZ:rose peace, happiness, fidelity, love
RHODOCROSITE energy, peace, love
RUBY wealth, protection, power, joy
SAPPHIRE psychism, love, peace, meditation, defensive
magick, healing
SODALITE healing, meditation, wisdom, peace
SPINEL energy, money
SUGALITE psychism, spirituality, healing, wisdom
SUNSTONE protection, energy, health, sexual energy
TIGER'S EYE money, courage, protection, energy, luck,
TOPAZ protection, weight loss, healing, money, love
TOURMALINE:pink love, friendship
TOURMALINE:red energy, protection, courage
TOURMALINE:green money, success in business, creativity
TOURMALINE:blue stress relief, peace, sleep
TOURMALINE:black grounding, protective
balance of male & female energy, love attracting
TURQUOISE protection, courage, money, love, friendship,
healing, luck
ZIRCON,brown grounding, centering, money
ZIRCON,yellow sexual energy, love, mental awareness
ZIRCON,clear protection, mental awareness
ZIRCON,orange beauty, safe travel, safe home
ZIRCON,red Wealth, protection, healing
ZIRCON,green money, prosperity

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Aura Colours
RED Red represents sexuality. It's highly charged and suggests strong emotions and passions. A murky brown tint to it suggests a dangerous individual, very violent or psychotic.
ORANGE Orange represents mental stability and clear thinking. Psychologists and philosophers often have this aura. A murky orange indicates insanity and nonviolent emotional instability.
PEACH Peach is the color of anxiety. Actors who have stage fright will have peach auras, as will anyone experiencing a lot of stress.
YELLOW Yellow suggests logic and intelligence. When teachers are teaching, for example, their auras go yellow. Murkiness can indicate dishonest or illogical behavior.
GREEN Green typically surrounds a healer or a lover of nature. A murky green indicates jealousy or envy.
BLUE Blue is the color of communication and peace. (A dark blue, seen just above the head, indicates depression.) Murky blue, on the other hand, is the color of troublemakers.
TURQUOISE A turquoise aura surrounds someone who is just not happy with his or her life. It is often a precursor to a deeper depression.
PURPLE Purple is the aura of spirituality. If it's lavender, it's more spiritual; if it's darker, it's more religious. A murky purple aura suggests someone who is fanatical.
PINK Pink surrounds someone who has just fallen in love, as well as a mother-to-be. Lovers and pregnant women glow pink all over.
BLACK A black aura indicates an evil person. Stay away from this person at all costs.
WHITE White surrounds someone who is completely connected with the Creator(s) and is a high teacher.

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ALUMINUM Mental abilities, travel, image magick
BRASS Healing, protection, money
COPPER Energy direction, healing, love, protection, luck, money
GOLD Power, healing, wisdom, protection, money, success
IRON Protection, defensive magick, strength, healing
LEAD Divination, protection, defensive magick
LODESTONE Power, healing, attraction, friendship, love, fidelity,
protection, business
PYRITE Money, luck, divination
SILVER Love, psychism, dreams, peace, protection, travel
STEEL Protection, anti-nightmare, healing
TIN Divination, luck, money

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