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Last Updated: Friday January 16, 2004 3:04 AM

Guess Who's Back?

That's right, it's me, Sexy Government! I'm back and I'm better than ever, baby! I know it's been almost a year since I closed the brothel. I'm so sorry it took me so long to get my personal effects in order. Everything's going well now, my life is great! I just got engaged to a wonderful man (we're planning to marry on Valentine's day, of course!), I just found out that I'm pregnant (with the RIGHT man's child this time) and I have actually found myself able to commit to a monogamous relationship. In other words, my days as a patriotic prostitute are, sadly, over!

That does not mean, however, that I cannot continue to be the Madame of this particular Online Brothel! I shall continue to oversee my sweet ladies, those Patriotic Prostitutes and Government Gigolos! For they are, and always shall be, my brethren.

Please return once again to this webpage shortly for more updates, lots of new stuff, and a totally new attitude from your revamped webMistress!

Cynthia Brown
(Sexy Government)

Home | Inner Cynner | Eroticambrosia | Diary Dram-o-rama | Amorous Amalot | Treasure Trove | Pleasure Palace | Contact Me

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Brothel Employee of the Month for January, 2003:
Cynthia Brown

Hello, and welcome to Sexy Government's Online Brothel! I will be your Madam for this evening, Sexy Government. Please, sit down, relax, and take a look around at all the sexy government employees with whom you could associate this evening. You won't regret it, I assure you!

Inside Sexy Government

Pictures of myself, as well as some information about me!


THE SOURCE for all your erotic needs, wants, and must haves!

Sexy Government's Diary Dram-o-rama

My diary! All the hot, sexy details of my soap opera like life are right there for you--in writing, from my point of view!

Amorous Amalot

The humor section of my brothel. Not only does it contain the Amalot Collections, but also other forms of erotic humor. Why not relieve yourself of all that sexual tension ... with a nice round of laughter? Or at least a few snide, yet sarcastic, comments. Whatever.

Treasure Trove

Looking for love, or just for a little booty call? You'll find both here, in this treasure trove of young, beautiful government brothel employees! And you can even place your own personal ad ... in order to attract the attention of all those hot young patriotic prostitutes!

The Pleasure Palace

Go hang out in the pleasure palace, my website's messageboard, and make yourself at home!

Contact Me

This is where you can tell Sexy Government how much you love her--or hate her!! Also, submit your work to Eroticambrosia or Amorous Amalot, or your information to become a Brothel Employee!

Home | Inner Cynner | Eroticambrosia | Diary Dram-o-rama | Amorous Amalot | Treasure Trove | Pleasure Palace | Contact Me
